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1、摘 要I摘 要随着现代科技的发展,人们越来越重视对生产环节和复杂设备的运行中的各类数据的记录与分析。计算机技术的发展为数据的采集、存储、分析提供了强有力的手段,嵌入式系统性能的不断提升使其成为数据记录仪的良好实现手段。采用嵌入式硬件平台,在 LINUX 操作系统的基础上采用 QT/E 嵌入式图形应用开发工具和 SQLITE 嵌入式数据库开发嵌入式数据记录仪,具备数据监视、数据存储、数据分析、数据回放等功能,将为多领域的技术研究提供有力的支持,提高多种复杂设备的安全性、可靠性。在人们从事的社会活动中,包括从市场调研到售后服务和最终处置的各个过程都需要适当运用数据分析过程,以提升有效性。例如 J.

2、开普勒通过分析行星角位置的观测数据,找出了行星运动规律。又如,一个企业的领导人要通过市场调查,分析所得数据以判定市场动向,从而制定合适的生产及销售计划。因此数据分析有极广泛的应用范围。关键词:Arm;嵌入式;sqlite;管理AbstractIIAbstractWith modern technology, there is growing emphasis on running production processes and complex equipment of all types of data recording and analysis. Development of compu

3、ter technology for data collection, storage, analysis provides a powerful tool, and improve the performance of embedded systems to become a good means of achieving data logger. Embedded hardware platform based on LINUX operating system based on the use QT / E embedded graphics application developmen

4、t tools and embedded database development SQLITE embedded data logger, with data monitoring, data storage, data analysis, data playback functions, technology research in various fields will provide strong support to improve the safety of a variety of complex equipment reliability. People engaged in

5、social activities, including from market research to after-sales service and final disposal of the various processes require the proper use of the data analysis process to improve effectiveness. For example, by analyzing observational data J. Kepler planet angular position, find the laws of planetar

6、y motion. In another example, the leaders of an enterprise through market research, analyze the resulting data to determine market trends, so as to formulate appropriate production and sales plans. So data analysis has a very wide range of applications. Key word: Arm; embedded; sqlite; management目 录

7、III目 录摘 要 .IAbstract.II1 绪论.11.1 开发背景及意义.11.2 系统设计环境.21.2.1 PHP 语言 .21.2.2 MySQL.21.3 适应 Internet 时代需求的 B/S 体系结构.31.3.1 B/S 架构.31.3.2 C/S 架构.32 系统分析.42.1 需求分析.42.2 可行性分析.52.3 系统功能分析.53 系统整体设计.63.1 设计目的.63.2 系统功能设计.63.3 系统结构框架.63.4 购买流程图.84 系统数据库设计.104.1 数据库的需求分析.104.2 数据库 E-R 图.104.3 数据库表设计.124.3.1 用户登录表.124.3.2 商品信息表.124.3.3 订单信息表.134.4.4 商品分类表.134.5.5 留言信息表.144.6.6 管理员信息表.



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