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1、 佳句展示名师点拨1.(2009年山东东卷,完形)With each passing day everyone became more anxious,waiting for the final school bell.随着每一天的过过去,在等待着学 校放假铃铃声的时时候,大家变变得更 急切了。(waiting for.,现现在分 词词短语语作伴随状语语)2.(2009年辽辽宁卷,完形)The moment he was about to leave for the hospital,he saw on the desk the still new book,just as he had le

2、ft it one year ago.当他要去医院的时时候,他看到书书 桌上那本依然崭崭新的书书,就像他 一年前留下的一样样。(the moment 为连词为连词 ,引导时间导时间 状语语从句)3.(2009年重庆庆卷,完形)His mother made him orange juice every few hours for more vitamin C,which would help his recovery.他母亲亲每隔几小时时就为为他榨橙汁 喝以补补充维维生素C,而这这有助于 他的康复。(which引导导的非限制 性定语语从句代替前面整个句子)1 adj.可能的2 vt.& n禁止

3、;禁令3 vt.影响;对有坏影响4 n危险dangerous adj.危险的5 n& vt.对(药物等)上瘾的人;瘾 君子;使上瘾;使沉迷addictive adj.(药物等)上 瘾的6 vt.注射injection n注射,注入7 vt.减少reduction n减少8 n罪行;犯罪行为criminal n 罪犯9n联系;关系;关联connect vt.联系;连接likely banaffectdanger addictinjectreducecrimeconnection10 adj.违法的;不合法的legal adj. 合法的11 n治疗treat v治疗;对 待12 vi.不同意;意见

4、不合 disagreement n不同意,不赞成13 n参与者;参加者 participate v参加;参与14 vt.认识 ;认知;认出 recognition n认可,认出15 n分心;分散注意力 distract vt.转移,分散illegal treatmentdisagreeparticipantrecognisedistractionaddict n对(药物等)上瘾的人;vt.使成 瘾;使沉溺于(1)addict oneself to沉溺于;醉心于 be/become/get addicted to.沉迷于;热爱 ;迷上addictive adj.使人上瘾的(2)addiction

5、 n瘾;入迷;嗜好 Nowadays,many children are addicted to computer games.现在许多孩子迷上了电脑 游戏。Dont be addicted to net chatting.It wastes too much time.不要沉醉于网上聊天,它浪费太多时间 。He is now fighting his addiction to smoking.他现在正努力戒烟。 和addicted/addiction连用的to是 介词,其后要跟名词、代词、动名词作宾语 。disagree vi.不同意;不一致;不适宜;不 适合disagree with与意见

6、不一致;与不相 称;与不相宜disagree with sb.about/on sth.在某件事上跟某人 意见不同 His conduct disagrees with his words.他言行 不一。He disagreed with me about the matter.对于那件事他与我意见不同。The climate here disagrees with me.这儿的气 候对我不适合。(1)agree with同意;(气候,食物等)适 合于某人;和相一致(常用于否定句)I think youll agree with me that the situation is improvi

7、ng.我认为 你会同意我,形势正在有所改善 。Your story does not agree with what I have heard.你的故事与我听说的不一致。(2)agree to.赞成;同意计划、建议或条 件等I told him my plan and he at once agreed to it.我告诉他我的计划,他立刻赞同。He agreed to lend me his bike.他赞同借给我自行车。(3)agree on就取得一致意见和看法We couldnt agree on the price.就价格我们意见不一。ban vt.禁止;n.禁止,禁令(1)ban o

8、n /against禁止bann./pron./doing.禁止ban sb.from doing sth.禁止某人做(2)put a ban on.禁止under a ban被禁止The President supports a global ban on nuclear testing.总统 支持全球性禁止核试验 。Smoking in a reading room is placed under a ban.在阅览 室吸烟是被禁止的。He was banned from driving because of drinking.由于喝酒他被禁止开车了。Canada will ban smo

9、king in all offices later this year.今年下半年加拿大将禁止在办公室吸烟。affect vt.影响;感动;打动;(疾病)侵袭;假 装;喜欢(1)be affected by被侵袭,被感动be affected by heat中暑be affected with high fever发高烧(2)affection n喜爱 Does the amount of rain affect the growth of crops?降雨量会影响作物的生长吗 ?Lei Feng has affected several generations of the youths i

10、n China.雷锋影响了中国的几代年轻人。His opinion will not affect my decision.他的意见不会影响我的决定。All the people in the room were affected to tears.屋里所有人都感动得流了泪。She is affected with cancer.她患有癌 症。The doctors are trying their best to treat the affected patients.医生们正在尽力治疗那些感染的病人 。辨析:affect与effect两个词都表示“影响”,但affect是动 词,而effe

11、ct则是名词,其常用短语为 : have an effect on。What the teacher said affected me greatly.What the teacher said had a great effect on me.老师说 的话对 我影响很大。1(2009年上海卷)With the governments aid,those_by the earthquake have moved to the new settlements.Aaffect B affectingCaffected Dwere affected【解析】 句中有have moved作谓语, 因此空

12、格处应选择能作定语的选项,若 those后有who可选D项,这样构成一个定 语从句,但缺少who,因此只能选affect的 过去分词形式作定语,因为affect (影响)与 those(那些人们)之间是被动关系,故用 affected。【答案】 Crecognise/recognize vt.认出,识别 ;承认,认可;认识 到(1)recognize sb./sth.认出某人;识别 出 某物recognize.as承认是,认出是recognize.to be 承认是be recognized as公认是,认可是,赞成It is recognized that.人们意识到(2)recogniti

13、on n认出;认识 ;识别 I recognized her at first sight although I havent seen her for almost ten years.虽然我几乎10年没见到她了,但是我 第一眼就认出了她。They have recognized him as their leader.他们已经承认他是他们的领导 。They all decided to recognize the new government.他们都决定承认这 个新政府。After the accident,he recognised that he was not fit for the

14、 work.事故发生后他认识 到自己不能胜任这 项工作。辨析:know,recognise与realize(1)know表示“知道某人”,也可以表 示“熟悉”。I have known him since I was a child.我 从小就认识 他。(2)recognise用来表示原来已认识 ,而 再次认出之意,即know again。I knew the boy several years ago,but now I can hardly recognise him.几年前我就 认识 了那个男孩,但是现在我几乎认不出 他了。(3)realize侧重指认识 上的觉醒,常译 为“意识到,明白

15、”。When he realized what happened,he was sorry.当他意识到所发生的事时,他感到抱 歉。1Oh,its you.I_you.Ive just had my hair cut and Im wearing new glasses.Adidnt recognise B hadnt recognisedChavent recognised Ddont recognise【解析】 解答本题时要注意上下文 ,从上文its you可知“认出”这个动作 相对现在来说是一个发生在过去的动作, 故应用一般过去时。【答案】 A2The conference has been told to discuss the effects of tourism_the wildlife in the area.Ain BonCat Dwith【解析】 由句中的effects可知,应选


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