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1、初中英语辅导网 http:/京翰教育 http:/九年义务教育八年级下册英语综合训练(一)注意事项:注意事项:1 试卷分 I 卷(1-8 页)和 II 卷(9-12) ,考试时间 90 分钟, 共 120 分。2 请在 II 卷上填写姓名,考号及班级。3 请将 I 卷的答案选项填写在 II 卷的答题卷中,II 卷的答案直接写在卷上, 考试结束直接交 II 卷。第第 I I 卷(共卷(共 6060 小题,小题, 计计 7070 分)分)一一 听力试题。听力试题。 (共(共 2525 小题,小题, 计计 3030 分)分)请你先在题中选出答案, 听力测试结束后再将答案写在答题卷中(一)看图听句子,

2、 选择与画面内容意思一致的选项, 每组句子听一遍。1 (A B C )2 ( A B C ) 3 ( A B C ) 4 ( A B C )(二) 听句子, 选择正确答语, 每个句子听两遍。5. A. Yes, not much. B. No, he hasnt C. Yes, I have. 6. A. I study by using it. B. Im feeling bored C. I like English very much 7. A. Two years ago. B. Since last year C. In two years8. A. For ten years. B

3、 Very beautiful C.Ten years ago9. A. Yes, I did. B. I ride a bike. C.I remember.10. A. No, not at all B. Thank you. C. over there(三) 听五组小对话及对话后的问题, 选择正确答案,每组对话听两遍11. A. She went to the science museum ten years ago.B. She went to the science museum in Beijing.C. She has been to the science museum onc

4、e.12. A. Because English is very easy. B. Because English is too hard.初中英语辅导网 http:/京翰教育 http:/C. Because English is boring.13. A. London B. Paris C. Canada14. A. Because she doesnt like students.B. Because students dont concentrate on their study when they get together.C. The children may become ba

5、d.15. A. He wants to have a chance in the supermarket.B. He wants to volunteer in the hospital.C. He wants to work in the restaurant.(四) 听一段长对话, 选择能回答问题的正确答案。 对话听两遍。16. What is the most important thing, when you pratice your spoken English?A. The most English words. B. The pronunciation.C. To believ

6、e yourself.17. Is it very bad when we speak wrong English?A. No, never mind. B. Yes.C. I dont know18. Do the others laugh at you when you make mistakes?A. Yes, I think so.B. It doesnt matter.C. No, instead they will encourage you.19. When we learn English _ .A. we worry about our pronunciation.B. we

7、 should be always active in practice.C. we should be as good as the native speakers.20. If you are brave enough _ .A. You will be a brave person.B. You will be good enough.C. You will make great progress in your spoken English.初中英语辅导网 http:/京翰教育 http:/(五) 听短文, 将短文补充完整。短文听两遍。Welcome to the wonderful

8、museum. This month we are 21. _ a special show about machines from different countries. You can find the ways machines were used to help people 22. _ years ago. How did the Germans make 23. _ cars? How did the grandfathers in 24. _ use their farming tools? When did the Americans try to make their 25

9、. _?And when did the Spanish make comfortable shoes in their factories? You will find the answers.二二 选择填空。选择填空。 (共(共 1515 小题,小题, 计计 1515 分)分)从每小题 A, B, C, D 中选出一个能填入句中空白处的 最佳答案。26. - _ have you _ a student?_ For eight years.A. When, become B. How often, beenA. How long, become D. How long, been27. _

10、 Ive never seen the film._ Me, _ .A too B. neither C. have D. so28. Did you _ English?A. used to like B. use to likingC. use to like D. liked29. I dont know _ to deal with the problem?A. what B. how C. if D. that30. They will have no trouble _ their life.A. changeing B.to change C. change D. changin

11、g初中英语辅导网 http:/京翰教育 http:/31. You can _ if you dont know the meaning of the word.A. look up the dictionary B. look up it in adictionaryC. look it up in a dictionary D look for it in a dictionary32.Over three quarters of the population in the world _ Chinese.A. is B. are C. have D. has33. _ you ever_

12、with her parents?A.Do, argue B. Have, arguedC. Did, argue D. Have, argue34. He likes sports such as _ .A. swim B. singing C. swimming Ddrawing35. I _ what I want to do after school.- When _ you _ it?A. have decided, did, decide B.decided, did, decideC. have decided, have, decided D. decide, do decide36. Everything is _ when spring comes.A. wake B. asleep C. awake D. waking up37. Wheres Tom?- He _ the library.A. went to B. has been toC. will go D. has gone to38. Shes an adult, so she can finish the work _ .A. easily


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