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1、翻翻 译译 的的 艺艺 术术“从心所欲,不逾矩”是一切艺术 的成熟境界。- 朱光潜The Economy Sucks. But Is It 92 Redux? Clinton makes a gritty, unexpected comeback in New Hampshire. The contentious primaries pivot from a war in Iraq to economics. Business people fret about recession. What is this, 1992? 试译:希拉里克林顿在新罕布什尔州的总统 初选中艰难获胜,出人意料。初选

2、中针锋 相对的辩题从伊拉克战争转向了经济问题 。商界人士担心经济衰退。这是什么, 1992年吗? CNNs New Hampshire exit poll found that 97 percent of Democrats and 80 percent of Republicans expressed anxiety about the economy. Of course, the economy is in a worse place than it was when Hillary Clintons husband was on the campaign trail. 试译: CNN在

3、新罕布什尔州初选投票后随即进行 的民意调查显示,97%的民族党人士和80%的共 和党人士对当前经济状况表示忧虑。当然,现在 的经济形势较16年前希拉里的丈夫竞选时更为糟 糕。 Today, the nation is perilously close to sliding into a recession; in 92, the economy had already started growing, though a jobless recovery doomed George H.W. Bushs re-election bid anyway. 试译:今天,美国处在滑向经济衰退泥潭的 危险

4、境地;而在92年,经济已经开始增长 了,虽然经济复苏并没有带来就业机会的 增加,使乔治HW布什竞选连任的前景渺 茫。 The news since the ball dropped this year in Times Square has been unrelentingly dour. Weve learned that in December, the unemployment rate shot up from 4.7 percent to 5 percent, and the manufacturing sector unexpectedly shrank. 试译:自年初时报广场的水

5、晶球降落仪式以 来,坏消息就不曾间断。我们知道,12月 份,失业率从4.7%上升到了5%,制造业也 意外地出现了萎缩。 Santa Claus left retailers lumps of coal for Christmas. Macys, the 850-store chain that is an excellent proxy for middle-class spending, reported that same-store sales slumped 7.9 percent in December. 试译:圣诞老人没有给美国零售业主们带来 好运。拥有850家连锁店的梅西百货公司

6、可 以说是美国中产阶级消费的晴雨表。该公 司的报告称,其12月份的同店销售额较上 一年下滑了7.9个百分点。 Just two years ago, Wall Street economists spoke of a Goldilocks economy, in which everything was just right. These days, its the three bears. As of this week, the economists at Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs are all predicting

7、a recession for 2008. 试译:就在两年前,华尔街的经济学家们都还在谈 论“金发女孩经济”,即真心如意的经济。这些天 ,话题却变成了“三只熊”(指油价和原材料价格 飞涨、过度消费、房价泡沫,三者共同引发了经 济危机)。截至本周,美林证券、摩根士丹利和 高盛的经济学家都预测,2008年经济将出现衰退 。 In a recent interview with NEWSWEEK, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, the former Goldman Sachs chief executive officer who is the administ

8、rations designated market whisperer, stayed upbeat and on message. 试译:在最近接受新闻周刊的采访时, 美国财长亨利保尔森,这位前高盛CEO, 也是美国当局指定的信息发布员,仍然乐 观,观点与当局保持一致。 What gives Paulson his optimism? “The presidents pro growth policies, the fact that government revenues are coming in ahead of forecasts and that our deficit is no

9、w down to 1.2 percent of GDP.“ 试译:是什么让保尔森如此乐观?答案有三 :布什总统促增长的政策,政府收入较预 期提前实现,以及财政赤字降到了GDP的 1.2%。 There are bright spots, to be sure. Exports rose 13 percent in November from 2006.The farm belt is thriving, thanks to record prices for grains. Regions that produce coal, gas, oil or minerals are riding

10、the global energy boom. 试译:毫无疑问,经济也有一些亮点。11月 的出口额较06年同期增长了十三个百分点 。农业为主的中部各州经济繁荣,多亏了 空前高涨的粮食价格。生产煤炭、天然气 、石油或矿产的地区在带动全球能源产业 的繁荣。 Recessionsdefined as a contraction in economic activityare notoriously hard to predict, especially since they occur so infrequently. 试译:衰退指的是经济活动的萎缩,其难以 预料程度是众人皆知的,尤其是因为其并 非

11、频繁发生。 As youve no doubt heard, the trouble started with housing. Defaults on subprime mortgage led to a credit squeeze. After enjoying several years of growth, home prices fell an unprecedented 6.1 percent in the past year. “Theres never been a time where you had a real -estate deflation as deep and

12、 prolonged as this,“ says David Rosenberg of Merrill Lynch. 试译:毫无疑问,你也知道,问题始于房地产。次 级抵押贷款违约导致信用紧缩。房价在持续增长 几年之后,过去一年间下跌了6.1%,跌幅空前。“ 历史上房地产业从没有过如此严重、持续时间如 此之长的紧缩。”美林证券的大卫卢森博格说道 。 In California, slowing economic activity is already producing one of the most unwelcome byproducts of an economic slump: dec

13、lining government receipts. California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger last week called for steep budget cuts to close a gaping $14 billion deficit. 试译:在加州,经济活动的放缓已经开始产 生经济衰退最不为欢迎的后果,其一就是 政府收入锐减。加州州长阿诺施瓦辛格上 周呼吁大幅削减预算,以填补140亿美元的 巨大财政赤字。 Government responses to recessions come in two forms: fiscal policy (

14、stimulus packages) and monetary policy (lowering interest rates). 试译:政府应对经济衰退的措施有两种:财 政政策(一揽子刺激计划)和货币政策( 降低利率)。 On Friday Hillary Clinton unveiled a $70 billion stimulus package, including aid for struggling homeowners and extended unemployment benefits. 试译:周五,希拉里克林顿提出了一项700 亿美元的经济刺激一揽子计划,包括为陷 入困境的购

15、房者提供援助和更为广泛的失 业救济。 President George W. Bush, speaking in Chicago before he departed for the Middle East, shifted subtly from his position that the fundamentals are sound. 试译:布什总统在启程前往中东之前,在芝 加哥发表演讲,其立场有了一定改变,不 再坚持说美国经济的基本面良好的说法。 The Federal Reserve has already taken action by slashing rates three ti

16、mes since September. Chairman Ben Bernanke last Thursday said the central bank is prepared to take more dramatic action (read: more cuts) given that “the baseline outlook for real activity in 2008 has worsened.“ 试译:九月份以来,联邦贮备委员会已经三度调低 利率。美联储主席伯南克上周三说,鉴于“实体经 济活动的基准前景恶化”,央行准备进一步采取激 进的行动(即:进一步降低利率)。 But signs are mounting that even the holders of



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