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1、潍坊医学院外语系 付有龙 2010.12.16 1第八章 文体与翻译 2一、公文文体的翻译(Translation of official documents) 1、公文文体的范畴:公文主要包括政府发布的各种公告,宣言,规 章,法令,通告,启事,通报,指令及各类法律文书;又 指正式的信函,合同,协议,契约等。32、公文文体特点:1) 措词准确发布公文的目的一般在于解释或阐明公文发布者的 立场,观点或政策,措施,因此公文在措词上必须准确明晰, 切忌模棱两可或含糊晦涩. 2)用词正式、庄重(solemnity)、典雅(dignity)公文作为政府或职能部门所发布的文章,需具有其权 威性,规范性.因

2、此在用词上一般较为正式,并且不排除使 用一些较为古雅的词 (如hereinafter, hereof, herewith 等等). 43) 普通词多有特定意义许多普通的词在公文体中常常具有其特定的意义.如allowance一词通常指“允许“,“津贴“,而在经贸合同中则多指“折扣“. 4) 格式规范(standardized format)5) 长句,复杂句较多句法结结构方面结结构严严密,无省略,重复多,长长句多,语语法关系显显得复杂杂。 53、翻译公文文体注意的问题:1)翻译公文文体要严肃认真、严密准确、措辞 得当、不能含混其词,不能随意增删。6n Yu XX, this court has

3、made a judgment of divorce between you and Wang XX. You are requested to receive the judgment at this court within sixty days starting from the publishing date of this announcement. Otherwise, the verdict would be deemed to have been served.n余XX,本院已做出你和王XX的离婚判决,自本 公告发出之日起60天内要求你到本院领取判决 书。否则,视为送达。 7n

4、Modification, dissolution or termination of a contract does not deprive a party of the right to claim for damage.n合同的变更、解除或终止,不影响当事人要求 赔偿损失的权利。 8In accordance with the stipulations of “the Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Joint Ventures using Chinese and Foreign Investment” and other related

5、laws and rules, and on the basis of mutual benefit, xx of the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) and xx of xx, both agree to establish a joint venture enterprise with joint investment and hereby sign this contract. 中国 XX公司与XX国XX公司遵照中华华人民共和国 中外合资经营资经营 法及有关法律规规定,本着平等互利的 原则则,同意共同投资兴办资兴办 合资经营资经营 企业业,兹签订兹签订

6、 本 合同。 9n Article 33 The State shall , in light of the needs for the development of foreign trade , set up and improve financial institutions in service of foreign trade and establish development fund and risk fund for foreign trade. n第三十三条 国家根据对对外贸贸易发发展的需要 ,建立和完善为对为对 外贸贸易服务务的金融机构, 设设立对对外贸贸易发发展基金、风险

7、风险 基金。 10nSet pattern: nThis Agreement is signed in _, on _ ,_, by and between _ (hereinafter called “Party A”) and _ , (hereinafter called “Party B”), whereby the two parties agree to _ under the terms and conditions set forth below.本合同由 公司(以下简称“甲方”)和 公司( 以下简称“乙方”)于 年 月日在 签定。 上述双方同意按以下条款进行。 11Expor

8、t Contract This Contract is entered into this 5th day of August, 1993 between ABC Trading Co. Ltd (hereinafter called “Seller”) who agrees to sell, and XYZ Trading Co. Ltd (hereinafter called “Buyer”) who agrees to buy the following goods on the following terms and conditions. 出口合同 本合同由ABC贸易有限公司(以下简

9、称“卖方”)和 XYZ贸易有限公司(以下简称“买方”)于1993年8月5日 签订。买卖双方同意按下列条款购买、出售下述商品。 12formulaic expressionsin witness thereof , in witness whereof 特此为证 hereinafter called (referred to as ) A 下文称为甲方 according to the terms and conditions stipulated below按照以下所订条款 on the terms and conditions set forth below 按如下所订条款the princ

10、ipal points as stipulated hereunder 如下所订要点13Validness of contract 合同效力 should be taken as valid and binding 应以为 准 are final and binding on both parties 是终局性的,对双方都有约束力 the two languages are of the same effect 两种语言具有同等效力 The Chinese and English version of this Agreement shall have equal status in law.

11、 协议的英汉文本具有同等法律效力14The undersigned hereby agree that the new products are made in China. 下述签署人同意在中国制造新产品。 This contract shall come into effect from the date of execution hereof by the Buyer and the Builder. 本合同自买方和建造方签署之日生效。 Subject to the conditions herein contained: 需符合如下条件: The Attachment to this

12、Contract shall be deemed a part hereof and shall be effective as any other provisions hereof. hereof: of this Agreement(本协议的); herein: in this Agreement(在协议的) 本合同的附件应视为本合同的一部分, 并应与其他本合同 的规定具有同样的效力。 This agreement is made (conclude) and entered into by and between Party A and Party B. 本协议由甲方和乙方签定。15(

13、2)翻译公文必须注意形式问题,包括格 式、程式、体例等。Doctors CertificateJune. 18, 2000This is to certify that the patient, Mr. Thomas, male, aged 41, was admitted into our hospital on June. 9, 2000, for suffering from acute appendicitis. After immediate operation and ten days of treatment, he has got complete recovery and w

14、ill be discharged on June. 19, 2000. It is suggested that he rest for one week at home before resuming his work. nJack HopkinsSurgeon-in-charge16n医生证明书 2000年6月18日兹证明病人托马斯先生,男,41岁, 因患急性阑尾炎,于2000年6月9日住院 。经立即施行手术和十天治疗后,现已 痊愈,将于2000年6月19日出院。建议在 家休息一个星期后再上班工作。 主治医生:杰克霍普金斯17Certificate (90)Lu Zi, No. 1130

15、This is to certify that Mr. Zhao Qiangwen holds a diploma issued to him in July, 1980 by Shandong University (Diploma No. 064)and that we have carefully checked the seal of the University and the signature by President Zhou Yong sen.Jinan Notary Public OfficeShangdong Provincethe Peoples Republic of

16、 ChinaNotary: Wang FangMay 2, 200018n证书(90鲁公证字第1130号)兹证明赵强文先生持有山东大学于1980 年发给他的064号毕业文凭上的学校印签和校 长周永森签字属实。中华人民共和国山东省济南市公证处公证员:王芳2000年5月2日19n例一:寻物启事A Jacket Lost In the playground, May 12, a Jacket, green in colour and with a zipper in the collar lost, finder please return it to the owner, Krutch. Room 203, Dormitory 9. n寻茄克衫 5月12日本人不慎在操场丢失一件绿色,领口有拉链的茄 克衫。拾到者请把茄克衫还给失主克鲁奇。地点九


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