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1、2.20 看到银装素裹的群山,孩子们欣喜若狂。Cover 警察的来访与丢失的孩子无关。Concern 他们由于忘记付煤气费,所以供气中断了。Cut 他仍然昏迷不醒,随时有生命危险。(danger) 不管谁指出我们的缺点都应受到回报。(deserve)2.21 短暂的犹豫使他失去了一次好机会。(cost v. ) 她成功地做了她想做的事情,但以其生命为代价。 ( cost n. ) 真正重要的不是你的言辞而是你的行动。 ( count v. ) 在会议的过程中,许多著名的科学家作了有趣的发言 。(course) 他是如何在那起车祸中死里逃生的还不清楚 (escape) 2.22 1、一种新的病毒

2、可能会破坏电脑中储存的信息( damage ) 。. 2、营救人员到达时,受害者已经脱离了危险。(danger) 3、关于这件事情,公众完全蒙在鼓里。(dark) 4、有些展品可以追溯到三千年前。( date v. ) 5.医生说怎样说服人们停止抽烟不是一个容易对付的问题。 ( deal ) 2.23 我们一直对西方人在茶里放糖的做法感到好奇。(curious) 在一定程度上,谈话时词语的选择反映了人的内在素质。 (degree) 在字典里,“人口”一词被定义为居住在某一国家或地区的人 的数量。 ( define ) 我原先希望能准时到达,但是因为大雾航班延误了。(delay) 不可否认,电脑

3、的发展已经导致其他领域的革命性变化。 (deny) 2.24 缺乏足够睡眠的人容易生气,也很难控制感情。 (difficulty) 这件工作没有准时完成不是因为他缺乏能力和才干。 (due) 我不知道他究竟为什么把这样紧急的文件在抽屉里放 了一二个星期。(on earth) 该公司不遗余力地满足顾客的要求。(effort) 那位著名的科学家是那样谦虚、平易近人,很快就使 大家放松下来。 ( ease ) 2.20 看到银装素裹的群山,孩子们欣喜若狂。Cover Seeing the mountains covered with snow, the children were wild with

4、 joy. 警察的来访与丢失的孩子无关。Concern The visit of the police is not concerned with the lost child. 他们由于忘记付煤气费,所以供气中断了。Cut Their gas was cut off because they had forgotten to pay the bill. 他仍然昏迷不醒,随时有生命危险。(danger)He remains unconscious and is in danger of losing his life at any moment. 不管谁指出我们的缺点都应受到回报。(deser

5、ve)Whoever points out our shortcomings deserves a reward/ to be rewarded.2.21 短暂的犹豫使他失去了一次好机会。(cost v. ) A moments hesitation cost him a wonderful chance. 她成功地做了她想做的事情,但以其生命为代价。 ( cost n. ) She succeeded in doing what she wanted to at the cost of her life. 真正重要的不是你的言辞而是你的行动。 ( count v. ) It is not w

6、hat you say but what you do that really counts. 在会议的过程中,许多著名的科学家作了有趣的发言 。(course) In the course of the meeting, many famous scientists made interesting speeches. 他是如何在那起车祸中死里逃生的还不清楚 (escape) It isnt clear yet how he narrowly escaped death/ being killed in the car accident.2.22 1、一种新的病毒可能会破坏电脑中储存的信息(

7、 damage ) 。 A new virus is likely to cause great damage to the information stored in the computer. 2、营救人员到达时,受害者已经脱离了危险。(danger) When the rescue workers arrived, the victims were already out of danger. 3、关于这件事情,公众完全蒙在鼓里。(dark) The public were in the dark about this matter. 4、有些展品可以追溯到三千年前。( date v.

8、) Some exhibits can date from 3000 years ago. 5.医生说怎样说服人们停止抽烟不是一个容易对付的问题。 ( deal ) The doctor says that how to persuade people to stop smoking is not an easy problem to deal with. 2.23 我们一直对西方人在茶里放糖的做法感到好奇。(curious) We have always been curious about the western peoples practice of adding sugar to te

9、a. 在一定程度上,谈话时词语的选择反映了人的内在素质。 (degree) To a certain degree, the choice of words in talking reflects the inner quality of people. 在字典里,“人口”一词被定义为居住在某一国家或地区的人 的数量。 ( define ) In the dictionary, the word “population” is defined as the number of people living in a certain country or area. 我原先希望能准时到达,但是因为

10、大雾航班延误了。(delay) I had hoped to arrive on time, but the flight was delayed because of a heavy fog. 不可否认,电脑的发展已经导致其他领域的革命性变化。 (deny) There is no denying (the fact) that the development of computers has led to the revolutionary changes in other fields. 2.24 缺乏足够睡眠的人容易生气,也很难控制感情。(difficulty) People who

11、lack enough sleep become angry easily and have difficulty (in) controlling their emotions / feelings. 这件工作没有准时完成不是因为他缺乏能力和才干。(due) That this work / job had not been done / completed / finished on time was not due to his lack of ability and talent. 我不知道他究竟为什么把这样紧急的文件在抽屉里放了一二个星期。(on earth) I wonder/do

12、nt know why on earth he (has) kept such an urgent document/paper in the drawer for a week or two/one or two weeks. 该公司不遗余力地满足顾客的要求。(effort) The company spares no efforts to meet the demand of the customers. 那位著名的科学家是那样谦虚、平易近人,很快就使大家放松下来。 ( ease ) Modest and easy to approach, the famous scientist soon put everyone completely at ease.



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