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1、英译汉的技巧加注 annotation 释义 paraphrase 增词 amplification 减词 omission 转换 shift of perspective 切分 division 合并 combination加注 annotationu由于社会文化的差异,英语中有些词义在 汉语中完全不存在,形成了词义上的空缺 。u1.音译加注 (transliteration + annotation )u2.直译加注 (literal translation + annotation) 音译加注:音译后附加解释性注释。u1. 词语翻译uPizza 比萨饼uToyota 丰田车uSahara

2、 撒哈拉沙漠uAIDS 艾滋病uJazz 爵士乐u2. 句子翻译uHe did it a Jordon. u他投篮像飞人乔丹那样棒。uIm Peter Darwin. Everyone asks, so I may as well say at once that no, Im not related to Charles. u我叫彼得.达尔文。谁都会对我的名字产生疑问 ,我不妨当下说个明白:我与进化论创始人查尔 斯没有关系。uA dead leaf fell in Soapys lap. That was Jack Frosts card. u一片枯叶飘落到苏贝的膝头。那是杰克.弗罗斯 特的

3、名片。(杰克.弗罗斯特:英文里对“寒霜” 的拟人称号。)u直译加注:直译原文,并附加解释性注释 ,注释可长可短,既可采用文中注释,也 可采用脚注,还可二者合用。u1. 单词,尤其是专有名词的翻译uZero Ground 零地带 u(指纽约世贸大厦2001年9月11日遭两 架被劫持的飞机撞击坍塌后所形成的瓦砾 场,源出自原子弹着陆后的爆炸点)uSesame Street 芝麻街 u(指美国儿童电视连续节目,每天一小 时,主要为动画片、游戏、木偶戏等)uOval Office 椭圆形办公室 u(指美国总统办公室)utree hugger 紧抱树干的人 u(指极端环境保护主义者)uThe Freed

4、om Ride 自由乘车运动 u(六十年代初期由民权运动积极分子发起 的活动,反对南部各州在公共交通中实行 种族隔离政策)直译加注u2. 句子的翻译uBut I am short-tempered, frazzled from all responsibilities. I am the “sandwich generation”, caught between kids and parents. u但我的脾气不好,都是这些事给烦的。我 是个夹在孩子和父母之间的“三明治人”。u(三明治人:指既要照顾孩子又要照 顾父母的人)uPeople considered that what he had

5、played on that occasion was no more than a Judas Kiss.u人们认为他在那种场合所表演的不过 是犹大之吻,居心险恶。It was Friday and soon theyd go out and get drunk. 星期五发薪日到了,他们马上就要上街 去喝得酩酊大醉. *星期五Friday为英国的发薪日.Even before they were acquainted, he had admired Osborn in secret. Now he was his valet, his dog, his man Friday. 他没有认识奥斯

6、本之前,已经暗暗佩服他.如今便 成了他的听差,他的狗,他的忠仆星期五*. *星期五(Friday)是鲁滨逊漂流记故事中 Robinson Crusoe的忠实奴仆.练习u1.The professor rapped on his desk and shouted: “Gentlemen, order!”The entire class yelled, “Beer!”释义(paraphrase)u定义:舍弃原文的具体表达形式和比喻形 象,采取解释性的办法译出原文。在翻译 一些具有鲜明民族色彩的词语(如成语、 典故、超常规搭配)时,如果直译不能使 译文读者明白其意思,而加注又使译文太 啰嗦时,可采用

7、释义法,将原文的意思传 达出来。u例:uBills new girlfriend is certainly a knockout.u比尔新结识的女友确实是个迷人的姑娘。uKnockout: in boxing a knockout is a situation in which a boxer wins the fight by making his opponent fall to the ground and be unable to stand up before the referee has counted to ten.uIf you describe someone as a k

8、nockout, you think that they are extremely attractive or impressive. (informal)uI wonder whether he is a Trojan Horseu我不知道他是不是内奸。uIf you describe a person or thing as a Trojan horse, you mean that they are being used to hide someones true purpose or intention.u . .uOf course, its hard to keep allian

9、ce alive. There are many stresses and strains. But, Im glad to say, nothing has actually broken as yet- touchwood.u当然,使联盟长期保持下去是很不容易的,有不 少的艰难曲折。但是,我高兴地说,到目前为止 确实没有出现过什么裂痕希望能一直这样老天 保佑,无灾无难。uYou can say touchwood in British English, or knock on wood in American English, to indicate that you hope to ha

10、ve good luck in something you are doing, usually after saying that you have been lucky with it so far. 释义法u释义法也可以用来翻译某些不可直译成汉 语的英语表达形式,或是处理那些虽可直 译成汉语但表达效果不是令人费解就是不 够简练的英语表达方式。uHe was smooth and agreeable. u他待人处事,八面玲珑。uWhat is known is that weight extremes in either direction are definitely unhealthy

11、.u众所周知,过度肥胖或消瘦都肯定 是不健康的。uHe acts a lot older than his years.u他年纪轻轻,做事却相当老练。uThe young girl thumbed her way to the passing cars. u那个年轻的姑娘站在路边不停地向来往的 汽车摆动着竖起的拇指表示她要搭车. uIts not easy to become a member of that club-they want people who have plenty of money to spend, not just every Tom, Dick, and Harry.

12、 要参加那个俱乐部并非易事他们只吸 收手头阔绰的人,而不是普通百姓.Our son must go to school. He must break out of the pot that holds us in. 我们的儿子一定得上学,一定要出人头地.uIf anything goes wrong now, what a come-down that will be. uHis best jokes fell flat. uFranklin Roosevelt listened with bright-eyed, smiling attention.uHe was quick to use

13、self-deprecating humor to throw anyone off the scent. uNothing, whether a weighty matter or small detail, was overlooked. 增词 (amplification)u英汉两种语言由于表达方式不尽相同,翻 译时常常有必要在译文的词量上作适当的 增加,使译文既能忠实地传达原文的内容 和风格,又能符合译入语的表达习惯。u增词的原则:增词不增义。u增词的两种情况u1 把不清楚的语义用更多的字讲清楚。u例如:presidential historianuA 总统的历史学家uB 研究总统的历

14、史学家u2调整译文结构,使更地道。uFor mistakes had been made, bad ones.uA 因为犯了错误,很严重的错误。uB 因为犯了错误,而且是很严重的错误。u1 增加动词uIn the evening ,after the banquets, the concerts and the table tennis exhibitions, he would work on the term paper.u晚上在参加宴会,出席音乐会,观看乒乓 球表演之后,他还得写学期论文。uAsias strength of economic management, however, h

15、as not been its perfection, but its pragmatism and flexibility.u亚洲经济管理向来不以完美见长,而是以 务实和弹性取胜。u2 增加形容词uWith what enthusiasm the Chinese people are building socialism!u中国人民正在以多么高的热情建设社会主 义啊!u3增加副词uThe crowds melted away.u人群渐渐散开了。uAs he sat down and began talking, words poured out.u他一坐下来就讲开了,滔滔不绝的说个没 完。u

16、4 增加名词uFirst you borrow, then you beg.u开始是借钱,接下来就是讨饭。uHe is a complicated man moody, kind ,with a melancholy streak.u他是一个性格复杂的人-喜怒无常, 反复多变,有些忧郁。uShe was more royal than the royals.u他比皇家成员更有皇家气质。5增加表示时态的词uYesterday evening I had seen her on her knees in front of the house. u昨天夜晚我曾看见她跪在房子面 前。uShe would spend hours dressing herself in fine clothes, and brus


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