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1、21st Century Teens哈尔滨市第一中学 张婳For Senior 1 2015-2016学年第16期总第618期Giving to the future (P2)21st Century TeensI. Pre-readingIf you had $45 billion, would you give 99% of it to charity? 21st Century Teens Whats the aim of the investment in the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative? Its aim is to advance human poten

2、tial and promote equality for all children. Will Zuckerberg continue to do business to make money? Yes.II. Reading21st Century Teens Will Marks way of doing charity have a bad effect on the social media industry? Yes. Does Mark need to pay taxes for his donation? No.II. Reading21st Century TeensIII.

3、 VocabularyLook at these sentences and try to figure out the meanings of the underlined words. He and his wife, Priscilla Chan, would give away 99 percent of their Facebook shares. 股份 21st Century Teens The stock will be invested (投资) in the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative “to advance human potential and

4、 promote equality for all children”. potential: 潜力,潜能 promote: 促进,提升,促销III. Vocabulary21st Century Teens You can write donations (捐款) off in your taxes to a large degree in the US. 在很大程度上 So its not the state that decides what is good for the people, but rather the rich. notbut 不是而是III. Vocabulary21

5、st Century Teens Look at the sentences and pay attention to their structures. The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative is a limited liability (责任) company (LLC), a private organization that is free to partner with businesses or influence governments. partner 本身是名词:合伙人,此处做动 词:与合伙IV. Structure21st Century Teens

6、 又如: The ship is heading for China. Tom eyed the painting with interest. This apartment houses six people and a dog. Let me Google it on the web.IV. Structure21st Century Teens Exercises: Did you _ (预订) your seat on the plane yesterday? Please _ (用手递) me that book. They _ (取名) their dog Bob. She _ (

7、护理,照顾) her mother every day. It _ (尝起来) delicious.IV. Structurebookhandnamednursestastes21st Century Teens哈尔滨市第一中学 张婳For Senior 1 2015-2016学年第16期总第618期Why winter makes some sad (P5)21st Century TeensI. Pre-readingDo you feel sad in winter?21st Century Teens What is winter SAD? Seasonal affective dis

8、order in winter. Whats an unusual way of treating SAD? Sitting near a very bright light for 30 minutes or so every morning. II. Reading21st Century Teens Is SAD serious enough to cause long- lasting sadness and problems with eating and sleep? No. Whats the writers attitude toward SAD? Dont be so sur

9、e that youre sad in winter because of a medical condition you might just hate the cold weather like most people do. II. Reading21st Century TeensIII. VocabularyLook at these sentences and try to figure out the meanings of the underlined words. While SAD may affect (影响) 1 to 2 percent of the populati

10、on, Lam said, less serious versions (变化形式) of the problem affect 10 to 15 percent of people. 尽管 21st Century Teens However, it is less likely to cause psychological (心理的) symptoms such as a very low mood (情绪). 症状 David Kerr helped to carry out a study. 实施 So dont be so sure that youre sad in winter

11、because of a medical condition. 状况 III. Vocabulary21st Century Teens Look at the sentences and pay attention to their structures. Do you feel unhappy in winter? If so, youre not alone. if类省略结构小结 IV. Structure21st Century Teens if so 假如这样的话 if not 假如不是这样的话;不然的话 if any 即使有(任何),即使有 There were few error

12、s, if any. if anything 如果有什么的话 If anything, she works too hard. 要说 的话呢,就是她工作太辛苦了。 if possible 如果可能的话 If possible, let me know beforehand. IV. Structure21st Century Teens if anybody (anyone) 若有(任何)人的话 If anybody knows, he does. 如果有人 知道,那就是他了。 if necessary 如果有必要的话 I could come earlier, if necessary. 如

13、果 有必要我可以早点来。IV. Structure21st Century TeensIV. StructureIm afraid the date for the interview is inconvenient. _, well do it another day. AIf necessary BIf so CIf not DIf possible21st Century Teens哈尔滨市第一中学 张婳For Senior 1 2015-2016学年第16期总第618期Remember praise (P6)21st Century TeensI. Pre-readingDo you

14、often give people praise? Do you often hear praise?21st Century Teens Does the writer often give praise to people? No. Does the writer want to give praise to people? Yes. Does the writer want to make a change? Yes. II. Reading21st Century Teens Did the father mentioned in the passage feel proud of h

15、is son? Yes. What does the writer want to challenge the audience to do? She wants the audience to care about what they and their households really need. II. Reading21st Century TeensIII. VocabularyLook at these sentences and try to figure out the meanings of the underlined words. I would want to take in their praise of me and then Id just stop myself. 吸收;欺骗 I felt embarrassed. 尴尬的 21st Century Teens So, Im going to challenge all of you. 挑战 I think it starts in each of our households. 家庭,家


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