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1、孟憲輝孟憲輝專長專長 1.槍彈鑑識,2.射擊殘跡及爆炸物鑑識,3.文書鑑識,4.微物跡證鑑識,5.刑事鑑識曾任教科目曾任教科目 槍彈鑑識、槍彈鑑識特論、刑事化學、刑事鑑識概論、鑑識科學研究方法、彈道學 在槍彈鑑識之應用、犯罪偵查學學經歷學經歷 中央警察大學刑事系學士(1978/08-1982/06) 中央警察大學警政研究所刑事科學組碩士(1985/08-1987/06) 英國史查克萊大學(Strathclyde University)化學系鑑識科學研究所博士(1991/08- 1995/05) 高雄市政府警察局分隊長(1982/07-1985/07) 中央警察大學鑑識科學學系講師兼科驗室組長(

2、1987/08-1991/07) 中央警察大學鑑識科學學系專任副教授(1991/08- 2000/02) 中央警察大學鑑識科學學系專任教授(2000/03-) 中央警察大學科學實驗室主任(2002/08-2004/07) 中央警察大學鑑識科學學系教授兼主任(2004/08-2008/07) 中華民國鑑識科學學會常務理事(2002-2010) 內政部警政署槍彈及防彈裝備規劃小組成員(1999-) 銘傳大學安全管理學系兼任教授(2009-) 社團法人臺灣鑑識科學學會理事長(2010-)代表性著作:代表性著作:1.Hsien-Hui Meng and Brian Caddy, “Fluorescen

3、ce Detection of Ethyl Centralite in Gunshot Residues, “ Jonrnal of Forensic Sciences, 1994, 39, 1215-1226.(SCI) 2.Hsien-Hui Meng and Brian Caddy, “Detection of N,N-Diphenyl-N,N- diethylurea(Ethyl Centralite)in Gunshot Residues Using High-performance Liquid Chromatography with Fluorescence Detection,

4、 “ Analyst, 1995, 120, 1759-1762.(SCI) 3.Hsien-Hui Meng, “A Survey of the Development in the Detection of Organic Gunshot Residues, “ Journal of Central Police University, 1996, 28, 49-90. 4.Hsien-Hui Meng and Brian Caddy, “High Performance Liquid Chromatography Analysis with Fluorescence Detection

5、of Ethyl Centralite and 2,4-Dinitrotoluene in Gunshot Residues After Derivatization with 9-Fluorenylmethylchloroformate, “ Journal of Forensic Sciences, 1996, 41, 213-220.(SCI).5.Hsien-Hui Meng, “Fluorescence Derivatization of Primary and Secondary Amines and Its Application in Forensic Science, “ J

6、ournal of Central Police University, 1997, 30, 69-96.6.Hsien-Hui Meng and Brian Caddy, “Gunshot Residue Detection: A Review, “ Journal of Forensic Sciences, 1997, 42, pp.553-570 .(SCI).7.Hsien-Hui Meng, Kun Chi Cheng, and Hu-Sheng Chen, “A systematic procedure for the forensic examination of questio

7、ned New Taiwan Dollars coins with a face value of fifty, “Forensic Science Journal, 2002, Vol. 1, pp.39-46.8Hu-Sheng Chen, Hsien-Hui Meng, and Kun Chi Cheng, ”A survey of methods for the identification and characterization of inks,“ Forensic Science Journal, 2002, Vol.1, pp.1- 14. 9.Kun-Chi Cheng, H

8、sien-Hui Meng, and Hu-Sheng Chen, ” A systematic procedure for the forensic examination of questioned 50 New Taiwan Dollars coins,” Journal of Forensic Medicine, 2002, No4-5, Vol. 45, pp.293-294. 10.Hsing-Mei Hsieh, Li-Hung Huang, Li-Chin Tsai, Yi-Chen Kuo, Hsien-Hui Meng, Adrian Linacre, and James

9、Chun-I Lee, 2003, ” Species identification of rhinoceros horns using the cytochrome b gene, “ Forensic Sci Int., 2003, 136(1-3), pp.1-11. (SCI). 11.Hsien-Hui Meng, Hsei-Chang Lee, and Yu-Liang Chen, ”The analysis of primer mixtures and gunshot residues using scanning electron microscopy/ energy disp

10、ersive X-ray analysis,” Proceedings of the IEEE 37th annual 2003international Carnahan conference on security technology, 2003, pp.358-363.(SCI) 12.A Linacre, HM Hsieh, LH Huang, LC Tsai, YC Kuo, HH Meng and J CI Lee” Identification of rhino from medicinal powders and sculptures,” International Cong

11、ress Series, Vol.1261, 2004, p.595. 13.Hsien-Hui Meng, “A study on the dating of illegal firearms,” Forensic Science Journal, 2004, Vol. 3, pp.1-12. 14.Chien-Min Hsu, Hsien-Hui Meng, Wei-Tun Chang, Li-Ling Cho, and Sheng-Meng Wang, “The application of analytical methods for Forensic Science,” Chemis

12、try ( The Chinese Chem. Soc., Taipei), 2005 March, 63(1), pp.1-54. 15.Jia-Horng Lin, Chan-Hung Hsu, and Hsien-Hui Meng,” Process of preparing a nonwoven/filament/woven-fabric sandwich structure with cushioning effect of ballistic resistence,” Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe, 2005 October/Decembe

13、r, Vol 13, No 4(52), pp43-47. (SCI) 16.Hsien-Hui Meng, Yen-Lin Chen,“ Energy dispersive X-ray analysis of bullets commonly encountered in Taiwan, ”Forensic Science Journal, 2006, Vol. 5, pp.21-34. 17. Hsien-Hui Meng, Hsei-Chang Lee, “Elemental analysis of primer mixtures and gunshot residues from ha

14、ndgun cartridges commonly encountered in Taiwan, ” Forensic Science Journal, 2007, Vol. 6(1), pp.39-55.18. Ching-Wen Lou , Ching-Wen Lin , Chan-Hung Hsu , Jin-Mao Chen , Jia-Horng Lin , Hsien-Hui Meng, “Process and Bullet-resistant Buffer Effect of an Elastic Cushioning Structure Made of Polyamide N

15、on-woven Fabric and Chloroprene Rubber, ” Textile Research Journal, 2008, Vol. 78, No. 3, pp.258-263 . (SCI)19.Hsien-Hui Meng and Chun-Hung Lin, “Particle analysis of lighter flint residues using scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry, ” Forensic Science Journal, 2008, Vol

16、. 7, pp. 37-44.20.Chia-Chang Lin, Chin-Mei Lin, Chao-Chiung Huang, Ching-Wen Lou, Hsien-Hui Meng, Chan-Hung Hsu, Jia-Horng Lin, “Elucidating the design and impact properties of composite nonwoven fabrics with various filaments in bulletproof vest cushion layer, ”Textile Research Journal. 2009, Vol. 79, No. 3, pp.268-274.(SCI) 21.李紹豪,孟憲輝,台美英澳四國鑑識科學教育課程之比較研究,教育資料集刊, 2009,第44輯,pp.79-112。22.Hsei-Chang Lee, Hsien-Hui Meng, “Forensic examination of fired b



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