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1、Hi-key Technology 专业工程软件和服务提供商 Flowmaster二次空气系统 与叶片冷却系统概述及建模北京海基科技发展有限责任公司Flowmaster工程师:黄宏艳 2003 Flowmaster International Ltd. The information supplied in this document is for informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice. The mark Flowmaster is a community Trade Mark of The Fl

2、owmaster Group BV. Flowmaster is a registered trademark of The Flowmaster Group BV in the USA and Korea. The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.二次空气系统 2006 Flowmaster GroupAll plans subject to change二次空气系统概述 2006 Flowmaster GroupA

3、ll plans subject to changeFlowmaster坐标 2006 Flowmaster GroupAll plans subject to change部件 边界条件(旋转的) 2006 Flowmaster GroupAll plans subject to change部件 损失部件: 离散损失(旋转的) 2006 Flowmaster GroupAll plans subject to change部件 长节流管 多通道 尖角 圆角 2006 Flowmaster GroupAll plans subject to change部件 短节流管 多通道 尖角 圆角 2

4、006 Flowmaster GroupAll plans subject to change部件 旋转的长节流管 多通道 静止的与3个全局速度选项 尖角 圆角 2006 Flowmaster GroupAll plans subject to change部件 旋转的短节流管 多通道 静止的与3个全局速度选项 尖角 圆角 2006 Flowmaster GroupAll plans subject to change部件旋转通道 轴对称旋转通道 平行轴旋转通道 放射状轴的旋转通道 非平行轴旋转通道 静止的与3个全局速度选项 2 个摩擦选项 多个传热模型 2006 Flowmaster Gro

5、upAll plans subject to change部件旋转通道 轴对称旋转通道 z1 = z2 = 0, x1 = 0, x2 = L yxzFlow directionAxis of rotation 2006 Flowmaster GroupAll plans subject to change部件旋转通道 平行轴旋转通道 z1 = z2= r, = 0, x1 = 0, x2 = LryxzFlow directionAxis of rotation 2006 Flowmaster GroupAll plans subject to change部件旋转通道 放射状旋转通道 z1

6、 z2, x1 = x2 = 0, L = z2 z1yxzFlow directionAxis of rotation 2006 Flowmaster GroupAll plans subject to change部件旋转通道 非平行轴旋转通道z yr2r1xFlow directionAxis of rotation 2006 Flowmaster GroupAll plans subject to change部件环形旋转通道 轴对称旋转通道 每个面的静止选项与3个全局速度选项 2 个摩擦选项 多个传热模型 2006 Flowmaster GroupAll plans subject

7、to change部件迷宫式密封 3种类型直通 叉排 阶梯状 根据Martins 公式计算全局漩涡根据空腔的功能,自定义数学模型 2006 Flowmaster GroupAll plans subject to change漩涡 漩涡求解在气旋中,由于空气具有切向速度,因此,漩涡代表了流体所具有的能量中的动能部分 PT = PS + (u2 + v2 + w2)3 种漩涡模型强制的 自由的 普通的或线性的 漩涡压力升高计算方程SPR =漩涡压力升高量 如果n =-1, 为自由漩涡 如果n = 1, 为强制漩涡 2006 Flowmaster GroupAll plans subject to

8、 change 漩涡求解漩涡强度代表了流体的切向速度。目前,在Flowmaster软件中,切向速度的作用是通 过 “角动量平衡” 计算来考虑的。Di 流体的漩涡角速度;Mi流体的质量流量;Vt切向速度;R 对应速度处的漩涡半径漩涡 2006 Flowmaster GroupAll plans subject to change部件 空腔部件空腔部件的模型是由燃气轮机上旋转圆盘和静止圆盘构成,通过它用户可以 将此构件分解成几部分,分别进行计算。 对每部分建立力矩平衡方程,以此评价各部分,评价参数包括: 温度 压力 涡流 流量 Flowmaster采用的是空腔部件壁面的一些非常基本的力矩关系式,软

9、件中可 以非常方便地对力矩关系式的所属进行设置,以获得更高精度的结果。 2006 Flowmaster GroupAll plans subject to change部件 空腔部件 2006 Flowmaster GroupAll plans subject to change部件部件固体接触面固体接触面固体壁面固体壁面 2006 Flowmaster GroupAll plans subject to change部件空腔部件 可以进行可压与不可压缩计算 可以考虑径向摩擦 部件的力矩平衡计算采用下式将右手法则转换成左手法则,以计算部件的同一个旋转速度 漩涡按下式传递到出口支路 2006 F

10、lowmaster GroupAll plans subject to change部件 空腔部件 每个部件中可以按下式计算摩擦损失功率 部件下游的温度按下式计算 2006 Flowmaster GroupAll plans subject to change默认的力矩计算关系式拖曳产生的力 2006 Flowmaster GroupAll plans subject to change默认的力矩计算关系式水平面积竖直面积以水平面为基准,偏转5或5以下时,用水平面积,否则用竖直面积 2006 Flowmaster GroupAll plans subject to change部件 空腔部件的

11、数据表 2006 Flowmaster GroupAll plans subject to change部件 单元数据表单 2006 Flowmaster GroupAll plans subject to change部件 面数据表单 2006 Flowmaster GroupAll plans subject to change部件 面数据表单 2006 Flowmaster GroupAll plans subject to change部件 面数据表单 2006 Flowmaster GroupAll plans subject to change创建模型插入背景图片拖放元件划分空腔元

12、件输入参数运行仿真 2006 Flowmaster GroupAll plans subject to change练习1 2006 Flowmaster GroupAll plans subject to change练习2 2006 Flowmaster Group. The information supplied in this document is for informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice. The mark Flowmaster is a community Trade Mark

13、 of Flowmaster Group BV. Flowmaster is a registered trademark of Flowmaster Group BV in the USA and Korea. The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.叶片冷却系统示例 2006 Flowmaster GroupAll plans subject to changeGas Turbine Design The temp

14、erature of the gas out of the burner is designed to be as high as the first stage of turbine blades can widthstand.Tmax , e Where Tmax is the max operating temperature and e is the thermal efficiency 2006 Flowmaster GroupAll plans subject to change Increased operating temperatures (typically 2,200 2

15、,700 F) result in:Increased turbine inlet temperature results in increased heat transfer to turbine blades.Operating temperatures above the metal melting point.Variation in temperature within the blade, which must be limited to reduce thermal stresses. Therefore, the turbine blades must be cooled fo

16、r safe and reliable operation.Gas Turbine Design 2006 Flowmaster GroupAll plans subject to changeTurbine Blade Cooling Air extracted from the compressor is used to cool the turbine blades. Extracting air lowers the thermal efficiency and power output of a turbine. Therefore, it is important to optim



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