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1、 She sells seashells, By the seashore. The shells she sells, Are surely seashells. So if she sells shells, On the seashore, Im sure she sells, Seashore shells长江中学 黄忠辉Teaching Aims教学 三维维 目标标知识与技能熟练掌握词汇三种题型的解题技巧过程与方法预习交流、展示探究、检查反馈; 导学、自学、群学情感态度价 值观了解并熟悉历年南通市中考词汇题 型特点,并预测2010年词汇题 考点教学重点 历年南通市中考试题中出现频率较

2、高的考点教学难点 词汇三种题型的解题技巧教具学具 多媒体等单词拼写词形转换时态填空Preview Communication 预习交流 (15)温故、自学、群学 A.根据提示,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。 (2000年南通市中考) l_(秋天) is the best season in Beijing. lThe teacher was _(满意) with Cathys work. lThe boys and the girls went boating on _(六月) 1st. lHow many _(图书馆) are there in your city/ lLook!The ch

3、ildren are singing and dancing _(快乐地) at the foot of the hill.Autumn / Fallpleased / satisfiedJune librarieshappily预习交流 (15)温故、自学、群学 A.根据提示,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。 (2001年南通市中考) l_(星期一) is often my busiest days in a week. lI have a nice clock.It has a _(圆的) face. lThere will be a strong wind from the _(北 方)

4、tonight. lDont _(推) the window too hard. You may break it. lHe stood there _(安静地) with a smile on his face.Mondayround northpushquietly预习交流 (15)温故、自学、群学 A.根据提示,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。 (2002年南通市中考)1. Children, here is some (鸡肉) for you. 2. The glasses can keep the workers eyes_ (安全). 3. The Young Pioneers be

5、came very (激 动) at the wonderful news. 4. Could you (借) me your dictionary? 5. The teacher spoke so fast that I couldnt hear her (清楚). chicken safeexcitedlendclearly预习交流 (15)温故、自学、群学 A.根据提示,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。 (2003年南通市中考) lThere is a vegetable _(市场) near our flat. lHis aunt can _(说) French as well as C

6、hinese. lYoull fall _(在后面) others if you dont try your best. lMum,Im thirsty. Could you get me something to d_. lThe sun rises in the _ and sets in the west.marketspeakbehindrink eastWork in Groups解题技巧 1.熟记重点四会词。如:星期、月份、季节、方位名词等 2.熟记易混淆词。如pushpull,quietquite,lendborrow,say-speak 等 3.考虑细节:名词考虑单复数;动词考

7、虑时态、结构;形修名,副修动等。中考词汇易错词归纳1 weather 与whether ; tired 与tried; except与expect ; life 与lift;along 与alone ;through 与 though, across ; arrive ,get 与reach; borrow ,keep 与lend ; between 与among ; push 与pull ; say , speak, talk 与 tell ; round 与around ; forget 与leave ; drop与fall; hope 与 wish; bring ,take , carr

8、y与get ;dress, wear与in ; spend ,pay,cost与take ; look, see, watch与read ;neither ,none, no one与nobody ;each 与 every; any 与 either ; job 与work ; noise , sound与voice ; family ,house与home ; different 与 difficult ; beat 与win; past与passed, prefer与like, dried () crowded() gunshot() out of breath() dired (X )

9、 crowed(X ) gunshort(X ) out of breathe(X )中考词汇易错词归纳2 breathe heavily() have a criminal record for theft() breath heavily (X ) have a criminal record of theft (X ) aloud() silence() divided() decision() alound (X ) slience(X ) devided(X ) desicion (X ) be experienced() have experienced(X ) cause of

10、attact familiar quiet though tired reason for attract similar quite through triedthought charge blood choose clue effect change bleed cheese cruel effort flood choice affect number advice practice member advise practise suggestions 预习交流 (15)温故、自学、群学 B.请根据句意从方框中选择合适的词,并用其适当形式 填空,使句子通顺。 (2000年南通市中考)lThe dictionary on the left is not Marys.It is _ . lThe _month of a year



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