第3章 道德与社会责任

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《第3章 道德与社会责任》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《第3章 道德与社会责任(47页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第四章 道德与社会 责任4.1 道德定义与来源 4.2 四种管理道德观 4.3 影响道德发展的因素 4.4 管理者如何提高组织的道德行为 4.5 组织的社会责任观 4.6 绿色管理12p安然公司p牛奶行业p食品行业p采矿行业p记者行业p医疗行业p教育行业p非诚勿扰 安田企业问题道德指导行为明辨是非的规则和 原则。p道德就是脱离人的自然属性而适应人的社会属性;p道德往往代表着社会的正面价值取向;p不同时代与不同阶级,其道德观念都会有所变化 ; p道德在本质上是规则或原则。4起 源老子所著的道德经:“道生之,德畜之,物形之,势成之。是 以万物莫不尊道而贵德。道之尊,德之贵,夫莫之命而常自然。” 其

2、中“道”指自然运行与人世共通的真理;而“德”是指人世的德性、 品行、王道。在当时道与德是两个概念,并无道德一词。“道德”二字连用始于荀子劝学篇:“故学至乎礼而止矣,夫是 之谓道德之极”。在西方古代文化中,“道德”(Morality)一词起源于拉丁语的“Mores” ,意为风俗和习惯。论语学而:“其为人也孝弟,而好犯上者,鲜矣;不好犯上, 而好作乱者,未之有也。君子务本,本立而道生。” “道”是人关于 世界的看法,应属于世界观的范畴。 5中国传统道德规范四维:礼、仪、廉、耻 五常:仁、义、礼、智、信爱国守法 明礼诚信 团结友善 勤俭自强 敬业奉献 美德:普遍主义的道德 如:诚实、正直等竞争、博弈

3、、利益纷争 的出现!礼崩乐坏?管理决策的道德困境 8功利观权利观公平观综合观道德观9观点: 决策要完全依据其后果或结果做出 其目标是为尽可能多的人谋求尽可能多的利益评价: 一方面,功利主义对效率和生产率有促进作用, 并符合利润最大化的目标 另一方面,它会造成资源配置的扭曲 导致一些利益相关者的权利被忽视功利观非诚勿扰。 美国安田的相亲经历10观点: 决策要在尊重和保护个人基本权利(如隐私权、 言论自由权和游行自由权等)的前提下做出评价: 保护了个人的基本权利 容易在组织中会产生对生产率和效率不利的工作 氛围权利观11观点: 管理者按公平的原则行事评价: 它保护了弱势群体的利益 可能不利于培养员

4、工的风险意识和创新精神公平观12观点: 主张把实证和规范两种方法并入到商业道德中 综合了两种“契约”:适用于社会公众的一般契约,这种契约规 定了做生意的程序;适用于特定社团里的成员的特殊契约,这 种契约规定了哪些行为方式是可接受的评价: 这种商业道德观与其他三种的区别在于它要求管 理者考察各行业和各公司现有的道德准则,从而 决定什么是对的、什么是错的综合观影响道德和非道德行为的因素14道德发展的三个阶段:p最低层次前惯例层次:个人只有在其利益受 到影响的情况下才会做出道德判断p中间层次惯例层次:道德判断的标准是个人 是否维持平常的秩序并满足他人的期望p最高层次原则层次:个人试图在组织或社会 的

5、权威之外建立道德准则有关道德发展阶段研究表明: (1)人们渐进地通过这六个阶段,而不能跨越 (2)道德发展可能中断,可能停留于任何一个阶段 (3)多数成年人的道德发展处于第4阶段道德发展阶段个性特征p自我强度衡量个人自信心强度的一种个性尺度。p控制点衡量人们相信自主命运程度的个性特征。内控型: the belief that you control your destiny.外控型: the belief that what happens to you is due to luck or chance.其他因素p结构变量Organizational characteristics and m

6、echanisms that guide and influence individual ethics:绩效考评体系奖金分配体系管理者行为p组织文化p问题强度管理者如何提高组织的道德 行为p雇佣:Hire individuals with high ethical standards.p建立规则:Establish codes of ethics and decision rules.p道德领导:Lead by example.p工作目标和绩效评估:Set realistic job goals and include ethics in performance appraisals.p道德

7、培训:Provide ethics training.p独立的社会审计:Conduct independent social audits.p保护:Provide support for individuals facing ethical dilemmas.19确立道德准则招聘道德素质 高的员工建立正式的 保护机制设定工作目标 对员工进行 道德教育对绩效进行 全面评估 提升员工 道德修养 的途径Clusters of Variables Found in 83 Corporate Codes of Business EthicsCluster 1. Be a Dependable Organ

8、izational Citizen 1. Comply with safety, health, and security regulations. 2. Demonstrate courtesy, respect, honesty, and fairness. 3. Illegal drugs and alcohol at work are prohibited. 4. Manage personal finances well. 5. Exhibit good attendance and punctuality. 6. Follow directives of supervisors.

9、7. Do not use abusive language. 8. Dress in business attire. 9. Firearms at work are prohibited.Cluster 2. Do Not Do Anything Unlawful or Improper That Will Harm the Organization 1. Conduct business in compliance with all laws. 2. Payments for unlawful purposes are prohibited. 3. Bribes are prohibit

10、ed. 4. Avoid outside activities that impair duties. 5. Maintain confidentiality of records. 6. Comply with all antitrust and trade regulations. 7. Comply with all accounting rules and controls. 8. Do not use company property for personal benefit. 9. Employees are personally accountable for company f

11、unds. 10. Do not propagate false or misleading information. 11. Make decisions without regard for personal gain.Cluster 3. Be Good to Customers 1. Convey true claims in product advertisements. 2. Perform assigned duties to the best of your ability. 3. Provide products and services of the highest qua

12、lity.Source: F. R. David, “An Empirical Study of Codes of Business Ethics: A Strategic Perspective,” paper presented at the 48th Annual Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, California, August 1988.道德准则的有效执行pDevelop a code of ethics as a guide in handling ethical dilemmas in decision making.pCo

13、mmunicate the code regularly to all employees.pHave all levels of management continually reaffirm the importance of the ethics code and the organizations commitment to the code.pPublicly reprimand and consistently discipline those who break the code.Code of EthicspKeep it short and therefore easily

14、understood and rememberedpIs not too corny it is something important that people really believe inpThe tone is set at the top with executives talking about and living up to the statement道德领导Managers must provide a good role model by:Being ethical and honest at all times.Telling the truth; dont hide

15、or manipulate information.Admitting failure and not trying to cover it up.Communicating shared ethical values to employees through symbols, stories, and slogans.Rewarding employees who behave ethically and punish those who do not.Protecting employees (whistleblowers) who bring to light unethical beh

16、aviors or raise ethical issues.道德培训pCan make a difference in ethical behaviors.pIncreases employee awareness of ethical issues in business decisions.pClarifies and reinforces the organizations standards of conduct.pHelps employees become more confident that they will have the organizations support when taking unpopular but ethically correct stances.举报行为pWhistle blowing is when an individual wil


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