You’re supposed to shake hands课件

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《You’re supposed to shake hands课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《You’re supposed to shake hands课件(24页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 12 Youre supposed to shake hands. Section B Period 1Table MannersTable MannersThere are many table manners There are many table manners around the world. But differentaround the world. But different countries have different culture.countries have different culture. How much do you know about ta

2、ble How much do you know about table manners around the world?manners around the world?2 In Peru Youre not supposed totalk at the table.1 In the United States, youre not supposed to eat with your hands.3 In China, youre not supposed to pick up your bowl of rice.4 In Korea, the youngest personis supp

3、osed to start eating first.5 In Brazil, you should wipe your mouth with your napkin every time you take a drink.2a Listening2431.You arent supposed to_2.Its polite_3.Its rude_4. You shouldnt2b ListeningabcdTapescriptSatoshi: You must be really excited aboutleaving for Japan tomorrow, Steve! Steve: Y

4、eah, I am. But Im a little nervous, too. Satoshi: Nervous about what? Steve: Well, for one thing, I dont knowhow to use chopsticks very welland I dont know how to behave atthe dinner table. Satoshi: Oh, I see. I could give you alittle lesson on Japanese tablemanners if youd like. Steve: Really? That

5、 would be great! Satoshi: Hmmmm. Let me see. One difference is that sometimes its polite to make noise when youreeating. Especially when youreeating noodles. It shows that youlike the food.Steve: Really? Thats interesting. In theUnited States youre not supposedto do that. Satoshi: Yeah, I know. OK,

6、so here are some chopstick rules: its rude tostick your chopsticks into your food. And you shouldnt point atanyone with your chopsticks. Steve: Oh, OK. I wont. Satoshi: And also, this isnt about tablemanners exactly, but you should know that its rude to eat or drinkwhile walking down the street. Ste

7、ve: Huh. Satoshi: Oh, and the most important thing you need to know is that youre not supposed to talk when youre eating dinner. Only parents are allowed to talk at the dinner table. Children are not allowed to speak. Steve: Wow! Thats thats unusual! Satoshi: Im just kidding! Steve! You arent suppos

8、ed to eat or drink while walking down the street. Its polite to make noise while eating noodles. 1. In China, youre not supposed to pick up your bowl of rice.在中国, 你不应该端起你的饭碗。pick up “捡起; 拾起; 拿起”。Explanation 如:A girl picked up a wallet on her way home.一个小女孩在回家的路上捡到了一个钱包。The phone stopped ringing just

9、 as I picked up the receiver.我一拿起听筒, 电话就不响了。2.In Brazil, you should wipe your mouth with your napkin every time you take a drink.在巴西, 每次喝完东西后你应该用餐 巾纸擦嘴。wipe 动词 意思是 “擦,擦去” 常与 away, off, up 连用,表示“擦干净。如: Wipe the dirt off your shoes.抹去鞋上的污泥。Wipe up the milk you spilled, please.请抹掉洒出来的牛奶。3. to stick you

10、r chopsticks into your food.把筷子插入你的食物中。(1) stick 动词, “刺, 插入” 如:Stick a fork into the meat to see if its ready.将叉插进肉里看熟了没有。I cant move. Theres a piece of wire sticking in my leg.我动不了, 有一根金属丝刺进我的腿里了。(2)chopstick 是由 chop(砍)+stick(棍子 )组成的合成词。意思是 “筷子” 它通常以复数形式出现。如:Our Chinese always use chopstick to eat,

11、 but the English dont use them. 我们中国人通常用筷子吃饭, 而英国人不。4. Its rude to point at anyone with your chopsticks.用你的筷子指着别人是很不礼貌的。rude adj. 粗鲁的; 无理的常用词组be rude to sb, 意思是 “对某人无理”。Its rude to interrupt when people are speaking.打断人家的话是不礼貌的。I think it was rude of them not to phone and say that they werent coming.他们来不了, 也不打电话通知一声, 太不象话了。point 是一个动词,意思是 “指, 指向”。 它构成的词组” “point at”意思是 “指 向” “对准”。 如:“Ill have that one.” She said, pointing at a big chocolate cake.“我想要这个。”她指着一块大的巧克 力蛋糕说。Thank you for listening!


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