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1、Unit 2Space InvadersCultural BackgroundPersonal spacePeople surround themselves with a “bubble” of personal space that they claim as their own, and they tend to become stressed when other people invade their “bubble.” Our personal space protects us from too much arousal and helps us feel comfortable

2、when we communicate with other people. When two people are talking to each other, they tend to stand a specific distance apart. Each person has an invisible boundary around his body into which other people may not come. If someone pierces this boundary, he will feel uncomfortable and move away to in

3、crease the distance between them. (The major exception is family members and other loved ones.) This personal distance is not due to body odor or bad breath, but because closeness lends a sense of intimacy that is at odds with their relationship to the other individual. Interestingly, the average pe

4、rsonal distance varies from culture to culture. Take American culture as an example. lAmericans tend to require more personal space than in other cultures. So if you try to get too close to an American during your conversation, he or shewill feel that you are “in their face” and will try to back awa

5、y. Try to be aware of this, so if the person to whom you are speaking backs away a little, dont try to close the gap. lAlso, try to avoid physical contact while you are speaking, since this may also lead to discomfort. Touching is a bit too intimate for casual acquaintances. So dont put your arm aro

6、und their shoulders, touch their face, or hold their hand. Shaking hands when you initially meet or part is acceptable, but this is only momentary. Main IdeaThe author points out that personal space invasion has become a serious phenomenon, then examines the nature and cause of space invasion.Struct

7、ural Analysis Paragraphs 1-2: the authors experience of space invasionintroduction Paragraphs 3-7: serious phenomenon of invading personal space and its nature Paragraphs 8-9: reason for personal space and call for expansion of personal spaceI was at the bankI was standing in a line snaking around s

8、ome tired velvet rope.drooping, loosened or slackenedIllogical expressionSnake v. Move in a twisting way The train was snaking its way through the mountains. 小路沿着山坡蜿蜒至远方。 The path snaked away into the distance along the hillside. 她站在食堂里面弯弯曲曲的队伍里。 She stood in a queue snaking around in the canteen.A

9、murderous knife Those purposeless days Carrie leads quite a busy life. 西雅图不眠夜 Sleepless Seatleinch v. move slowly and carefully in a specified direction He was inching his way across the high roof. inch n.measure of length equal to 2.54 cm or one twelfth of a footCollocations by inches: bit by bit,

10、gradually every inch: completely, entirely not budge/yield an inch: not give way at all within an inch of: very near, almostTranslate the following sentences into Chinese:He came within an inch of being struck by a falling tile. He had seen her come to this by inches.minutely adv. carefully and prec

11、isely; in small detailHe examined the jewels minutely before saying how much it was worth. The two mens accounts of the accident varied only minutely. minute adj. careful and exact; very small He gave me minute instructions about my work. His writing is so minute that its difficult to read.我还没仔细研究账目

12、细节,只是粗略浏览了一 遍。 I havent studied the accounts minutely; Ive merely read them through. 把档案交给老板之前,他仔细检查了一下。 He checked the document minutely before handing it to his boss.Foreign Newspapers ramble stride: walk with long steps plod: walk with heavy steps or with difficultyFill in the blanks 1.A huge cro

13、wd down Fifth Avenue in the Easter Parade. 2.The poor old man along, hardly able to lift each foot. 3.We round to the back door. 4.We purposefully up to the door and knocked at it loudly. 5.The young man began to near the pretty girl sitting on the log.Strolled, plodded, sneaked, strode, sidlescribb

14、leshuffle v. walk by dragging ones feet along or without lifting them fully from the ground He slipped on his shoes and shuffled out of the room. A fat woman was shuffling along with a pushchair. Phrases: shuffle sth. off: avoid talking or thinking about something because it is not considered import

15、ant shuffle out of sth.: try to avoid some unpleasant task by acting dishonestly他推卸责任,换了话题。 He shuffled off his own responsibility and changed the topic.她说她有病,把杂事都推掉了。 She shuffled out of the chores by saying she felt ill.Vivid description1. a man in a sweat-suit; 2. me; 3. the woman reading the Wal

16、l Street Journal;4. the man scribbling a check;5. white-haired ladyinching toward advanced towardsidle up toshuffled towardin his eagernessminutelyin mild annoyanceabsent-mindedlyChain effects: cause chaosChain effects: cause chaos until we were all hugger-mugger against each other, the original lazy line having collapsed in on itself like a Slinky. until we


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