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1、 /PREP7 前处理的一些常用命令: ET,1,SOLID45 定义单元类型 KEYOPT,1,2,1 单元选项(OPTION ) MP,EX,1,100 定义材料参数,1 为材料号 tb, 材料表(定义塑性、超弹性等) *dim,rr,array,3,2 定义数组 rr 为 3 行 2 列 k,1,X,Y,Z 定义 KEYPOINT1 坐标 LSTR, 1,2 由 1、2 点生成线 lesize 划分网格,尺寸定义 NUMMRG,KP, , , ,LOW 压缩节点号 asel , 选择面 r, 定义实常数 wpro,-90, 旋转工作平面 esln,s 选择与节点相关的单元 emodif,

2、all,real,i 修改单元实常数 amesh 对面划分网格 type,2 mat,2 real,1 esys,0 (或 aatt) 激活单元类型 2,材料号 2,实常数 1,单元坐标系 vsweep,all, 扫掠网格 csys,4 激活坐标系 4 -numstr,kp,100 !define the following keypoint number start with with the 100 l,1,2,4 !如果 CSYS=0 则生成直线, 如果 CSYS=1 则生成弧线,这个命令与当前的坐标系统有lsel , !取线 wprof,12 !移坐标 alsv !拾取一选定实体上的所

3、有面 nsla !同理 ,拾取一选定面上的所有节点 aatt,1,1,1 !等效于楼上的 MAT,1 TYPE,1 REAL, 1 对面定义属性 mshke,0 !网格格划分进行限定:采用 FREE 进行划分;网格形状为 四 边形或六面体 mshape,1,2d vmesh ,2 !划分实体网格,后面的参数是实体编号如:2 /solu !进入求解过程 antype,static !选择求解类型为静力分析 asel,s,loc,x, nsla d,all,uy,roty,rotz !对选定的面上的所有节点施加 UY ROTY ROTZ 的对称约束. allsel !恢复全部选择等效于:ASELL

4、,ALL ESEL,ALL NSEL,ALL asel,s,1 sfa,all,1,press,1000 !对选定的面 1 施加均布力 1000 allsel /stat,slou !显示求解状况 solve /post1 !进入后处理 set,list !列出求解的步数及相关信息 set,last !读取最后一步结果 plns,s,eqv,1 !绘出节点的等效应力云图 plns,epto,eqv !绘出节点的等效应变云图 /post26 !进入时间后处理器 plvar,2 !对以定义的变量 2 用曲线绘出 /exit,save !退出并存盘 好了,参照楼上师兄的命令,一个简单的 ANSYS

5、分析就进行完了. 愿大家共同进步! * k, l, a, v, e, n, cm, et, mp, r where = k Keypoints l Lines a Area v Volumes e Elements n Nodes cm component et element type mp material property r real constant $ d, f, sf, bf, ic, where = d DOF constraint (ux. in Structural, Temp in thermal, f Force Load ( Heat in thermal) sf S

6、urface load on nodes bf Body Force on Nodes $* dk DOF constraints on KP (Vx,Vy,Pres. in CFD) dl DOF constraints on Lines da DOF constraints on Areas fk Force on Keypoints sfl Surface load on Lines sfa Surface load on Areas sfe Surface load on element faces bfk Body Force on Keypoints bfl Body Force

7、on Lines bfa Body Force on Area bfv Body Force on Volumes bfe Body Force on Elements ic Initial Conditions , asba,p Subtract Area from Area asbl,p Divide Area by line vsba,p Divide volume by Area lsbw,p Divide line by Workplane vsbw,p Divide volume by Workplane asbw,p Divide area by Workplane vsbv,p

8、 subtract Volume by another volumevdrag,p Drag areas along a line to create a new volume adrag,p Drag line along a line to create a new area ldrag,p Drag KP along a line to create a new line k,p - Allows user to pick KP in the Workplane l,p - Create lines from existing KP ak,p - Create area from KP

9、al,p - Create area from lines v,p - Create Volume from KP va,p - Create Volume from Areas e,p - Create Elem from existing nodes en,p - Create Elem from nodes D,p To apply DOF on nodes DK,p To apply DOF on Keypoints DL,p Apply DOF on Lines DA,p Apply DOF on Areas ( symmetry or Anti-symmetry will be p

10、rompted) * 16b. FORCE Loading: COMMAND SYNTAX : $*,p See the valid combinations below: f,p Forces on nodes fk,p Force on Keypoints (fa,p or FV,p or FL,p - Since force cannot be applied on Lines or Area & volumes. this command does not exist.) sf,p Surface Load on a set of Nodes sfl,p Surface Load on

11、 Lines sfa,p Surface Load on Area sfe,p Surface Load on Element (SFk,p and SFV,p do not exist since pressure cannot be applied on a single Kp and neither can it be applied on a volume) * 16d. BodyForce Load: COMMAND SYNTAX : bf*,p See the valid combinations below: bf,p Bodyforce Load on a set of Nod

12、es bfk,p Bodyforce Load on KP bfl,p Bodyforce Load on Lines bfa,p Bodyforce Load on Areas bfv,p Bodyforce Load on Volumes bfe,p Bodyforce Load on E-ANSYS 具有混合网格剖分的功能。例如两个粘在一起的面,可以对一个面进行三角形划分,再对另一个面进行四边形划分。过程见下列命令: /prep7 et,1,42 rect,1,1 rect,1,2,1 aglue,all mshape,0,2d amesh,1 mshape,1,2d amesh,3FI

13、NISH /CLEAR /Title, Cross-Sectional Results of a Simple Cantilever Beam /PREP7 ! All dims in mm Width = 60 Height = 40 Length = 400 BLC4,0,0,Width,Height,Length ! Creates a rectangle /ANGLE, 1 ,60.000000,YS,1 ! Rotates the display /REPLOT,FAST ! Fast redisplay ET,1,SOLID45 ! Element type MP,EX,1,200

14、000 ! Youngs Modulus MP,PRXY,1,0.3 ! Poissons ratio esize,20 ! Element size vmesh,all ! Mesh the volume FINISH /SOLU ! Enter solution mode ANTYPE,0 ! Static analysis ASEL,S,LOC,Z,0 ! Area select at z=0 DA,All,ALL,0 ! Constrain the area ASEL,ALL ! Reselect all areas KSEL,S,LOC,Z,Length ! Select certa

15、in keypoint KSEL,R,LOC,Y,Height KSEL,R,LOC,X,Width FK,All,FY,-2500 ! Force on keypoint KSEL,ALL ! Reselect all keypoints SOLVE ! Solve FINISH /POST1 ! Enter post processor PLNSOL,U,SUM,0,1 ! Plot deflection WPOFFS,Width/2,0,0 ! Offset the working plane for cross-section view WPROTA,0,0,90 ! Rotate working plane /CPLANE,


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