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1、初二英语互动课堂(2010,上海) 听短文,完成下列内容。每空格限填一 词。1It is a _ book for children. Its home is in the library.2The book stayed in a factory for _ weeks before it went to a new place.3The book went to the library and others were _ away to book shops. story five sent 4Some people take good care of the book and turn

2、its pages _.5Other people are bad to the book and they read it with _ hands.6Some people throw the book away in the _ when they want to sleep.7The colors on its cover were _. Now they have turned pale. softly dirty bedroom bright Hello! Let me introduce myself to you. I am a story book for children.

3、 My home is in a library. I live on a shelf with a lot of other books. Before I came to the library, I stayed in a factory for five weeks. I remembered being on a shelf with a lot of books which looked exactly like me. Then I went to the library. Others were sent away to book shops. People often tak

4、e me from the library to their homes to read me. Some people take good care of me. They make sure that their hands are clean and turn my pages softly. They put a book mark in me when they stop reading for a while. Other people are bad to me. They read me with dirty hands. They turn up of the corner

5、of my pages so they know where to start reading again. Some people read me in the bedroom. They just throw me away when they want to sleep. I am quite old now. My pages used to be really white, now they look different. When I first came to live in the library, the colors on my cover were bright, now

6、 they have turned pale. I like being a book. It is good to meet so many different kinds of people.一、单选1. (2010,南宁) Little Mermaid (美人鱼) _ to Shanghai and visitors can see it there now.Ahas moved Bhas been moved Cwill move Dwas moved2. (2010,昆明) - _ you _ Dianchi Lake these days? - Yes, I have. The w

7、ater is getting cleaner and the mountains are more beautiful.AHave; gone to BHave; been to CDid; go to DHave; been in3. (2010,宁夏回族自治区) Could you please tell me _? Ive lost her address.Awhere did Carol live Bwhere does Carol live Cwhere Carol lives Dwhere Carol lived4. (2010,宁夏回族自治区) - Mum, can I go

8、to the zoo with Linda? - When your homework _, you can.Ais finished Bwas finished Cfinishes Dfinished5. (2010,山东)My daughter _ for me until I came back last night.Adidnt wait Bwaited Cis waiting Dwaits【解析】非延续性动词跟until连用时,一般用否定 形式;wait是延续性动词,跟until连用时,直接用肯 定形式。同时该动作发生在过去,所以用过去时。 6. (2010,山东) I wonder

9、 if the talent show _ next month. If they _ it, I must get ready for it.Awill hold, hold Bwill hold, will hold Cwill be held, hold Dis held, will hold7. (2010,呼和浩特) - Did you hear someone knocking at the door just now? - No, sir. I _ music.Awas listening to Blistened to Cam listening to Dwould liste

10、n to8. (2010,呼和浩特) - Oh, Jack, your MP4 looks nice. Is it new? - No. I _ it since two years ago.Ahad Bbought Chave had Dhave bought9. (2010,新疆) Great changes _ in our city since 1980.Atook place Bhave taken place Cwere taken place Dhave been taken place10. (2010,江苏) - What do you think of the film “

11、Avatar”? - Its fantastic. The only pity is that I _ the beginning of it.Amissed Bwas missing Cmiss Dwill miss二、(2010,福州)将下列句子译成英语。必须用上所 给提示词。1我妹妹长着一张圆脸。(have,round)My sister has a round face. 2. 上周五汤姆病了,因此他没有去上学。(be ill, so)Last Friday Tom was ill, so he didnt go to school. 三、词汇1There are _ (hundred

12、) of people dancing at the square after supper.2My mother was _ (water) flowers in the garden when I came back.3. She is proud of _ (she) for not giving up easily.hundreds watering herself 4The boy sat down excitedly because he answered the difficult question _ (correct).5Everybody likes to ask him

13、for help because he often _ (come) up with good ideas.6It is a good habit to brush your _ (tooth) after each meal.7Many school things were _ (send) to Yushu last month.correctly comes teeth sent (2010,上海)用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下 列句子。每空格限填一词。1It was _ for human beings to predict weather in the past. (difficu

14、lty)2There is a beautiful _ on the wall in each room of my house. (paint)3You need to explain your opinions quite _ when having a debate. (clear)difficult painting clearly 4Lets hope that all our troubles will _ soon. (appear)5The local people are _ that the whole nation are helping them rebuild the

15、 town. (thank)disappear thankful 三、(2010,安徽)根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下 列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。1Do you think this kind of water is s _(安全)for drinking?2He is writing on the blackboard with a piece of c _ (粉笔).afe halk 3Our teachers are all very s _(严格)with us students.4Tom i _(邀请)all his best friends to his birthday party last Sunday.5We have to c _(携带)a lot of books in our


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