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1、永州市第一中学 唐金娥名师工作室阅读材料为一篇300词左 右的文章后回答四个问题。主 要考查考生用简单的句子对所 读短文的主要信息进行转述的 能力( 81-82小题每题2分83- 84每题3分),满分10分。Understanding the test(命题趋势 )1. 语篇特点 多为说明文、议论文和记叙文。 2. 选材特点 多为学生熟悉的日常生活话题和最新科 技发明发现,易于理解,文章精短。 3. 设题特点 细节题、主旨大意题、逻辑推理题。 4. 考查重点 语言输出能力,综合语言运用能力。Testing trends(命题趋势)1.限制性与开放性 2.概括性与针对性3.完整性与正确性 4.规

2、范性与严谨性 在大体内容上要紧扣问 题,切中题意,但在组织语 言上考生可用不同语句表达 相同主题大体语句要针对题意高 度概括,字数不得超过要求 。可采用一些小技巧进行形 式上的浓缩。比如将could not 缩写为 couldnt;把两 个词合成一个复合词;尽量 用词或短语代替句子等。回答问题的语句要完整正确, 要求用完整的简单句,但受字数限 制,也可用省略句,例如省略了主 谓部分,而剩下一个完整的不定式 短语。 要避免语言错误。避免使用不熟 悉的句型 词汇或短语,尽可能利用 原文中的关键词语回答问题。要避免 形式错误,如拼写错误标点符号错误 大小写错误特别是回答问题时要注意 首字母要大写。R

3、equirements (答题要求)1. Skimming 浏览试题,划出试题关键词2. Scanning 带着问题速读文章,根据试题关键词 定位大体信息。3. Understanding and answering 推敲理解信息句,遣词造句答问题。Steps (解题步骤)1. How to organize sentences? 怎样组织语句?2. How to change information? 怎样转换信息?3. How to give a topic / title? 怎样确定主题或标题?怎样确定主题或标题?4. How to organize words4. How to org

4、anize words 怎样措辞?怎样措辞?Skills (解题技巧)保留主干(核心词)去掉枝叶(修饰部分)。e.g. The manager expected a clean environment and particularly, fast service with a friendly smile.The manager expected to offer fast service with a friendly smile.Skill 1. How to organize a sentence?1. Replacing words 词语替代法用词性相同的同义词、近义词或同义词组 、反

5、义词组对原句的某些成分进行简单的替代 ,而句子的意思保持不变。An idea suddenly came to my mind.An idea suddenly occurred to/ struck me.Skill 2. How to change information?Skill 2. How to change information?2. Changing part of speech 词类转换法利用某些派生词或利用某些派生词或词 性相异的词组来替代原句中的某些成分There was a heavy rain last night.It rained heavily/hard la

6、st night.Skill 2. How to change information?3. Combination 合并分句法把两个意义相关的简单句合并为一个简单句 He is a new teacher. He is called Sun Jun.The woman is our new director. She is wearing red clothesHe is a new teacher called Sun Jun.The woman in red/wearing red clothes is our new director.Skill 2. How to change in

7、formation?4. Changing structures 句型转换法用更简洁的语言转换句型Li Lei is taller than any other student in his class.Li Lei is the tallest in his class.Skill 2. How to change information?(1) The little girl was so tired that she couldnt go farther.The little girl was too tired to go farther.5. Replacing clauses wi

8、th non-predicate verbal phrases 用非谓语动词短语替换从句Skill 2. How to change information?(2) Those who are always working hard and have proper ways of studying often succeed.Those working hard with proper studying ways often succeed.(3) I suggest that you should phone your aunt before turning up at her house.

9、I suggest you/your phoning /calling your aunt before visiting her .1. 遵守三条原则概括性原则 最大程度上覆盖全文。针对性原则 直指主要内容,外延适度。醒目性原则 短小精炼,多为名词性短语。找主题句 改写主题句确定最佳答案Skill 3. How to give a topic/ title? (怎样确定主题或标题)2. 找主题句通常都在第一段段首或最后一段,且 常常首尾呼应,有时是一个疑问句。常 具有语法上的独立性。主题前标志性的关键词(组)有 The survey shows that It can be conclude

10、d that believe/ think/ argue/ that In short/ conclusion/ general/ all In their opinion Here are some tips for ,butPassage 1 He wanted to save up money and buy his own car.(根据第2段第2句)81. Why did the author feel guilty? (NO more than 9 words) (2 marks)The manager particularly expected them to offer fas

11、t service with a friendly smile.(根据第2段最后一句)82. What did the author fail to do miserably a few months ago? (NO more than 11 words) (2 marks)He loves his co-workers and all the customers know who he is.(根据第3段第1-2句)83. What excuses did the author keep giving herself to stop? (NO more than 9 words) (3 m

12、arks)He learnt teamwork, devotion, and staying positive in rough situations.(根据最后一段)84. How is running different from jogging to the author? (NO more than 14words) (3 marks)1.What?用名词、名词性短语、动名词、动词不定式、 名词性从句或完整的句子来回答。A.用By /Through /Via doing sth. B.用By means of sth.2.How?3.When/Where ? 介词短语4. List 用

13、名词、动名词或动词不定式等Tips for answering 5.Why?就目的提问A.用介词短语: For+B.用不定式短语: To do 就原因提问A.Because+从句B.Because of/Due to /Thanks to /Owing to 等短语Passage 2 She had a quarrel with her husband.(根据feel guilty定位到第1段第1句)81. Why did the author apply everywhere that summer? (No more than 12 words) She failed to jog to

14、the end of the street.(根据miserably, months ago 可定位到 第2段第2-3句)82. What did the manager particularly expect the workers to do? (No more than 14 words )No one would be disappointed or even know.(根据keeping giving herself定位到 第4段前3句)83. Why does the author still work at the restaurant during vacations? (no more than15 words)Running makes her feel good while jogging makes her look good.(根据running,different from jogging 可定位到全文最后两句,改写即可)84. What did the author learn from his first job? (No more than 11 words)阅读简答问题先看, 带着问题去找答案。 找到原句巧妙改写, 答问对应切莫敷衍。 简洁准确原文优先, 关键信息必须包含。 完整概括文章大意, 语法字数不要错看。Passage 3


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