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1、Review of Units 6-10 在复习中巩固记忆在复习中巩固记忆 在复习中整理知识系统在复习中整理知识系统 在复习中总结知识的规律在复习中总结知识的规律 在复习中将知识转化为能力在复习中将知识转化为能力 在复习中尝试成功、提高自信在复习中尝试成功、提高自信复习的任务与意义复习主要范围Unit 6 &Unit 9 Unit 7&Unit 8 Unit 10 范围:归纳语言知识(词汇,语法,功能,话题)学生自主复习 总结每个单元的短语1520个,并归类整 理 总结重点句型:Grammar Focus, self-check 1 重点段落:3a, self-check 2 语法项目:2种时

2、态,情态动词,附加疑 问句 话题和写作:收藏,要求、抱怨,提出建 议,选宠物,选礼物,景点或名胜介绍, 学习经历和方法,表达感谢词 汇 部 分Unit 6 (共22个)collect pair skate since raise several stamp kite anyone store cake common coin capital European Russian Australian thousand foreigner quite certain missUnit 7(共22个)yard task term drop pickbringbroughtbrought line po

3、lite impolite perhaps door normal behavior Asian allow voice public break smoke careful litter cough Unit 8(共31个)personal special receive mouse mice pig snake child children advantage perfect rabbit company cost asleep choose present open give-gave-given rather instead enter nearly encourage progres

4、s suggest besides mention drive-drove- driven winner interestedUnit 9(共24个)neither board discover film wonderful holiday quarter population fear brave excellent Indian dark wake- woke-woken fox natural environment temperature whenever spring autumn season island especiallyUnit 10(共10个)noon goodbye c

5、ross low slow fan note baby traffic least Review of units 610 (共110个)review短语总结:短语总结: Unit 6 Unit 6 (2020个)个)核心词汇:(动词短语) 开始上课 start class 在课上be in class 为慈善机构筹款 raise money for charity 用完run out of 创办俱乐部start a club 对某事感兴趣be interested in 收集邮票collect stamps 放风筝fly kites 使某人做某事make sb. do sth. 尽力去做某事

6、try to do sth.(副词短语) 整五年the whole five years 一小时以前an hour ago 三年半three and a half years 昨天夜里 last night (其它短语) 顺便说by the way 为祝贺congratulations on sth. 玻璃雪花球snow globe 最普通的爱好the most common hobby 第一双滑冰鞋the first pair of skates 事实上in factUnit 7 Unit 7 (3333个)个) 动词短语: 介意做某事mind doing sth 介意某人做某事 mind

7、ones doing sth 从出来get out of 看起来糟糕look terrible 被允许做be allowed to do sth. 站着排队stand in line 把收音机声音关小turn down the radio 洗餐具do the dishes 打扫院子clean the yard 需要你的帮助need your help 起床get up 做晚饭make dinner 制作海报make some posters帮我完成家庭作业help me with my homework 点一个汉堡 order a hamburger 从出来get out of 冲凉,洗淋浴t

8、ake a shower 穿上put on 排队等候 wait in line 插队 cut in line 变得生气 get angry/ get mad 变得恼火 get annoyed 发生在我身上 happen to me 试着不去做某事 try not to do sth. 站在地铁门口 stand in the subway door 把书还到图书馆 return the book to the library其它短语: 没问题no problem 在开会at a meeting 一点也不not at all 立刻, 马上right away 立刻,马上in a minute 一直

9、,总是 all the time 在将来 in the futureUnit 8 Unit 8 (2222个)个)动词短语: 吃得多/少eat a lot/ eat a little 帮助纪念某人help remember someone 使她开心make her happy 分配、赠送give away 支付pay for 睡着fall asleep 听起来不错sound good 做一顿特殊的饭make a special meal其它短语: 怎麽样how about/ what about 太贵too expensive 最不寻常的宠物the most unusual pet 好照料 e

10、asy to take care of 一个十六岁的男孩 a sixteen-year-old boy 最新奇的一种宠物 the trendiest kind of pet 这些日子 these days 足够的时间enough time 足够有趣interesting enough 太 而不too to 中途 half way 不同种类的礼物 different kinds of gifts 与其不如rather thanUnit 9 Unit 9 (1414个)个) 地点短语: 游乐场amusement park 水上公园water park 水上世界water World 主题公园the

11、me park 动词短语: 听说hear of 看到某人干某事see sb. doing sth 和某人吵架argue with sb. 乘小船take a boat 提高英语improve ones English 讲好英语speak English well 帮我学英语help me learn English 其它短语: 讲英语国家English-speaking country 机组乘务员flight attendant 做这件事最好的方法the best way to do itUnit 10 Unit 10 (2020个)个) 动词短语: 玩得开心have fun/ have a

12、good time 觉得feel like 费劲have a hard time (doing sth.) 过来 come along 相处get along 想起think of 浏览look through 到那去go there 告诉某人关于某事tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人去做某事tell sb. to do sth. 做运动play sports其它短语: 在公交车上on bus 到中午为止by noon 在周末on weekends 第十五路公交车 the No. 15 bus 有点热a little hot/ a bit hot 盛大宴会a great part

13、y 容易得多a lot easier 家宴family dinner 至少at least话题与句型Topic and functions U6Hobbies Talk about how long youve been doing things. U7Complaints Make requests & Apologize U8Gift giving Compare qualities U9Fun places Talk about past experiences U10Small talk Make small talkUnit 6 句型(4个): 1. How long have yo

14、u been collecting shells? 2. Ive been collecting shells for three years.Ive been collecting shells since three years ago/ since I was 10 years old. 3. When did you start collecting shells? 4. Students are skating at the Hilltop School. Unit 7 句型(3个): 1. Would you mind turning down the music? 2. No, not at all. Ill do it right away.Sorry. Ill do it right away. 3. Could you please take out the trash? 复习句型(2个): 1.Please turn down the music. 2. Dont play the music too loud.Unit 8 句型(5个) 1 What should I g


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