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1、 大学英语作业 三次网络作业(在“在线作业”栏 中) 占总评30%大学英语网络作业评分注意事宜1平时作业成绩为三次网络作业的平均成绩 ,占期末总评成绩的30%即:如你的三次作业成绩分别为70分,80分 ,90分,期末考试成绩为60分,那么你的期末 总评成绩为:(70+80+90)/330% + 6070% = 662. 作业以附件形式上交的最高只评65分大学英语网络作业评分注意事宜3. 作业答案没填入答卷纸表格上的视情况 降低一个分数段或最高只评 65分4. 已批改评分的作业不能重新提交或修改 重新评分5. 如下提示的可以重新提交(评分为0分)你的作业没有提交成功,可以在作业截 至日期前在答疑

2、栏中申请重新提交,申 请时请注明第几次作业,但不能直接提交 在答疑栏中,待批示后,将在答疑栏中 通知你重新提交到该作业区大学英语网络作业评分注意事宜 需要从“下载区”下载的文件名: 1. 大学英语考前辅导讲义 2. 部分课后练习答案及课文译文 3. 各次网络作业答案(作业截至日期 后三天内公布) 考卷答卷上的四个信息请填写完整: 教学中心_ 专业_ 姓 名_ 学号_ 一阅读:30% (如例所示,将所选的选项用钢笔或圆珠 笔画上一横线) 例:ABCD 1. ABCD 2.ABCD 3.ABCD 4.ABCD 5.ABCD 6.ABCD 7.ABCD 8.ABCD 9. ABCD 10.ABCD

3、大学英语(大学英语(2 2)考试范围:)考试范围: 大学英语2(北京交通大学出版社) Unit 1Unit 8大学英语期末考试题型: 一。阅读30% (15题) 二。词汇与语法:40%(20题) 三。 交际英语对话: 10%(5题) 四。英译汉:20% 各题型 的复习范围: 一。阅读: (有一篇从三次网络作业中抽 取,其余两篇课外) (网络作业答案将在作业截止日期的后三 天内公布在“下载区”) 二。词汇与语法: 第二册课本每课课后的pickup grammar的 语法练习部分 (Unit 1Unit 6)三。 交际英语对话: 从课后练习的Quiz 1 & Quiz 2 & Quiz 3 中抽取

4、 (课后练习的Quiz 1 & Quiz 2& Quiz 3的 参考答案在课本的最后页)四。英译汉: 课文句子翻译(Unit 3)部分期末复习题 解析 “交际英语对话” 复习试题 (Quiz 1) 1. Are you from Italy? _. A. Yes, we are. B. No, we dont. C. No, I dont. D. No, we wont. 2. What do you do? _. A. What do you do? B. Fine, thank you. C. Im a college student. D. I do well in my studies

5、. 3. Do you think this is a nice place? _. A. Thats right. B. Youre right. C. No, its not here. D. Yes, I think so. 4. Hows your mother doing? _. A. She is very kind. B. She is very well. C. She is not very old. D. She is doing shopping now. 5. How did Mr. Jones get to the cinema? _. A. At 10 oclock

6、. B. With Mrs. Jones. C. By car. D. To the Grand Theater. 6. What do you think of your new teacher? _. A. He came to teach us last week. B. He teaches us English. C. He has two children. D. He is very nice. 7. Are you going on holiday? _. A. Not until next week. B. Three weeks ago. C. To Beijing. D.

7、 For only a day or two. 8. Have you been to Paris? _. A. No, I didnt go there last year. B. No, but I hope to go there sometime next year. C. Paris is a nice place to visit. D. No, it was a long time ago. 9. Mary, are you and your husband busy this weekend? _. A. This weekend we may go to cinema. B.

8、 No, were not. C. Oh, its none of your business. D. Welcome to our party. 10. How many students do you teach? _. A. Quite a bit. B. More boys than girls. C. About 50. D. Three classes. “交际英语对话” 复习试题 (Quiz 2) 1. Excuse me,can you tell me where the nearest subway station is? _. A. Its too far from her

9、e. B. Sorry,Im a stranger here myself. C. You can take a bus first. D. Sorry,I cant. 2. I wonder if you could do me a favor. _. A. Sure. B. I could. C. Yes,I do. D. No,not at all. 3. The movie last night was really interesting. _. A. But it was difficult to understand. B. I went to the movie,too. C.

10、 I couldnt agree with you more. D. It sounds good. 4. Im awfully sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time. _. A. Just tell me the reason. B. You shouldnt have said so. C. No problem. D. Actually Ive only been here for twenty minutes. 5. Theres a big party at the students center tonight. Are yo

11、u going with us? _. A. Its none of my business. B. Id love to,but I have to catch up with my maths assignment. C. Ive never had the chance to go there. D. Its beyond my expectation. 6. Cherry,would you mind looking after my cat for a few days when I go on business? _. A. No,I do mind. B. No,I dont t

12、hink it a good idea. C. Of course not! D. Im not used to it. 7. Youd better take the umbrella with you. It looks like its going to rain. _. A. Its hard to believe. B. You may be right. Thank you for reminding me. C. Its quite unusual. D. I think you are too sensitive. 8. I wonder if Julie will arrive at five thirty as she said this morning. _. A. I think so. B. She will be late.


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