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1、 议论文也就是说理性的文章, 通常由论点、论据、论 证过程和结论组成。为了突出写作目的, 作者常在文章开头就提出论点, 以便读者对作者观点有一个比较清晰的了解。提出论点之 后, 作者就会提供论据来论证论点是否正确。作者可以用 来论证的方法较多, 最为常见的方法是正反论证, 这样的论 证思路清晰, 观点明确, 说服力强, 震憾度高。论证结束之 后, 作者常就论点是否正确提出明确结论, 它体现作者的写 作目的和文章的现实意义。也就是说, 议论文一般会按提 出问题、分析问题、解决问题的逻辑顺序来安排层次。阅读议论文我们要抓住论题、抓住作者提出的观点、给出的例证及最后得出的结论。抓住了 论题、抓住了观

2、点, 我们就把握了中心,再结合作为 论据的诸多事例和理由之间以及它们和观点/结论 之间的内在联系, 我们就能理解文章的结构。因此, 阅读议论文的关键是:抓论题、抓观点。而作者 提出论题或观点多在文首或文尾, 段首或段尾, 这些都是阅读的重点部分。(1)短文略, 见资料书P9192A. succeed without effort and hard work B. encourage people around to become confident C. appear more attractive and thus become successful D. gain the confiden

3、ce of others and feel successful1. Those who are truly confident _.1.B细节理解题。由第一段第3句“inspire confidence in others”可知。A. praise B. imitate C. talk toD. laugh at2. The underlined word “mock”(Para.2)is closest in meaning to _.2. D词义猜测题。通过“even if”所引导从句 的语气和下文 “criticize”, 可推知“即使他人 嘲笑和批评你, 也要坚持做你认为是对的事 情

4、。” “mock”的意思是“嘲笑”。A. praise them in return B. gain further improvement C. politely accept the compliments D. expect them to congratulate you again3. When others congratulate us on our achievements, we are supposed to _.3. C细节理解题。由第五段第4、5句(即引 号内的句子)可知。A. Look before your leap. B. It is no use crying

5、over spilt milk. C. Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. D. Learn from past mistakes and avoid future ones. 4. Which of the following proverbs best goes with Paragraph 4?4. D推理判断题。由第四段第3句可知。A选项意 思是“三思而行”; B选项意思是“覆水难收”; C选项 意思是“天才是1%的灵感和99%的努力”。 A. tell people how to become successful B. co

6、nvince people to do what they believe to be right C. encourage people to build confidence and achieve success D. criticize people who lack confidence and thus fail in their career5. The purpose of the text is to _ .5. C主旨大意题。A选项不全面, 忽略了“confidence”与 “success”的关系; B选项过于片面, 只涉及第三段的内容, D选项没有把握文章的中心大意和作

7、者的写作意图, 作者 并没有批判缺乏自信的人。A. he will be highly respected B. he will get money as a prize C. it can arouse his belief in his ability D. it can bring them to important positions(2)短文略, 见资料书P926. Saying “well done” to a working employee can improve his morale because _.6. C细节理解题。从文章第三段“their confidence in

8、creases and.”可以知道。被老板欣赏能激发他们的自 信。A. blaming B. suspecting C. taking care of D. keeping track of7. The underlined words “swearing at”(in Para. 4)probably means _ .7. A词义猜测题。从后文的“be effective in the completion of the work”和“employees are humans who should be respected”可以推测出是责备或咒骂 员工。A. ask employees t

9、o speak properly in public B. ask employees to give their opinions in secret C. ask employers to collect views on new policies D. ask employers open accesses to communication8. Paragraph 5 tells us that a way to improve employees morale is to _.8. D细节推理题。从“This is because there is not proper communi

10、cation between the employees and the employer on a regular basis.”可以推断出只有 定期地开通沟通平台才能解决该问题。9. Which of the following shows the organization of the passage?9. C文章结构题。从全文来看,第一段提出主题, 第二段说 明原因, 第三、四、五段并列提出三点建议, 第六段总结。A. reasons of companies low morale B. ways of improving companies morale C. the importa

11、nce of morale for companies D. methods of improving companies productivity10. What is the main idea of the passage?10. B全文主旨题。从全文可以推断出来。productivity生产效率 unrest 不安 workload工作量 appreciation欣赏,感激 monetary钱的 depressed沮丧的 respect尊重 on a regular basis经常地【助读词汇】A. By pushing himself very hard. B. By turning

12、 to others for help. C. By changing his method. D. By learning from others experience. (3)短文略,见资料书P9394 11. How did the author achieve the social skill finally?11. C细节推断题。根据文章第二段的第一句I follow the saying: “If something doesnt work, do the opposite”可知。A. read more books and watch videos B. travel all a

13、round the world C. communicate with many other people D. study more theoretical methods12. The best way to gain experience in different situations is to _.12. C细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句No. You experiment with tons of people可知, 同义转换。A. People are afraid to have mental communication with others. B. People lack

14、the initiative to make friends. C. People dont have the ambition to be successful. D. People usually lack the ability to lead others. 13. What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 3 mean?13. A句意理解题。由第三段的第二句Everyone is afraid of everyone可知。A. if one wants to succeed, he has to take actions B. th

15、ose successful people usually own leaders traits C. if we work hard, we can get the chances easier D. it is difficult for one to change ones mentality 14. The author may agree with the following statement EXCEPT that _.14. D推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的第五句And what is great about this is that its not hard to shift

16、mentality可知。 A. introduce the authors experience of becoming successful B. encourage people to take action to realize their dreams C. talk about the characteristics a leader should own D. describe why some people can succeed and become rich15. The main purpose of this passage is to _.15. B主旨大意题。根据全文, 尤其是最后一段的 第一句可知。People are so much based on first impression that its unde



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