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1、20122012 书面表达及时态复习书面表达及时态复习 TANGTANG 第第 1 1 页页 共共 2121 页页书面表达复习书面表达复习解题技巧:解题技巧: 1.认真审题,明确要求认真审题,明确要求(仔细阅读写作要求、所给的提示、文字说明等材料,确定写作的文体和格式) 2.分析要点,编制提纲。分析要点,编制提纲。根据写作材料,确立主题,列出要点(提纲), 最好用自己最熟悉,最 有把握的句型和词汇来表达。 3.依纲据点,扩展成文。依纲据点,扩展成文。根据要点(提纲)适当展开。 4.反复检查,查漏补缺。反复检查,查漏补缺。尽量做到用词准确,句子流畅,衔接自如,结构紧凑。 可以适当加入一些连接词语

2、。如表达转 折 but, however, otherwise 等,表达递进 and, also, besides, Whats more 等,表达因果 so, therefore, as a result 等,表达对比 at the same time, meanwhile,while 等,表达让步 though, although, even if 等。有时还要加 入一些必要的过渡句子以承上启下。1. 英语老师英语老师iss Zhang 下周二将举办一次英语讲座,请用英语用全班同学做下周二将举办一次英语讲座,请用英语用全班同学做口头通知口头通知。 提示:提示:1.主讲人:主讲人:iss Z

3、hang 2.主讲内容:如何使用电脑主讲内容:如何使用电脑 3.时间:时间:2:00 p.m.4:00 p.m. 4.地点:本班教室地点:本班教室 5.可邀请其他班级同学参加,但不要迟到。可邀请其他班级同学参加,但不要迟到。 范文范文: Boys and girls,May I have your attention, please? I have something important to tell you. Next Tuesday afternoon, thats to say, on the afternoon of April the third, Miss Zhang will

4、give us a talk on how to use the computer. Miss Zhang is good at using it. The talk will be given from 2 oclock to 4 oclock p.m. in our classroom. Your fiends and classmates can come to have the talk. Please dont be late. Thats all. Thank you. 2.假定你是假定你是 Sally, Tommy 是你的弟弟,你需要让你的弟弟把一些东西带到你学校,如学生证、帽子

5、、笔记本和铅笔等,它们分别在抽屉里、椅子上、书桌和笔盒里。是你的弟弟,你需要让你的弟弟把一些东西带到你学校,如学生证、帽子、笔记本和铅笔等,它们分别在抽屉里、椅子上、书桌和笔盒里。 范文范文( 便条便条 ): Tommy, Can you bring some things to school? I need my hat, my ID card, my notebook, and my pencils. My hat is on the chair. My ID card is in the drawer. My notebook is on the desk and my pencils

6、are in the pencil-box. Thanks. Sally 3.假设你叫高迪,是高一假设你叫高迪,是高一(2)班的学生。你在班的学生。你在 10 月月 16 日晚上把一本日晚上把一本牛津高级英汉双解字典牛津高级英汉双解字典丢在阅览室里,用英语写一则寻物启事,贴在餐厅前的留言板上。请捡到者交给你或你班班长。启事时间:丢在阅览室里,用英语写一则寻物启事,贴在餐厅前的留言板上。请捡到者交给你或你班班长。启事时间:10 月月 17 日日 范文范文: Lost (October 17th) On the evening of October 16th, I left my Oxford A

7、dvanced Learners English-Chinese Dictionary in the reading-room. It is new. Will the finder please send it to me or to our monitor? I am in Class Two, Senior Grade One. Thank you very much. Gao Di 4.请以学生会文体部的名义为一场篮球赛写一份海报,内容(请以学生会文体部的名义为一场篮球赛写一份海报,内容(1)参加者:美国北地中学校队和我校校队()参加者:美国北地中学校队和我校校队(2)地点:水泥球场(

8、)地点:水泥球场(3)时间:)时间:2009 年年 11 月月 20 日(星期天)下午日(星期天)下午 4 点(点(4)组织者:我院学生会文体)组织者:我院学生会文体 部(部(5)海报发布时间)海报发布时间 2009 年年 11 月月 14 日日 POSTER(海报海报) Friendly Basketball Match Under the auspices(主办主办) of the Recreational(娱乐的娱乐的) and Physical Culture Department of the Students Union of our school, a friendly bask

9、etball match will be held between the visiting us Northfield Team and ours on the cement(水泥水泥) basketball count on Sunday, November 20th 2009 at 4:00pm. the Recreational andPhysical Culture Department of the Students Union(学生会文体部) November 14th, 2009 5. 日记日记(参观科技馆参观科技馆) April 18th, Sunday Fine Today

10、 my parents and I went to visit Science Museum. Its about five kilometers away from my home. We decided to go there by bus. We set off at 8 oclock in the morning. At the museum we saw many photos, 20122012 书面表达及时态复习书面表达及时态复习 TANGTANG 第第 2 2 页页 共共 2121 页页models and other old but interesting things. W

11、e learned a lot and knew more about science history. I saw a lot of people there. At ten thirty we left the museum for home. We had a wonderful day and I made up my mind to study hard. I want to be a scientist in the future. 6. 近来我市正在进行平安校园建设。作为一名学生,我们更应该珍惜自己的生命,更应该注意自己人身安全。假如你是近来我市正在进行平安校园建设。作为一名学生

12、,我们更应该珍惜自己的生命,更应该注意自己人身安全。假如你是 Daming, 并担任校学生会主席,请你就安全问题,向全校学生发一封并担任校学生会主席,请你就安全问题,向全校学生发一封安全倡议书安全倡议书。 内内容提示:(容提示:(1)不带管制刀具到学校()不带管制刀具到学校(2)不私自下河洗澡()不私自下河洗澡(3)不打架()不打架(4)上学放学的途中应该注意安全()上学放学的途中应该注意安全(5)遇紧急情况,立即报告警察或老师)遇紧急情况,立即报告警察或老师 要求:可适当发挥,要求:可适当发挥,80 词左右,严禁出现自己的真实词左右,严禁出现自己的真实 姓名和学校等相关信息。姓名和学校等相关

13、信息。 Dear students,As we know, safety is the most important thing in our lives. So, we should try our best to make sure we are safe. We mustnt bring restricted(管制)(管制)knives or things to our school because these things may cause serious problems. Do not have a bath in rivers or ponds(池塘池塘) by ourselv

14、es without our parents permission. And, we should be friendly to others. To fighting is strongly banned(禁止)(禁止). Make sure that we should always pay attention to the traffic on our way to school or home. Furthermore, if we meet some emergency(紧急情况紧急情况),we must call for help from the police or our te

15、achers. In a word, following these safety rules above can make us live in peace. Yours, Daming 7.(1) 你班英语老师组织全班同学交流学习英语的体会,请根据要求写一篇你班英语老师组织全班同学交流学习英语的体会,请根据要求写一篇 80 词左右的发言稿。内容:你的英语学习情况及学习中遇到的困难词左右的发言稿。内容:你的英语学习情况及学习中遇到的困难; 你常用的学习方法及其效果你常用的学习方法及其效果; 你今后的英语学习计划。你今后的英语学习计划。 Good morning. Its my honor to share my opinion with you all. I have worked hard at English since I went to the junior school, so my English is very good. I am good at listening, reading and writing, but I



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