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1、Unit 1 复习学案答案I. 1-5 BCCAB II. was, riding, to visit, buy, to find III. 1. Where did 2. couldnt, anything 3. How are4. How, like IV. 1. Because of, anywhere interesting = It rained so hard that we didnt go anywhere interesting. 2. hard, an umbrella, hardly 3. hungry, tastes delicious 4. Nobody, worki

2、ng hard 5. enough money, cheap enough Unit 2 Review Read Unit 2. Section A :1c 2c 2d grammar focus 3a 3b Section B:1b 1d 2b 2d 3a Self check:3 Words hdl hel wns rzlts twas psent ntnet nlan prrm l mebi ru list tge kf mgzinzhealth once twice Internet program maybehardlyresults percent online although

3、through least coffeetogether magazines Phrases be free a 16-year-old high school student go to the dentist at least be good for your health go online/surf the Internet the best way to relax such as Old habits die hard spent time with friends有空的 一个十六岁的高中生 去看牙医 至少 对你的健康有好处 上网 最好的休闲方式 例如 旧习难改 和朋友共度时时光S

4、entences 你多久锻炼 一次? How often do you exercise? 下周我会非常忙。 Next week is quite full for me. 有关看电视 的问题 的答案也是很有意思。 The answers to our questions about watching television were also interesting. 它有利于身心健康。 It is healthy for the mind and the body. 像做运动这样 的锻炼 是很有意思的。 Exercise such as playing sports is fun. 当你们一

5、起玩的时候你可以和朋友家人共度时 光。 You can spend time with your friends and family as you play together. 所以在一切还来得及的时候开始锻炼 吧。 So start exercising before its too late! 然而,她也有一些不好的习惯 。 However,she has some bad habits, too. Exercises1. - Hello, is Bob in ? - Hes not here._hes in the library. A. be may B. may C. Maybe

6、D. May be 2. -_ do you write to your pen pal?- Once a month. A. How many B. How often C. How long D. When3. Youyou To is a Chinese _. She won a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. A. Writer B. teacher C. dentist D. scientist 4. My uncle slept for seven hours last night. (提 问) _ _ hours _ your uncle _ last night. 5. She has to practice the swing dance every day.(否定句) She _ _ to practice the swing dance everyday.How many doesnt havedidsleep



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