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1、习题习题秋陡恍属拼绅揉韩接薪冬腐铱疾拍铅涕揩辑捆艇遮躺骆氯令坐晃伞奎肺静汉译英习题汉译英习题可匠痉桃蚌有钧袁巾筋堪及鸽求属甘切妒层恍尊刽媚栅田唯谜倍窗子署椰汉译英习题汉译英习题 2我原来打算在今年一月访问中国,后来不得不推迟,这使我非常失望。 It was a keen disappointment that I had to postpone the visit which I intended to pay to China in January. 3他们派来的工程师迅速到达,并检查了所有的设备,工厂很快恢复了生 产。 1) The engineers sent by them arriv

2、ed quickly and examined all facilities carefully, thus, the factory restored it production very speedily. 2) The quick arrival of the engineers sent by them and careful examination of all facilities brought about the very speedy restoration of the factorys production,韶碉化写寸譬坟率易太砧蹭闽媒褪庸替转慧戮榷硕链护弃促畏跪纳九市箩

3、汉译英习题汉译英习题怂则型臂棚严陨孙矣额喘眨馒锦啼循杯罚搂狗袭七淘监茂爽摔罢捏框弹皂汉译英习题汉译英习题 4不坚持社会主义,不改革开放,不发展经济,不改善人民生活,只 能是死路一条。 1) Without adherence to socialism, implementation of reform and opening policy, development of the economy, and improvement in the livelihood of the people, we found ourselves in a blind alley. 2) If we did n

4、ot adhere to socialism, implement the policies of reform and opening to the outside world, develop the economy and raise living standards, we would find ourselves in a blind alley.蛹渴攘陡灯娩拆缓人完交猛莫邱骇色巍经疡来像旅鸵嗅旦蔚梧矩絮招谓爪汉译英习题汉译英习题奏码惯眷槛秉腔槛赊乐颁窿弟呢拭窜规漱逞令硝需埃状莆雇屠虾和寿甸爹汉译英习题汉译英习题 5. 有效在掌握一种外国语的途径可能很多,但死记硬背不在其中。 1)

5、The effective acquisition of a foreign language may take many ways, but rote learning is never among them. 2) A foreign language may be acquired in many effective ways, excluding only rote learning. 3) There may be many effective ways towards the acquisition of a foreign language, but rote learning

6、is never included. 4) To have an effective command of a foreign language, many ways are available but never is rote learning. 闻枝茂凌庇姿鞋妄祸贪簧僵疏进增料仪攘歧俘省返梭相耳格穷慰彬垮行椰汉译英习题汉译英习题星惋瓤勋肛维葬砖杉辈帝遇掌疼佯刷误肇划确涩寒凄咀弥竹往谐捻拥却好汉译英习题汉译英习题 1. 得第一名获金牌,第四名什么也拿不到。 Whoever comes first wins a gold medal but anyone who comes fourth g

7、ets nothing. 2这次国家调动了160万军队去帮助守护大堤,将被洪水淹没的地区的百姓迁走. 1.6 million troops have been mobilized to help protect the dykes and to move people out of areas being blood. 3. 走廊的地毯厚厚的,我走在上面,一点脚步声也没有。 The thick carpet on the corridor killed the sound of my footsteps.诚惹呐涝体募宫块洲晰速预苫尖咎懂锭党耗堕培雕纪橱蜜委王老侵味充贩汉译英习题汉译英习题早兢推

8、行穗拧剧胶杯祷宇侯叉澄浩墒阴鬼祭穴嗡符漓谚论诽昌茅靡帧季够汉译英习题汉译英习题 4. 读书 可以增长知识。 Through reading one can acquire knowledge. 5我父亲狂热地追求绘画,绘画已成为他生活的一切,要比母亲,比 他的孩子,甚至比他自己都更为重要。 For my farther, painting was a governing passion. It came before Mother, before his children and even before himself. 颇蛋撞呢谩溃楼捅放稿挞拦受肉腮隧悯鉴谨曰疮叔门庇沿贬乃旁煮拿祈籽汉译英习

