Unit 11 Advertising Media 经典广告学英语课件合集

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《Unit 11 Advertising Media 经典广告学英语课件合集》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 11 Advertising Media 经典广告学英语课件合集(20页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 11 Advertising MediaPublished media National daily newspapers Sunday newspapers Local and regional newspapers Consumer magazines Specialist magazines Trade and professional press InternetVisual and aural media Television (terrestrial and digital) Radio Cinema Billboards Transport Direct mailing

2、Deciding on Media and Measuring Effectiveness Choosing Among Major Media TypesProfiles of Media TypesMediumAdvantagesLimitationsNewspapersFlexibility; timeliness; good local market coverage; broad acceptance; high believabilityShort life; poor reproduction quality; small “passalong” audienceTelevisi

3、onCombines sight, sound, and motion; appealing to the senses; high attention; high reachHigh absolute cost; high clutter; fleeting exposure; less audience selectivityDirect mailAudience selectivity; flexibility; no ad competition within the same medium; personalizationRelatively high cost; “junk mai

4、l” imageMedia planning Media planning is the process of designing a strategic course of action that shows how advertising space and time can be used to present the message in order to achieve the advertisers goals. The purpose of media planning is to conceive, analyze, and select channels of communi

5、cation that will direct advertising messages to the right people in the right place at the right time. Media planning involves many decisions: Where should you advertise? Which media vehicles should be used? When during the year should the advertising be concentrated? How often should we run the adv

6、ertising? What are the opportunities for integrating media?The goal of a media plan is to be efficient: to gain maximum exposure at minimum cost. As the complexity of the field increases, media decisions become more critical and clients more demanding. Advertisers want agencies to be more than effic

7、ient. They want creative and well- negotiated buys. Advertising agencies face challenges 1. Increasing media options. Today, there are more media to choose from, and each offers more choices. The “media menu“ needs to include everything that carries a message to and/or from customers and other stake

8、holders. The proliferation of toll-free phone numbers, faxes, the Internet, and company Web sites, make customers feedback easier and more immediate. 2. Increasing fragmentation of the audience: consumers are selective in choosing what particular articles to read, which cable or network TV shows the

9、y watch, and what radio programs they listen to. 3. Increasing costs CPM (cost per thousand每千人成本 ) to each of the major media rose faster than inflation. 4. Increasing complexity in the media buying. A good media specialist must be an “advertising generalist.” 5. Increasing competition. The Media-Pl

10、anning Framework Media planning is done early because media are how the customers make contact with the product. Developing a media plan involves the same process as marketing or advertising planning. 1. Review marketing and ad objectives. 2. Set measurable objectives that can be achieved by the med

11、ia. 3. Determine a strategy to achieve the objectives. 4. Set down tactical details.Quantitative criteria for evaluating the media plan 1. cost per thousand (千人成本) 2. reach (到达率) 3. frequency (广告频度) 4. impressions (视听众暴露度) 5. gross rating points (毛评点). Audience reach Reach refers to the number of di

12、fferent people or households exposed at least once to an ad or campaign during a given period of time, usually four weeks. The term “effective reach“ describes the quality of exposure. It measures the number or percentage of the audience who receive enough exposures for the message to have the desir

13、ed effect. Exposure frequency Frequency refers to the number of times the same person or household is exposed to a message in a specified time span. It measures the intensity of a media schedule, based on repeated exposures to the message. Repetition is the key to memory. Effective frequency measure

14、s the average number of times a person must see or hear a message before it becomes effective. Good media planning is both an art and a science. Effective reach describes the quality of the exposure, measuring the number or percentage of the audience who receive enough exposures to truly receive the

15、 message. Some researchers maintain three OTSs (opportunities-to-see) over a four-week period are necessary. Effective frequency is the average number of times a person must see or hear a message before it becomes effective (between a minimum level that achieves awareness and a maximum level that becomes overexposure that leads to “wear-out“ and irritates customers).Advertisers develop media strategies by blending the elements of the media mix. Markets - the various targets of a media plan: trade and consumer audiences; global, national, or regional


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