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1、黑旺镇中学 殷朋朋学习目标: 1.学会用虚拟语气谈论假定的 事情,掌握虚拟条件句的结构 和用法。 2.学会用should给他人提建议 ,用假设的情况提出建议的方 法。重点单词:million, medical,research,refuse, worry,plenty,circle,listener,rest, burn,tie knowledgeable, shelf,deep,downstairs,correct 常考短语:notin the slightest,plenty of, get along with,letdown,come up with,come out, be sure

2、,deal with,give adive on,by accident 重点句型:1.What would you do if?2.If I were you,Id 3.What if?4.疑问词+动词不定式 语法聚焦:虚拟语气及其结构、用法、特点课程标准要求掌握的内容Period1 words and SectionA1a-1cPeriod2 SectionA 2a-Grammar FocusPeriod3 SectionA 3a- SectionB 2c Period4 SectionB 3a-4Period5 Selfcheck-Reading单词的处理:一定要让学生做好课前预习。初四

3、学生有了拼读、自学单词的能力,课上老师检查,纠正发音,反复朗读,跟读、领读、小组比赛。尤其注意较长、较复杂的单词:energetic permission knowledgeablewords and SectionA1a-1ca million(新单词) dollars导入A: What would you do if you had a million dollars?(师)B: I would give it to medical research.(生)C: Id put it in the bank.D: Id give it to charity buy snacks and CD

4、sbuy a carbuy a big houseWhat would you do if you had a million dollars? I would give it to medical research. 概念: 表示与事实相反或根本不可能实现的事. if 引导虚拟语气的条件状语从句,从句为非真实条件句 ,一般用过去时主句用“should/ would/ could/ might 动词原形”.条件从句 主句动词过 去式(be的过去 式用were)would/could/should/migh t+动词原形Listen and number the pictures in the

5、order you hear. 原文再现,为下一活动做准备。1234buy a big house for my familygive the money to the medical researchI would give the money to the zoo.put the money in the bank1bA: Look. This old man had a million dollars, and he gave it to charity.B: Wow! What would you do if you had a million dollars?A: Id give i

6、t to medical research教师注意小组评价1.a million/hundred/thousandtwo million/hundred/thousandmillions/hundreds/thousands of e.g.Many hundreds of buildings have been built in the past year.2.give sth. to sb.=give sb. sth.We gave her flowers for her birthday=1.听力为主。学生会感到枯燥,所以课前播放英文歌曲,让同学们放松一下。2.以小组对话的形式检查上节课的

7、内容。SectionA 2a-Grammar Focus2a Why is Larry nervous? Listen and circle the reasons.让学生听两 遍,进一步完成2b的练习Grammar focusIf you had a million dollars what would you do? I would/Id give it to charity.If I were you, Id wear a shirt and a tie.If I were you, Id take a small present.从句为非真实条件 句,一般用过去时 be-were主句用

8、“should/ would/ could/ might 动词原形”1.what to wear “疑问词+动词不定式”可在learn,tell,kown等动词后作宾语。2.wear,dress,put on区别3.If 引导的宾语从句。“是否”If 引导的条件从句。“如果”4.everyone else 5.bring/take6.have to /must 7.what if1.听写体现人物个性的单词。SectionB 1aoutgoing, serious, funny, smart, friendly,shy,unfriendly ,confident, creative, energ

9、eticSectionA 3a- SectionB 2cWho is she?Shes Yang Lan.What is she like?She is_.confidentWords of Personality: outgoing, serious, funny, smart, friendly, shy, unfriendly ,confident, creative, energeticoutgoing, serious, funny, smart, friendly, shy, unfriendly, confident, creative, energeticWhich words

10、 on the left describe you? Tell your partner.A: What are you like?B: I think Im creative and outgoing.3a If your personality is not very good, you will have a lot of problems. Match each problem with the correct advice.独立完成,小组合作,意思,知识点。cab1 get nervous连系动词get pimples 实义动词 look terrible连系动词terrible-t

11、erribly2.tooto/so that3. help with 补充help 短语 help oneself to4.in public 5.be confident of sthT: If I want you to give a speech in front of the whole class, what would you say?S: Id say yes.T: Oh! How confident you are!Lets make a survey to see if you are confident. Answer the questions in 2a.教师与一名同学

12、示范对话,后根据2A的材料小组合作,完成个性调查。SectionB 3a-4Answer the questions in 2a and then read the passage in 3a. Decide what you are like. 教师可以适时安排学生朗读,小组 合作找出知识点并进行板书讲解, 教师点拨补充。3bLook at activity 2a and write your own personality survey.If a friend said something bad about you, would you a. talk to the friend rig

13、ht away?b. say nothing?c. think about what he or she said?Example:由自己的个性调查,结合4,拓展到全班的个性调查,生生互动,活跃气氛。1.bother about/with doing sth.2.notin the slightest=notat all3.plenty of (肯定句)enough /much/many(疑、否)4.get along (well/badly)with=get on (well/badly)with5.would rather dothan do/would doratherthan do=prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. 6.right away=right nowSelfcheckreadingSelfcheck 2 和reading材料可以作为阅读训练题,完成教师出示的或课本后的问题,然后要求学生各小组自学,翻译、找出重点短语、句型、知识点。然后做小组展示,学生会找的比较全面,教师适当点拨就可以了。


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