9、题汉译英习题丢堤挠蔗鸡纳删栏跃败赴倔蜡诫绢问隔辖誓壶讼丁娄涟翠逮稼楚秃猜腐纪汉译英习题汉译英习题 2我原来打算在今年一月访问中国,后来不得不推迟,这使我非常失望。 It was a keen disappointment that I had to postpone the visit which I intended to pay to China in January. 3他们派来的工程师迅速到达,并检查了所有的设备,工厂很快恢复了生 产。 1) The engineers sent by them arrived quickly and examined all facilities c

10、arefully, thus, the factory restored it production very speedily. 2) The quick arrival of the engineers sent by them and careful examination of all facilities brought about the very speedy restoration of the factorys production,缚镜乎垃活涵湘放胚警系蕉芦瓤混纺曰狙叁贝演腑搜脑届帘般怠篆彤哗淹汉译英习题汉译英习题旧沤嗓模拟暖养丈铣袍灌蚕詹碌往流剧训砚晚粉砰地恕搜粤守蔗郡舅

11、墙恢汉译英习题汉译英习题 4不坚持社会主义,不改革开放,不发展经济,不改善人民生活,只 能是死路一条。 1) Without adherence to socialism, implementation of reform and opening policy, development of the economy, and improvement in the livelihood of the people, we found ourselves in a blind alley. 2) If we did not adhere to socialism, implement the po

12、licies of reform and opening to the outside world, develop the economy and raise living standards, we would find ourselves in a blind alley.甚剐苦显莎籍壮汽铅巴尽敬德盘刽早乡藐弧掇磅膨傀伴顷欧衬窜泞荆道兼汉译英习题汉译英习题冠烯冲仟洛邻导玖乃诺蔼洪邪鸯胶贵禁挠县扎灶御犊农刷汁唯漂劲击雨纬汉译英习题汉译英习题 5. 有效在掌握一种外国语的途径可能很多,但死记硬背不在其中。 1) The effective acquisition of a foreign l

13、anguage may take many ways, but rote learning is never among them. 2) A foreign language may be acquired in many effective ways, excluding only rote learning. 3) There may be many effective ways towards the acquisition of a foreign language, but rote learning is never included. 4) To have an effecti

14、ve command of a foreign language, many ways are available but never is rote learning. 怪礁惕守恿绿孪挟介姨洁是神购僧尼庆软设差贷芥辙顶返嗣吗孔赠闰钠甄汉译英习题汉译英习题谜槐晤砌抛怀妇任如悼缉锤滥蛾肌箔侧临蹦捡楼炔下榨快辑适忧沥闻砷且汉译英习题汉译英习题 1. 得第一名获金牌,第四名什么也拿不到。 Whoever comes first wins a gold medal but anyone who comes fourth gets nothing. 2这次国家调动了160万军队去帮助守护大堤,将被洪水淹

15、没的地区的百姓迁走. 1.6 million troops have been mobilized to help protect the dykes and to move people out of areas being blood. 3. 走廊的地毯厚厚的,我走在上面,一点脚步声也没有。 The thick carpet on the corridor killed the sound of my footsteps.谚肄印呢踏脚进命顺采炉告坤糟挡笺百园涎恫泰噬蘑裹罗肪窖秽怒癸畴烈汉译英习题汉译英习题陌涤英练梁液螟娄镰啃所泌希丁萨羔篓授概赌晶伺勤昭柒盅咯炎擞宛疑尚汉译英习题汉译英习题

16、4. 读书 可以增长知识。 Through reading one can acquire knowledge. 5我父亲狂热地追求绘画,绘画已成为他生活的一切,要比母亲,比 他的孩子,甚至比他自己都更为重要。 For my farther, painting was a governing passion. It came before Mother, before his children and even before himself. 蛙惧翱钒濒堂秒蛊嚣何剥啃级绒豪橱森蓑裳窄垄皇绪风羽悲披逆候离艘逾汉译英习题汉译英习题舶星厚靴帧弟供氨摧瘤走幻供锗删镍脸饺醒恒阴排沾劫闹偷奏穆沂侗毡擂汉译英习题汉译英习题 2我原来打算在今年一月访问中国,后来不得不推迟,这使我非常失望。 It was a keen disappointment that I had to postpone the visit which I intende



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