诗人 约翰济慈(英文版)

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1、“Beauty is truth, truth beauty”美即是真,真即是美IntroductionLife StoryWorksHis Position in English LiteratureJohn Keats (1795-1821)One of the 2nd generation of romantic poets Famous as Byron and Shelley Outstanding representative of European Romantic MovementIntroductionLife Story1795 born 1804 father1810 m

2、other1811 surgeon-apothecary1815-1816 Studied however you must not suffer such speculations to molest you any more: not will I any more believe you can have the least pique against me. Brown is gone out - but here is Mrs Wylie - - when she is gone I shall be awake for you. - Remembrances to your Mot

3、her. Your affectionate, J. KeatsSweetest Fanny, You fear, sometimes, I do not love you so much as you wish? My dear Girl I love you ever and ever and without reserve. The more I have known you the more have I lovd. In every way - even my jealousies have been agonies of Love, in the hottest fit I eve

4、r had I would have died for you. I have vexd you too much. But for Love! Can I help it? You are always new. The last of your kisses was ever the sweetest; the last smile the brightest; the last movement the gracefullest. When you passd my window home yesterday, I was filld with as much admiration as

5、 if I had then seen you for the first time. You uttered a half complaint once that I only lovd your Beauty. Have I nothing else then to love in you but that? Do not I see a heart naturally furnishd with wings imprison itself with me? No ill prospect has been able to turn your thoughts a moment from

6、me. “Here lies one whose name was writ in water.” (此地长眠者,声名水上书)His last request :to be buried under an unnamed tombstone, with words In the following years, troubled by illness and poverty Early 1821,his tuberculosis (肺结 核)declinedSevern(塞文)accompanied him when Keats died 2.23.1821,Keats died and bu

7、ried in Protestant Cometery Rome. After his death, Fanny mourned him for 7 years and wore his engagement ring till she diedWorksHe produced a variety of work, including epic, lyric (抒情诗) and narrative poems. Odes(颂诗,赋 ) are regarded as Keatss most important and mature works. Short Poems1.Ode to a Ni

8、ghtingale “夜莺颂“ 2.On a Grecian Urn“希腊古 瓮颂”3.On Melancholy “忧郁颂”4.When I have Fear“当我害怕的时候”5.TO Autumn “秋颂”6.On the Grasshopper and the Cricket“ 蛐蛐与蟋蟀”7.Bright Star “闪亮的星星”8. O Solitude “哦,孤独”Five long poems1.Endymion恩底弥 翁2.Isabella 伊莎贝拉 3.The Eve of St. Agnes 圣亚尼节前夜4.Lamia 莱米亚5.Hyperion 赫坡里 昂1.Ode t

9、o a Nightingale “夜莺颂”第一节 My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk, Or emptied some dull opiate to the drains One minute past, and Lethe-wards had sunk: Tis not through envy of thy happy lot, But being too happy in thine happiness - That thou, light winge

10、d Dryad of the trees, In some melodious plot Of beechen green, and shadows numberless, Singest of summer in full-throated ease.第一节 我的心疼痛,我感到昏昏 欲睡,麻木不仁, 好像是饮过毒鸩, 又像是刚刚吞服过鸦片, 开始沉向冥府的忘川。 这并非我对你的福气有所 妒嫉, 而是你的欢乐使我过度欣 喜 你呀,羽翼翩翩的树精, 在山毛榉的绿叶与荫影之 中, 在那歌声悠扬的地点, 你舒展了喉咙,歌唱着夏 天第二节 O, for a draught of vintage! th

11、at hath been Coold a long age in the deep-delved earth, Tasting of Flora and the country green, Dance, and Provencal song, and sunburnt mirth! O for a beaker full of the warm South Full of the true, the blushful Hippocrene, With beaded bubbles winking at the brim, And purple-stained mouth, That I mi

12、ght drink, and leave the world unseen, And with thee fade away into the forest dim.第二节 啊,但愿有一口美酒, 一口曾在地窖冷藏多年的美酒! 人一尝就会想到花神,想到葱绿的 酒乡, 想起舞蹈、恋歌和丰收季节的欢狂 。 啊,要是那杯酒带有南国的热气, 红如人面,充满灵感之泉的真味, 珍珠的泡沫在杯沿浮动, 能把嘴唇染得绯红, 我就会一饮而尽,悄然离开尘寰, 随你隐没在幽暗的林间。第三节 Fade far away, dissolve, and quite forget What thou amongst the

13、leaves hast never known, The weariness, the fever, and the fret Here, where men sit and hear each other groan; Where palsy shakes a few, sad, last grey hairs. Where youth grows pale, and spectre-thin, and dies; Where nut to think is to be full of sorrow And leaden-eyed despairs; Where Beauty cannot

14、keep her lustrous eyes, Or new Love pine at them beyond to- morrow.第三节 远远地隐没,消失,并且忘记 你在林间从不知晓的东西, 忘记这里的厌倦、焦虑和烦躁 不安。 这里,人们坐在一起长吁短叹 ; 这里,老年瘫痪了,只剩得几 根白发摇晃, 青年也变得苍白,瘦削,以至 死亡; 这里,人们一思想就感到伤悲 , 就会绝望得两眼铅灰; 这里,美人的双眸难以保持明 丽, 新生的爱情第二天就会凋敝。第四节 Away! away! for I will fly to thee, Not charioted by Bacchus and his

15、 pards, But on the viewless wings of Poesy, Though the dull brain perplexes and retards. Already with thee! tender is the night, And haply the Queen-Moon is on her throne, Clustered around by all her starry Fays; But here there is no light, Save what from heaven is with the breezes blown Through ver

16、durous glooms and winding mossy ways.第四节 飞去,飞去,我要向你飞去, 不是与酒神同驾豹车而去, 而是乘坐诗神的无形的双翼, 尽管这头脑恁地迟钝、团惑和呆 滞。 啊,此刻我终于和你在一起了; 夜,是这般地柔和, 也许月后已经登上宝座,众星正 在四周守望, 但是,这里却没有光亮, 除了几丝天光,随风穿过窗枝的 隙缝, 穿过绿叶的荫影和苔藓的曲径。第五节 I cannot see what flowers are at my feet, Nor what soft incensehangs upon the boughs, But, in embalmed darkness, guess each sweet Wherewith the seasonable month endows The grass, the thicket, and the fruit-tree wi


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