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1、专题十二 状语从句状语从句在句中相当于副词作状语, 又叫副词性从句。在句子 中可修饰谓语(或其他动词)、形容词、副词或是整个句子,它可 以用来表示时间、地点、原因、目的、结果、条件、方式、比较、 让步等。状语从句通常由一个连词引导,也可以由一个起连词作用 的词组引导。状语从句是近几年高考试题中常见的一个重要考点。状语从句的分类及常用连接词种 类类从属 连词连词例句说说明时时 间间 状 语语 从 句 when when ever When I came into the room, he was writing a letter. You can eat food free in my rest

2、aurant whenever you like. when指“某一具体的时时 间间”; whenever指“在任何一 个不具体的时间时间 ”。 whileWhile John was reading, I was watching TV. I stayed while he was away. while指“在期间间” ,引导导的动动作必须须是 持续续性的。 asThey talked as they walked along the river. As time goes by, I like China better. as(一边边一边边)表 示持续续性动动作,强调调 主句和从句动动作同

3、时时 发发生;随着。 bef- oreBefore I could get in a word, the tailor had measured me. (还还没来得及就) We hadnt run a mile before he felt tired.(还还没就) We had sailed 4 days before we saw land.( 才) Please write it down before you forget it. ( 趁还还没就) before引导导从句时时 ,词义词义 非常灵活。 Aft e-rHe arrived after the game started.

4、till unti -lHe remained there till/until she arrived. She wont go to bed till/until he returns home. It is not until he returns home that she will go to bed. Not until he returns home will she go to bed. 若主句动动作是持续续性动动作 ,常用肯定式,表示“直到 为为止”;若主句动动作是 瞬间动词间动词 ,要用否定式, 表“直才”,“在以 前不”;从句放在句首时时表 示强调调,一般用until并引

5、 起部分倒装。 时时 间间 状 语语 从 句 sinceGreat changes have taken place in China since 1978. since在时间时间 状语语从句中,不论论 用短暂动词暂动词 、延续动词还续动词还 是状 态动词态动词 的一般过过去时时,通常都 表示从动动作或状态态的完成或结结 束时时算起,主句时态时态 多用现现在 完成时时。 as soon ashardly.wh enno sooner.than the moment the instant the second immediately directly instantly As soon as

6、I arrive in Shanghai, Ill write to you. I had hardly got home when it began to rain. =Hardly had I got home when it began to rain. The moment I saw him I knew there was no hope. Immediately he came I told him the news. We had no sooner reached the airport than the plane took off. =No sooner had we r

7、eached the airport than the plane took off. 这这 些 结结 构 都 表 示“ 一 就 ” 。时时 间间 状 语语 从 句every/each time next/last time by the time the first time Every/Each time I was in trouble, he would come to my help. I fell in love with her the first time I saw her. 这类这类 名词词短语语相当 于连词连词 ,引导时间导时间 状语语从句。 地 点 状 语语 从 句wh

8、ere whereverWhere there is a will, there is a way. You can go wherever you like these days. where与wherever意 义义基本相同,但后者 语语气较较强,多用于 书书面语语。 原 因 状 语语 从 句 becauseI came back late yesterday because I was on duty. because用来回答why 的问问 题题,语语气最强,一般放在 主句之后。 sinceSince everyone is here, lets begin our meeting. s

9、ince表示既然或已知的理 由,也可表示稍加分析就 可知的原因,多放句首。as 并列连连 词词forAs you didnt turn up at yesterdays get-together, we missed you very much. It must have rained last night, for the ground is still wet. as引导导的原因状语语从句常 放在句首,说说明次要的原 因,主句说说明结结果,常用 于口语语中; for连连接的是并列句。原 因 状 语语 从 句now that seeing that in that consideri ng

10、that Now (that) the weather has cleared up, we can start our journey. Seeing (that) he was badly ill, we sent for the doctor. This book is different from that book in that this one is about chemistry and that one about history. considering that, seeing (that), now that, in that和since 意义义相似,都有“鉴鉴 于某个

11、事实实”的意思 。 目 的 状 语语 从 句 so that in order that lest = for fear that You must speak louder so that /in order that you can be heard by all. He wrote the name down for fear that (lest) he should forget it. Better take more clothes in case the weather is cold. 目的状语语从句中常用情 态动词态动词 放在动词动词 之前, 从句往往放在主句之后 ,主从句

12、之间间不用任何 标标点符号。 注意:so that和in order that与so as to和in order to的转换转换 。 结结 果 状 语语 从 句 so that so.thatWe turned up the radio, so that everyone heard the news. The boy is so young that he cant go to school. so that前有逗号为为 结结果状语语从句; so.that的so后面 紧紧跟形容词词或副 词词。 such.that He is such a young boy that he cant go

13、 to school. such.that的such 后面跟名词词,如果 名词词是单单数就要 用such a /an.that ,还还可以转换转换 用 so.that,语语气较较 强。条 件 状 语语 从 句 if If not= unless as/so long as in case so/as faras We shall go there tomorrow unless it rains. =We shall go there tomorrow if it doesnt rain. So long as you work hard, you will succeed. In case

14、I forget, please remind me about it. So far as I know, the book will be published next month. unless和if.not同义义, unless是书书面语语,if.not是 口语语,通常二者可以换换用 ; unless从句的谓语谓语 只能用肯 定式; 条件状语语从句中的谓语动谓语动 词词的时态时态 一般要用现现在时时 或过过去时时代替一般将来时时 或过过去将来时时。 方 式 状 语语 从 句 as as if/though As water is to fish, so air is to man. D

15、o as you are told to. He acted as if (though) nothing had happened. 此处处as意为为“按照或正如 ”; as if或as though的意义义 和用法基本一样样; 从句中可以用现现在时时, 表示可能符合事实实,也 可以用虚拟语拟语 气。 让让 步 状 语语 从 句 though although Although its raining, they are still working in the field. We were not tired though (although) we had worked all day.

16、 though、although等引 导导的让让步状语语从句,不 能和but连连用,但可以与 yet或still连连用。 though/although意义义相 同,用法基本相同。 让让 步 状 语语 从 句 even if even thoughWell make a trip even though the weather is bad. even if和even though意为为“ 即使”“纵纵使”有退一步设设想 的意味。asChild as/though he was, he knew what was the right thing to do. as引导导的让让步状语语从句常 放在句首,并用部分倒装 ;此时时,可与though换换用 。 no mat


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