Case Study Research Method

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《Case Study Research Method》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Case Study Research Method(40页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Vladimir Ryabov, PhD, Principal Lecturer”METHODOLOGY” COURSE, BM07CASE STUDY RESEARCH METHODLOGIC OF CASE STUDYPLANDESIGNPREPARECOLLECTANALYZESHAREBased on R.Yin, 2009, Case Study Research, 4th Ed., SAGE.WHEN TO USE? “How” and “Why” research questions Researcher has little control over events Focus

2、is on contemporary phenomenon within real-life contextGOALS OF CASE STUDY Exploratory Descriptive ExplanatoryCRITICISM Rigor of case study research Little basis for scientific generalization Too long, result in massive, unreadable documents Cant directly address causal relationshipsDEFINITION (R.YIN

3、, 2009, Case Study Research, 4th Ed., SAGE. p.18)1. A case study is an empirical enquiry that investigates a contemporary phenomenon in depth and within its real-life context, especially when the boundaries between phenomenon and context are not clearly evident. 2. The case study inquiry copes with

4、the technically distinctive situation in which there will be many more variables of interest than data points, and as one result relies on multiple sources of evidence, with data needing to converge in a triangulating fashion, and as another result benefits from the prior development of theoretical

5、propositions to guide data collection and analysis.NUMBER OF CASES Single vs. Multiple Comparative case method (distinctive form of multiple case study)DESIGNPLANDESIGNPREPARECOLLECTANALYZESHARERESEARCH DESIGN OF CASE STUDY Research design logic linking data to be collected to the initial questions

6、of study Logical connection between questions and findings Example: inter-organizational studyCOMPONENTS OF RESEARCH DESIGN Questions of a study Propositions Unit(s) of analysis Logic linking the data to the propositions Criteria for interpreting the findingsROLE OF THEORY IN DESIGN Theoretical fram

7、ework for a study E.g., organizational theories (theories of bureaucracy, organizational structure and functions; excellence in organizational performance, and inter-organizational partnerships) Generalizations: statistical and analyticCRITERIA FOR JUDGING THE QUALITY OF RESEARCH DESIGN Construct va

8、lidity: identifying correct operational measures for the concepts being studied Internal validity: seeking to establish a causal relationship, whereby certain conditions are believed to lead to other conditions External validity: defining the domain to which a studys findings can be generalized Reli

9、ability: demonstrating that the operations of a study such as the data collection procedures can be repeated, the same resultsCONSTRUCT VALIDITY Problem: Operational set of measures: objectivity vs. subjectivity Tactics: Use multiple sources of evidence Establish chain of evidence Have key informant

10、s review draft case study reportINTERNAL VALIDITY Problem: Mainly a concern for explanatory case studies Making inferences in a case study Tactics: Do pattern matching Do explanation building Address rival explanation Use logic modelEXTERNAL VALIDITY Problem: Is this study generalizable? This is a m

11、ajor concern in case studies! Tactics: Use theory in single-case studies Use replication logic in multiple-case studiesRELIABILITY Problem: To minimize errors and biases in a study Tactics: Use case study protocol Develop case study databasePREPARING FOR DATA COLLECTIONPLANDESIGNPREPARECOLLECTANALYZ

12、ESHAREDESIRED SKILLS Ask good questions Be a good ”listener” Be adaptive and flexible Have a firm grasp of the issues being studied Be unbiased by preconceived notionsPROTOCOL OF INVESTIGATION Major way to increase the reliability of case study Guides the investigator in the data collection General

13、content of a case study protocol: an overview of the project field procedures case study questions a guide for case study reportCOLLECTING CASE STUDY EVIDENCEPLANDESIGNPREPARECOLLECTANALYZESHARESOURCES OF EVIDENCE Documentation Archival records Interviews Direct observation Participant observation P

14、hysical artefactsDOCUMENTATION Strengths: Stable, unobtrusive, exact, broad coverage Weaknesses: Retrievability, biased selectivity, reporting bias, and access Use of documents: to corroborate and augment evidence from other sources An Internet search prior to field visitARCHIVAL RECORDS Strengths:

15、Same as for documents Precise and usually quantitative Weaknesses: Same as for documents Accessibility due to privacy reasons Often take a form of computer files and records E.g., organizational records (budget or personnel records) Usefulness of archival records vary: from essential to passive rele

16、vanceINTERVIEWS Strengths: Targeted, insightful Weaknesses: Bias due to poorly articulated questions Response bias Inaccuracies due to poor recall ReflexivityDIRECT OBSERVATIONS Strengths: Reality, contextual Weaknesses: Time-consuming, selectivity, reflexivity, and cost Observations of meetings, factory work, classrooms, etc.PARTICIPANT OBSERVATION Strengths:


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