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1、THE PREFECT COPY -by Laura张家港常青藤实验中学 李彬 Do you think human beings should be cloned? Work in pairs with your partner and discuss the questions below. Discussion:1. Do you think governments should pass laws to make human cloning legal or illegal? Why or why not?2. If you had a cloned brother or sister

2、 who looked exactly like you, how would you feel?What would the cloned baby call the original cell owner, mother/father or sister/brother? Frankenstein by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley Frankenstein is a scientist. He creats a monster by experiment. The monster was kind, and ready to help others. But h

3、e is not accepted by the society just because of his ugly appearance. People around him refuse his kind offer and turn him down. Some even drive him away. He is eager to get love and happiness, but unfortunately what he gets is merciless chasing. He asks Frankenstein, the scientist to create a monst

4、er like himself so he can have a company, but again he was refused. In all his life he lives a miserable life. At last he cannot bear all these. He chooses to avenge humans. At last he dies together with his creator, Frankenstein. ReadingAnti-cloning.Now listen to the tape and answer the following q

5、uestions.1. Does the article give an anti-or pro-cloning point of view, or both? 2.What was the name of the first cloned mammal? 3.Is Pauline Carter pro-or anti-cloning?BothDolly Read fast and decide T or F.1. People all over the world are happy about the idea of cloning human beings. 2. Dolly, the

6、first cloned mammal, is exactly the same as other sheep. 3. According to the article, the scientist who created Dolly does not agree with cloning human beings.F F T4. Cloning can be used to cure diseases because it can produce new tissues and organs.5. Colin Jake is against cloning humans, just like

7、 Pauline Carter.6. Cloning human beings is illegal in many countries, so no scientists want to clone human beings.F F TFind the reasons why people are pro-or anti-cloning in the article and letters and write them down. Pro-cloningAnti-cloningproduce valuable tissues and organs that could be used to

8、save human livesmay produce a real-life Frankensteins monsterPro-cloningAnti-cloningcure diseases like cancer help those who are unable to have childrenhelp those who want to clone their dead childrencreate more diseases in the animal worldcloning shows no respect for human lifehuman life would no l

9、onger be uniquePro-cloningAnti-cloningwe should be having fewer babies in order to reduce Earths population, not cloning moreLanguage points 1. On the other hand, many people, including some scientists, disagree and fear that if mankind interferes with nature in this way, they would be on their way

10、to producing a real-life Frankensteins monster.另一方面, 包括一些科学家在内的很多人则 持不同意见, 他们担心如果人们用这种方式干 涉自然, 那就可能离制造出一个现实生活中的弗兰肯斯坦怪物不远了。on (the) one hand, on the other hand 一 方面,另一方面 如: On the one hand, rapid development of the economy will improve the living conditions of the people. On the other hand it will sp

11、eed up environmental destruction. 一方面经济的迅速发展会改善人们的生活 状况, 另一方面它会加速环境的破坏。fear vt. N 1. She has always feared mice. 2. Dont fear to tell the truth. 3. I fear (that) it wont do much good. 4. Shut the window for fear of the rain. 5. Shut the window for fear that it may rain. 6.I shut my eyes in fear.恐惧,害

12、怕恐怕,担心由于怕,以防惊恐地On the way eg.1. on the way homeon the way to school2. He is on the way to success.3. Christmas is on the way; we are in October now. 4.He is on his way to becoming a famous singer.在的路上正在走向1.on the/ones way to 2.in the /ones way 挡道 3.by the way 4.under way 在进行中 5.make ones way (to) 向走

13、去 6.(There is )no way表示时间”临近”的短语: be approaching be coming be on the way be around the corner be at hand2. some scientists are now considering cloning human beings1。consider (doing) sth.consider +疑问词+to do sth考虑2。 consider sb./sth. (to be)/as. : think of. as./think .+to be +adj./n.认为我认为他是一个诚实的男孩.I c

14、onsider him (to be ) honest/as an honest boy我认为在这儿和你在一起是很荣幸的I consider it honourable to be here with you他们认为在将来的某一天克隆人类是个好主意They consider that it would be a good idea to clone humans some day.我正在考虑出国I am considering going abroad.一切都考虑了,你应该把它投入使用. All things considered, you should put it into use.He

15、is considering how to deal with the old books.他正在考虑怎样处理这些旧书n. consideration在你执行这个计划之前,你应该考虑一切 Before you carry out the plan, you should take everything into consideration.adj. considerable : 你所说的值得考虑What you said is considerableadj. considerate :体贴的,考虑周到的4.Even though this use of cloning is causing

16、a lot of anxiety, it is good news for 尽管克隆的这种用途引发了人们的 很多忧虑,但对于是个好消息 even though=even if 即使;引导让步状语从句Eg.即使他犯了错误,你也应该原谅他Even though he has made a mistake, you should forgive him.anxiety : n.to be excited and also worried at the same time 忧虑, 焦急, 渴望, 热望 He was waiting for his brothers return with anxiety. Her mothers anxiety was apparent to everyone. anxiet



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