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1、 课题课题LessonLesson 1616 HowHow DoDo youyou gogo toto school?school?课型课型新授课新授课课时课时1知识目标知识目标学生能够掌握(听说读写)和运用四会单词学生能够掌握(听说读写)和运用四会单词 bus;bus;句子句子 HowHow dodo youyou gogo toto school?school? ByBy _._.能力目标能力目标通过学习本课,能运用英语简单介绍自己的信息,并能与他人进行沟通与交通过学习本课,能运用英语简单介绍自己的信息,并能与他人进行沟通与交流,通过这个话题的学习和语言训练,能灵活运用在日常口语交际中。流

2、,通过这个话题的学习和语言训练,能灵活运用在日常口语交际中。教教 学学 目目 标标情感目标情感目标为学生提供真实的语言环境,鼓励学生大胆的说,培养学生自我表达和与他为学生提供真实的语言环境,鼓励学生大胆的说,培养学生自我表达和与他人沟通的能力。人沟通的能力。 重点重点能听懂和运用四会单词能听懂和运用四会单词 busbus 和其他交通工具;句子和其他交通工具;句子 HowHow dodo youyou gogo toto school?school? ByBy _._. 难点难点在本课中如何用英语介绍自己的信息并能与他人交流,在表达的过程中做到句子流畅、在本课中如何用英语介绍自己的信息并能与他人

3、交流,在表达的过程中做到句子流畅、发音标准,表达的清楚准确。发音标准,表达的清楚准确。 教具教具CAICAI、wordword cardcard、radioradio andand tapetape教教 学学 过过 程程二次备课二次备课(一)(一)WarmingWarming upup andand review:review: Hello,Hello, boysboys andand girls.girls. I I amam happyhappy today,today, soso I I wantwant toto singsing a a song.song. LetsLets sin

4、gsing together,together, standstand up.up.(reviewreview busbus、carcar、bicyclebicycle )(二)(二)NewNew concept:concept:StepStep 1:watch1:watch a a moviemovie (twice)(twice) T:T: WhereWhere areare theythey going?going? WhereWhere dodo youyou live?live?S:S: I I livelive inin a/ana/an _._.T:T: IsIs itit ne

5、arnear school?school? HowHow dodo youyou gogo toto school?school?WhoseWhose househouse isis farfar fromfrom school?school?Ss:Ss: Step2:Step2:HowHow doesdoes Jenny/Danny/KimgoJenny/Danny/Kimgo toto school?school?(1)(1)ListenListen andand fillfill inin thethe blanksblanks(2)(2)OpenOpen thethe bookbook

6、 andand findfind thethe answeranswerStep3:Step3:WhatWhat dayday isis today?today? WhenWhen isis ChildrensChildrens Day?Day?WhereWhere dodo youyou wantwant toto go?go?Practise:Practise: WhereWhere dodo youyou wantwant toto go?go?YouYou cancan useuse thethe sentencessentences askask andand answeranswe

7、r(三)(三)Ending:Ending: ListenListen andand chant.chant.YouYou cancan useuse thethe sentencessentences askask andand answeranswer(三)(三)Ending:Ending: ListenListen andand chant.chant.教学教学 反思反思板书板书 设计设计LessonLesson 1616 HowHow DoDo youyou gogo toto school?school?HowHow dodo you/theyyou/they gogo toto sc

8、hool?school?ByBy busbus / / bicycle.bicycle.OnOn foot.foot. / / I I walkwalk toto school.school.Today is June First. Its Childrens Day. I want to go to A. Where do you want to go? How do you go to A. B A B Park By bus. Zoo By car. Restaurant By cab. department store By bicycle. On foot/I walk.Today

9、is June First. Its Childrens Day. I want to go to A. Where do you want to go? How do you go to A. B A B Park By bus. Zoo By car. Restaurant By cab. department store By bicycle. On foot/I walk.课题课题LessonLesson 1717 WhatWhat dodo YouYou likelike toto do?do?课型课型新授课新授课课时课时1知识目标知识目标学生能够掌握(听说读写)和运用四会单词学生能

10、够掌握(听说读写)和运用四会单词 avenueavenue、roadroad、streetstreet;掌握并;掌握并能运用句子能运用句子 WhatWhat isis youryour address?address? MyMy addressaddress isis _._.能力目标能力目标了解中西文化差异(在介绍自己的地址方面的区别)了解中西文化差异(在介绍自己的地址方面的区别) ,通过学习,能运用英语,通过学习,能运用英语简单介绍自己的住址并能与他人进行沟通与交流,通过这个话题的学习和语简单介绍自己的住址并能与他人进行沟通与交流,通过这个话题的学习和语言训练,能灵活运用在日常口语交际中。

11、言训练,能灵活运用在日常口语交际中。教教 学学 目目 标标情感目标情感目标为学生提供真实的语言环境,鼓励学生大胆的说,培养学生自我表达和与他为学生提供真实的语言环境,鼓励学生大胆的说,培养学生自我表达和与他人沟通的能力;养成良好的学习习惯,注意英语中人沟通的能力;养成良好的学习习惯,注意英语中“街道街道”的大小写区别。的大小写区别。 重点重点能听懂和运用四会单词能听懂和运用四会单词 avenueavenue、roadroad、streetstreet(并且注意在描述具体地址时要大写(并且注意在描述具体地址时要大写首字母)首字母) ;句子;句子 WhatWhat isis youryour ad

12、dress?address? MyMy addressaddress isis _._. 难点难点在这节课中如何用英语介绍自己的地址并能用英语询问他人的住址情况,并且在表达的在这节课中如何用英语介绍自己的地址并能用英语询问他人的住址情况,并且在表达的过程中做到句子流畅、发音标准,表达的清楚准确。过程中做到句子流畅、发音标准,表达的清楚准确。教教具具一、一、mapmap、wordword cardcard、radioradio andand tapetape教教 学学 过过 程程二次备课二次备课(一)(一)WarmingWarming upup andand review:review: Hel

13、lo,Hello, boysboys andand girls.girls. I I amam happyhappy today,today, soso I I wantwant toto playplay a a game.(lookgame.(look atat a a mapmap 30seconds,try30seconds,try toto rememberremember “Where“Where isis thethe shop/restaurant/?”shop/restaurant/?” ,reviewreview thesethese words:words: belowb

14、elow、aboveabove、acrossacross fromfrom、beside.)beside.)(二)(二)NewNew concept:concept:StepStep 1:1: DrawDraw a a househouse andand anan apartmentapartment onon thisthis map.map.T:T: I I livelive inin anan apartment.apartment. WhereWhere dodo youyou live?live?S:S: I I livelive inin a a house/anhouse/an apartment.apartment.ShowShow “road“road、avenueavenue、street”onstreet”on thisthis map,map, putput “255“255 Road/XinRoad/Xin ChengCheng Street/DongStreet/Dong XinyuanXinyuan Avenue/Avenue/ onon thethe map,map, readread a


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