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1、李恺李恺 邮箱:邮箱: weibo: Kevin-1019Everything comes to him who waits.词汇(一般功能)词汇(一般功能) 词汇是语言能力在微观层面的基石。 词汇能力永远比句法更重要。简单的句法,只要用词准确、生动,也可能形成好的文字。 词汇由两个部分。一为一般功能性词汇,如:表示因果关系的词汇。一为托福写作中常用 到的背景词汇,如:大学中的各种活动,模拟联合国(mock UN) 。一般功能性词汇多为动 词、形容词。特殊背景词汇多为名词。 一般功能性词汇和特殊背景词汇共同构成托福写作的词汇能力。 简单句法、精准用词的例子 It was the best of

2、 times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we

3、 had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way.表示由于 表示因此 (逻辑关系 重点单词和搭配: 单词:due to / because of/ owning to/thanks to 词汇讲解: due to“由于,因造成”,引导的短语在句中除可作状语(此时不用于句首)外,也可作表 语或定语。due to 后面不能接句子。 用法: 例句 However, due to the stress from work, they can eat som

4、e extracted nutrition pills such as GNC series products to make up for losses of not cooking food.对应托福话题 People will spend less time on cooking food. 练习: ( ) the heavy pressure from work, young people hardly have time to go back home and talk with the seniors. Some people just send enough money to t

5、hem but seldom talk with them. During several decades, we have seen a obvious change ( ) globalization.A group of highly intelligent and creative humans from New Mexico Chaco Canyon, vanished ( ) a severe drought.重点单词和搭配: 单词:therefore/ hence/ thus/ as a consequence/ as a result, consequently/ so tha

6、t 词汇讲解: therefore 表示因此,可用在句首和句中都可以 用法: 例句 Therefore, young people should experience a variety of jobs to identify the job that most suits them. 对应托福话题 Young people should take different kinds of jobs before they take a career in a long term.练习:李恺李恺 邮箱:邮箱: weibo: Kevin-1019Everything comes to him who

7、 waits.( ), basic aesthetic knowledge is indispensible for every person to be taught since he or she is young. ( ), parents should understand this and let their children learn what they are interested.Modern life is more and more complex and ( ),it is essential for young people to have the ability t

8、o plan and organize.表示导致产生(逻辑关系) 重点单词和搭配: 单词:lead to/ result in/ be responsible for/ give rise to/ cause/ generate 词汇讲解: lead to:这个短语有两种解释,一是“通往、通向”:The path led to that village.第二种解释是 “导致”:The leadership of my college closes their eyes to waste of water and electricity, leading the resources shorta

9、ge.用法: 例句 Therefore, better environment will lead to a profound effect on the development of our country.对应托福话题 Improving schools is the most factor in successful development of country. 表示转折(逻辑关系) 重点单词和搭配: 单词:however/ but/yet/nonetheless/nevertheless 词汇讲解: however:意为“可是,然而,尽管”,较 but 的意味弱,通常用作连接性状语。

10、其位置可以 在句首,句末或插入句中。当其被用来对照两个分句时,中间需要有一个逗号;当它被用 作句子的插入语时,则前后应各有一个逗号。 用法: 例句 However, even though parents can help children get through the temporary situations at present, children still have to meet more challenging task in the future study and work.对应托福话题 Parents should allow children to make their

11、own choices rather than determine their childrens future for them.表示让步(逻辑关系) 重点单词和搭配: 单词:although/though/even though/despite/despite the fact that/ in spite of 词汇讲解: despite:意思是尽管,是介词,不是连词,所以不能用来引导句子,若其后要跟 that 从 句,需插入 the fact 用法: 例句 However, we should concede that despite the fact that there are m

12、any merits for children not to study art or music, overextended highlighting its good aspects will be indeed counterproductive, even harmful.对应托福话题 Younger school children (ages five to ten) should be required to study art and music in addition to math, science, history and language.表示很多李恺李恺 邮箱:邮箱:

13、weibo: Kevin-1019Everything comes to him who waits.表示很少 (事物数量) 重点单词和搭配: 单词:a large/significant/vast number of/numerous/ a great/significant deal (amount) of/plenty of词汇讲解: a large/significant/vast number of/numerous 接可数名词,表示很多个,a great/significant deal (amount) of/plenty of 接不可数名词,表示很多,大量 用法: 例句 Now

14、adays technology has simplified the procedure of a large number of tasks and operations.对应托福话题 Technology has made children less creative than they were in the past. 重点单词和搭配: 单词:very little/ very few/ so little/ so few/ small quantity of 词汇讲解: little 指的是几乎没有,接不可数名词,而 a little 表示有一点儿的意思。few 有类似用法 用法:

15、 例句 Once beyond a certain threshold, money has little or no effect on happiness. Many wealthy people have experienced this and are not happier any more In fact, some wealthy people are completely unhappy.对应托福话题 Most business people are motivated only by the desire for more money. 表示各种各样 表示相同的 (事物数量)

16、 重点单词和搭配: 单词:diverse/ various/ unlike/ dissimilar/ distinct 词汇讲解: diverse: 表示多样性的,各种不同属性的,名词形式 diversity 用法: 例句 Moreover, for some people whose majors are general sciences, such as chemistry, physics and so forth, which means it is hard for them to select a clear-cut career, trying diverse jobs is not a rational option as well.对



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