时间管理(Time Management)

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《时间管理(Time Management)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《时间管理(Time Management)(127页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Time Management How to Manage Your Time More Effectively? How to Make Your Life Successful?1时间管理 如何更有效地管理时间? 如何获得成功?2序 工作对时间来讲总是太多 时间管理实际上靠自己 Time management is really self-management. 习惯是管理好时间的关键 Habits are the key to good time management. 首先应改变您的思维 The first step may be to change your thinking . 为

2、了改变您的习惯,您必须认识您的习惯 In order to change your habits ,you must also identify them.3?不管你认为你行还是不行,你都 是对的Whether you think you can, or whether you think you can t, youre right. 4改变习惯和建立工作计划 Changing Habits and Building Action Plans确定你要改变的习惯 Identify the habit you want to change 仔细确立你想要养成的习惯 Carefully defin

3、e the new habit you wish to develop尽可能开始新的习惯 Begin the new behavior as strongly as possible 在新的习惯牢固建立之前,决不改变 Never deviate from the behavior until the new habit is firmly established 请其他人帮你改变习惯 Ask other people to help you change5完成日常工作和享受生活的12种方法 12ways you can accomplish more and enjoy work and li

4、fe every day1.确立积极的心态 2.明确目标 3.知道先做什么 4.分析你的时间利用 5.制定有效计划 6.按时间表去做 7.排除干扰Develop your?Can do?attitude Clearly establish goals Know what to do by prioritizing Analyze your time use Master planning for effectiveness Know when to do things by schedulingControl interruptions 6完成日常工作和享受生活的12种方法8.提高会议效率 9

5、.掌握文字工作 10.增加团队策略 11.克服拖拉作风 12.建立团队工作?Improve meeting effectiveness Master paperwork Increase delegation strategies Conquer procrastination Develop time teamwork7态度介绍AttitudesIntroduction时间是一种矛盾,我们永远不会有足够时间,然而我们 总会有时间。问题不是时间不够,而是如何管理时间。 关键是集中精力干必须的事情而忽略非必须的事情。 Time is a paradox. We never seem to hav

6、e enough time,yet we have all the time there is. The problem is not a shortage of time, but how we choose to use the time available to us.The key is to concentrate on the essentials, and ignore the non- essentials.8态度介绍 Attitudes Introduction中国谚语:要有所为和有所不为,生活的 哲理在于去粗取精 Chinese Proverb:Besides the no

7、ble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone. The wisdom of life lies in eliminating the non-essentials.9态 度 关键是如何思考What You Think Is Critical 两种类型的人 Internals 内向的人 -坚信能够改变世界 People who believe strongly that they can make a difference in the world. Externals外向的人 -

8、认为不能控制或影响发生的事情 ,他们只是对环境作出反应,并 且总是抱怨所发生的事。 A People who believe they have no control or influence over the things that happen to them.They simply react to their environment and usually complain about what happens to them.10?意志力的关键是欲望 The key to will-power is want-power.如果你迫切需要,你总会找到解决 问题的方法。 If you w

9、ant something strongly enough,you will usually find the discipline necessary to do it.11Attitude态度 避免后悔Avoid Regrets 后悔只是生活的一部分Regrets are just part of life. 不可逆后悔和可逆后悔Irreversible regret and Reversible regret 后事不忘,前事之师,单必须认识到我们可以自由改 变未来,生活没有回头路,勇往直前。We should look back and learn from the past, but

10、we must always realize that we are free to change the future.Life has always one direction,and that is straight ahead.12Attitude态度 自我约束Self-discipline Pays Off 知道做什么和单纯去做的不同 Difference between knowing what to do and doing it. 成功者和失败者的不同 Difference between winners and losers 实现和梦想的不同 Difference betwe

11、en those who achieve and those who only dream about it 自我约束是以上这些不同的桥梁 Self-discipline is the bridge between these two differences13?如果你停止幻想,马上去做, 自我约束就会很容易Self-discipline is easier if you stop thinking about it , and simply do it.14Attitude 态度 Self-discipline Pays Off 自我约束自我约束指做你应该做的事情,而不管 你是否喜欢去做。

12、“ Self-discipline is simply doing what you know you should do, regardless of whether or not you feel like doing it.15?习惯是成功的关键,获得成功 的人要养成做其他人不喜欢做的 事情的习惯。Habits are the keys to success. Success people form the habit of doing the things that others dont like to do16?当你选择习惯的时候,还应选 择习惯的结果When you choose

13、 a habit, you also choose the results of that habit.17?It is not enough to know; You must also act. Knowledge without action is impotent.18?Press on. Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence.19目 标 Goals SMART 特定的Specific 可衡量的Measurable 可达到的Achievable 实际的Realistic 限时的Timed20目标Goals 两种方法Two Approaches 结果 Results 活动 Activities?目标专一的人,善于时间管理,获得更大成功People who focus primarily on their goals tend to master their time use and accomplish more.21


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