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1、新大纲大学英 语四级考试高分策略听力 一、新四级听力考试概述新听力考试由三部分组成: 第一部分(Section A) 8个短对话(Short Conversation) 2个长对话(Long Conversation); 第二部分(Section B) 3篇短文理解; 第三部分(Section C) 一篇短文听写;二、听力短对话高分策略综合最近几次听力对话真题的研究与 分析,不难发现,听力短对话部分仍然遵 循以场景词为核心,把握关键结构词汇( 如:转折、因果、时间、比较、重复等) 和关键句型句式(如:反问句式、建议句 式等),结合语音、语调、语速变化所引 起的特征发音现象(如:连续、失爆等)

2、的综合解题思路。这些题目一如既往地贯 彻了以往的几大常见考点: 转折引起说话人态度及谈论重点的变化 如11:AThe man hates to lend his tools to other people. BThe man hasnt finished working on the bookshelf. CThe tools have already been returned to the woman. DThe tools the man borrowed from the woman are missing. W:Simon,oh,well,could you return the t

3、ools I lend you for building the bookshelf last month? M:Oh,I hate to tell you this,but I cant seem to find them. Q:What do we learn from the conversation?对话先前部分,即女士的语言虽然相 当复杂,包括要求返还物品、租借理由、 租借时间等复杂信息,但这些都没有成为 考点,而是选择了男士的那句简单回答中 的转折后的中心内容为考点,体现了四级 考试中对转折考点的考查。这句话其实完 全可以认为是Id love to,but的一 个变体。其后面所接部

4、分不仅是转折后的 内容,而且往往又是一个原因地体现,这 也是四级考试的重点之一。 建议句型的考查建议句型往往是比较复杂的考点之一,因为 句型相对比较多,而且隐蔽性比较强,如12 :ASave time by using a computer. BBuy her own conputer. CBorrow Marthas computer. DStay home and complete her paper. W:I am going to Marthas house.I have a paper to complete.And I need to use her computer. M:Why

5、 dont you buy one yourself?Think how much time you could save. Q:What does the man suggest the woman do?问题直接指向建议,问到suggest这 个词,自然对话中的Why dont you就成了 重中之重.否定的反问,自然体现了肯定的 意思,言下之意无非就是You should buy one youself. 对现象原因的阐述与补充考题中现在越来越多地出现隐含原因的 表达,即没有原因表达词的原因考点,如13 :AHe has been to Seattle many times. BHe h

6、as chaired a lot of conferences.CHe holds a high position in his company. DHe lived in Seattle for many years. W:Bob said that Seattle is a great place for conferences. M:Hes certainly in a position to make the comment.Hes been there so often. Q:What does the man say about Bob?本题中男士的第二句解释了第一句的理由, 作为

7、一个解释说明性的补充存在,男士的第二句 之前完全可以加上一个because使考点更清晰, 但这样也就使其难度大幅下降,所以这里没有出 现because,不仅从语言上表示是个非直接理由 ,即说话人并非经过严密逻辑思维后形成的句子 ,这样也增大了考试难度。 场景、人物关系的推测场景和人物关系一直以来就是四级考试 一个重要的考点,尤其是地点场景题几乎在 每次考试中都考一题。场景、人物关系推测 题要求考生通过对场景词的把握来推测事情 发生的地点以及当事人之间的关系,如14:ATeacher and student. BDoctor and patient. CManager and office wo

8、rker. DTravel agent and customer. W:Mr.Watson,I wonder whether its possible for me to take a vacation early next month.M:Did you fill out a request form? Q:What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?本题的关键词出现在vacation及request form上,女士向男士申请休假,其实到这里 就已经知道他们之间的关系了,所以对于工 作场景中vacation这样的词的

9、把握尤为重要 。 再如16:AAn art museum. BA beautiful park. CA college campus. DAn architectural exhibition.W:Wow! I do like this campus:all the big trees,the green lawns,and the old buildings with tall columns.Its really beautiful. M:Its sure is. The architecture of these buildings is in the Greek style.It wa

10、s popular in the eighteenth century here.Q:What are the speakers talking about?因为以往已经考过一些日常生活最常见的场景 ,所以最近几次考试中也在寻找一些新的场景词来 加大考试难度以及考查考生的真实水平,对话中其 实已经出现了答案campus一词,所以可以说不是 一道难题。但是如果考生没有听到,无疑要通过后 文一些有相当难度的词来推测了,比如: lawns,columns,architecture等等,这样的词往往使考生最后云里雾里,孰不知最重要的部分 其实就是那个campus。 再如18: ATalking abo

11、ut sports. BWriting up local news. CReading newspapers. DPutting up advertisements. M:Would you pass me the sports section, please? W:Sure,if you give me the classified ads and local news section. Q:What are the speakers doing?这题中Sports Section、Ads以及Local News Section为引导信息,给出了一个读报场景。 反问句式、反意疑问句式的考查反

12、问和反意疑问在四级考试中永远以一种 无疑而问的形式出现,样题中依然用了这样 的一个形式,因此只要能很好把握其“无疑 而问的特点”就能方便解题。当然,也应注 意到,反问句往往作为加强语气的建议句型 出现的这一考点,如17: AThe houses for sale are of poor quality. BThe houses are too expensive for the couple to buy. CThe housing developers provide free trips for potential buyers. DThe man is unwilling to take

13、 a look at the house for sale.M:This article is nothing but advertising for housing developers.I dont think the houses for sale are half that good. M:Come on,David.Why so negative? Were thinking of buying a home,arent we? Just a trip to look at the place wont cost us much. Q:What can be inferred fro

14、m the conversation?女士反问男士Why so negative?这句话中虽然没有 出现not,但也是反问句的句式,正因为没有not存 在,所以实际意思就是not,即“你不应该这么消极 ”。而后面的反意疑问“arent we”在考试中往 往是作为附加累赘的形式出现,很少作为考点。 四级听力对话常考习语-失去冷静: Lose his cool -冷静;天气变冷:Cool off -冷静: Play it cool -不介意: not at all, not a bit/little , not in the slightest -不愿让人做某事: make sb uncomfor

15、table to do sth -对人宽容:go easy on sb. Be kind to -挤时间做某事:get around to do sth, spare/afford time to do sth , squeeze/steal time to do -顺便看望:drop/stop/come by(over/in) -太忙:heavy/busy/tight schedule-健忘: slip ones mind/memory,have a short memory,forgetful,absent-minded,go in one ear and out the other -听

16、某人的建议:go by/follow/listen to ones suggestion -去哪里,朝哪里去:head to ,make for ,leave for ,Set out for ,be off to , be away to -有时,偶然:occasionally,sometimes, every so often ,every now and then ,every once in a while ,at times -一点也不奇怪:no wonder,little surprise -逐步地:gradually, step by step ,bit by bit ,little by


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