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1、 省省 电电 大大 责责 任任 老老 师师陈陈 怡怡 君君本本 单单 元元 学学 习习 要要 点点* 短语动词 * 动词return, rent和hire的用法 * Will和be going to 表示将来 * 现在进行时表示将来的安排 * 不规则动词的过去时I. I. 短语动词短语动词1. 短语动词:由由“ “ V + V + (一个以上的)其它词一个以上的)其它词” ” 构成一个固定结构。其作用仅相当于一构成一个固定结构。其作用仅相当于一 个动词。个动词。 e.g.e.g.take part in take part in He He took parttook partinin the

2、 Army last year. the Army last year.1. 1. 名词作其名词作其宾语时宾语时,根据动词的结构,可置于其,根据动词的结构,可置于其 中或其后中或其后; ;He came acrosscame across a violin.a violin.She picked uppicked up the book. the book. ( She picked picked the bookthe book upup.) 2. 2.代词作其宾语时,一般紧跟在动词之后。代词作其宾语时,一般紧跟在动词之后。Marys father came acrosscame acros

3、s a really olda really oldinstrument instrument,and he broughtbrought it it backback.Note: Note: 短语动词的词序短语动词的词序PracticePracticeMary began playing the violin when Mary began playing the violin when she was only six . Her father _ she was only six . Her father _a really old instrument at his uncles ho

4、use , a really old instrument at his uncles house , and he _ it _ home with her. and he _ it _ home with her. Mary loved it and immediately tried to play Mary loved it and immediately tried to play it. After a few months she began to have it. After a few months she began to have lessons. She _ the v

5、iolin. lessons. She _ the violin. When sheWhen shebackbackcame acrosscame acrossbroughtbroughtgot on very well withgot on very well withwaswas about eleven, she really needed a better about eleven, she really needed a better violin. One day she _ a violin. One day she _ a concert,concert,and a man _

6、 her parents and and a man _ her parents and talked to them about her. . He said that she talked to them about her. . He said that she had real talent and _ that she had real talent and _ that sheneeded a better violin. When he _ needed a better violin. When he _ that they couldnt afford one, he off

7、ered to that they couldnt afford one, he offered to buy one for her. Later, when she was about buy one for her. Later, when she was about 16, she _ her own group. She _ 16, she _ her own group. She _ it it _ the man who gave her the violin she the man who gave her the violin she called it the called

8、 it the Eric Sound. Eric Sound. namednamedwent up towent up topointed outpointed outfound outfound outset upset uptook part intook part inafterafterw w returnreturn11返回返回( (不连用不连用again or back)again or back)e.g. He has already returned home.2return2return sth sth: give back: give backeg:I lent her a

9、 book. She returned it lastMonday. 动词动词return, rent return, rent 和和 hire hire 的用法的用法rent rent 和和 hire hire 在表示在表示“出租出租” 时,意思相近。它们之间的区别如下时,意思相近。它们之间的区别如下 :hirehire 指临时雇佣劳动力或短期租指临时雇佣劳动力或短期租 用某物,在英国,一般指租汽车、船用某物,在英国,一般指租汽车、船 只等,如:只等,如: The store hired two more clerks. ( 这家商店又雇了两个职员。) During our vocation

10、 we hired a boat and went fishing. ( 在假期中我们租用了一条船去钓鱼。)w wrent rent 在英国英语中指较长时间租在英国英语中指较长时间租 入入或租出房屋、商店或土地;或租出房屋、商店或土地;w w 在美国英语中可指长时间或短时间在美国英语中可指长时间或短时间 租用各类资产或日用品,这一意思租用各类资产或日用品,这一意思 现已影响到英国。现已影响到英国。 w w 如:如:How much would it cost me to rent a two room flat ?( 租一套两居室的套间要花我多少钱 ?)I III. II. Will和be g

11、oing to 表示将来1. 1. 纯粹将来:表示预言纯粹将来:表示预言预言的意思就是预言的意思就是“ “说出我们认为将会发生说出我们认为将会发生 的事情。的事情。Shall/Shall/willhwillh和和be be going going to to 结构都可以结构都可以 用,但是一般不用现在进行时用,但是一般不用现在进行时 e.g.I think itllll rain. 或者:或者:I think its going to rain.NoteNotew 当我们提及条件时,一般要用shall/will形式, 而不用be going to结构。 e.g.e.g. If you come

12、 out for a walk, youIf you come out for a walk, youllll feel much feel much better.better. w 即使条件没有明白说出来,仍然要按条件句对 待。e.g.e.g. Come out for a drink. Come out for a drink. No, I No, Illll miss my TV programme !miss my TV programme !1 1)已决定的行动已决定的行动表示已确定的事情(既讨论现在,表示已确定的事情(既讨论现在, 又谈论将来)我们常用又谈论将来)我们常用现在进行

13、时现在进行时或或be be going to +vgoing to +v结构。结构。 e.g.(1)The Browns are comingare coming to dinner. ( (不能说:不能说: The The Browns Browns will will come come to to dinner.)dinner.)2. 2. 现在将来现在将来(2)She is going tois going to have a baby. (不能说: She will have a baby.)Note:Note:遇到表示运动的动词多用现在进行遇到表示运动的动词多用现在进行 时,如:时

14、,如:Where areare you goinggoing for your next holidays ?而而to to be be going going toto 常表示强烈的决心常表示强烈的决心 。如:如:Im going tom going to the top if it kills me.2 2)现在有迹象预示未来)现在有迹象预示未来有时候我们说要发生什么事情了,有时候我们说要发生什么事情了,因为我们看到了某种迹象。此时,一般因为我们看到了某种迹象。此时,一般 都用都用to be going toto be going to 结构结构e.g.Look, its going to

15、s going to rain.在口语中广泛使用,表示在口语中广泛使用,表示“ “准备做准备做 或或将要将要发生的事情。发生的事情。e.g. Im m going going toto buy a house when weve saved enough money. 现在进行时表示将来的安排现在进行时表示将来的安排当我们谈及已经决定了的将来的安排时当我们谈及已经决定了的将来的安排时 ,且谓语动词为表示运动的动词时,我,且谓语动词为表示运动的动词时,我 们常用们常用现在进行时。现在进行时。e.g.e.g.Im visitingm visiting my uncles in Xiangtan later this year.(此句主要是强调预先已有的安排。 )用用括号内动词括号内动词的的适当的形式适当的形式填空填空1. T


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