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1、小小米米手手机机的的市市场场营营销销策策略略分分析析摘 要近年来,随着智能手机的兴起,全球手机市场发展势态良好,与之而来的竞争也日趋激烈。调查显示,2014 年一季度中国手机出货量达到 1 亿七千多台,而去年全年仅出货 3 亿多台,中国手机市场销量同比增长 7.2%,截至目前,中国手机用户总数已达 10.3718 亿户。而在众多国产手机中,小米手机无疑最引人注目,它是小米公司研发的一系列高性能发烧级智能手机。最新款小米 M3 和红米 note 已发布,主要针对手机发烧友,采用线上销售模式,是世界上配置堪比苹果的 2000 元内的智能手机 ,成为当今国内单款最热门的高端智能手机。本文首先对小米手

2、机进行简要介绍,其次对其进行 SWOT 分析,最后进一步分析小米手机目前采用的市场营销策略,同时找出其在营销过程中存在的问题,并一一提出相应的解决办法,以期能使其继续保持发展势头,同时为其他国产手机的发展提供借鉴依据。关键词:SWOT 分析;市场营销;价格策略;饥饿营销AbstractIn recent years, with the development of intelligent mobile phone, development of the global mobile phone market situation is good, and the competition is fi

3、erce day by day. Survey, in 2014 one quarter of Chinese mobile phone shipments reached About one trillion and seventy million Taiwan, and last year only shipped 3 million, sales China mobile phone market grew 7.2%, up to now, Chinese mobile phone users has reached a total of 1037180000 households. I

4、n many domestic mobile phone, mobile phone is undoubtedly the most attract sb.s attention, it is a series of high performance have a fever class intelligent mobile phone millet company research and development. The latest M3 note has released millet and rice, mainly for mobile phone fancier, using t

5、he online sales model, the intelligent mobile phone is 2000 yuan of the world within the configuration as apple, become the single most popular domestic high-end intelligent mobile phone. This paper first carries on the brief introduction to the millet mobile phone, then the SWOT analysis, further a

6、nalysis on the marketing strategies of millet mobile phone that uses at present, at the same time, find out the problems in the marketing process, and one one corresponding solutions, in order to allow it to continue to maintain the momentum of development, at the same time for the development of ot

7、her domestic mobile phone provides the reference.Keywords: SWOT analysis; marketing; price strategy; hunger marketing目目 录录摘 要.IIAbstract.III第一章 序论.11.1 选题背景.11.2 选题意义.11.3 本文研究内容.2第二章 相关理论.32.1 4P 理论以满足市场需求为目标.32.2 4C 理论以追求顾客满意为目标.3第三章 小米手机简介及其 SWOT 分析 .53.1 小米手机简介.53.2 小米手机的 SWOT 分析 .53.2.1 优势.53.2.2 劣势.73.2.3 机遇.83.3.4 威胁.9第四章 小米手机营销策略分析.104.1 推广策略.104.2 网上促销分销策略.114.2.1 网上促销策略.114.2.2 网上分销策略.114.3 产品策略.124.4 定价策略.124.5 渠道策略.13第五章 小米手机营销方面的问题分析.145.1 管理层问题.145.2 市场定位问题.145.3 质量与利润问题.145.4 售后服务问题.


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