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1、Oxford English SIIA Unit Five -More ReadingWearable TechnologyQuestionsn1. How to understand the topic?n2. What kind of thing is wearable technology built into?n3. How could wearable technology help an athlete?n4. Why might doctors be interested in wearable technology?n5. What is a big difficulty wi

2、th wearable technology?1. wearable adj.1) suitable to be worn 可以穿戴的;适宜 穿戴的 2) capable of enduring continued use 耐 用的 wearable shoes for the summer 适合夏天穿的鞋 wearable fabric 耐用的面料wear v. wear sth out 使某事物用坏或耗尽 我旅行时穿坏了两双鞋。 I wore out two pairs of shoes while travelling. wear sb out 使某人精疲力竭或厌烦 我累坏了。 I wa

3、s worn out. = I was _.=I was exhausted.tired out2. performance n.1)演出, 表演 2)表现,行为,成就 他在测验中做的不够好。 His performance in the test was not good enough. 她在竞赛中成绩优异获金牌。 She won a gold medal for her fine performance in the contest. perform v.1)表演; 演奏 2)做, 执行, 履行做实验 执行任务履行义务 动手术 perform an experiment perform a

4、 task perform ones dutyperform an operation3. monitorvt. 监控;监测 监测病人的脉搏 监督某人的表现/进步 monitor sbs performance/progress n. 监听器;监视器;监测器 monitor a patients pulse 4. measurev. 1) 测量 vt. measure sth量门的宽度measure the width of the doorvi. (linking verb) sth measure 这个池塘有两米宽。 The pond measures two meters wide.2)

5、 vt. judge the importance, value or effect of sth 估量; 衡量; 判定 很难估计他的能力。 Its hard to measure his ability. n. 1) 计量制; 量度法 A meter is a measure of length. 米是长度单位。2) C usu pl 措施; 步骤; 办法 安全措施 采取措施做某事 take measures to do sth take steps to do sth take action to do sthsafety measures5. beat v.1)(接连地)击打;规律性地拍

6、击 击鼓 爸爸揍了我一顿。 雨水拍打在窗户上。The rain beat against the windows. 2) defeat 打败;胜过 beat sb at sth 在方面击败 Who can beat you at basketball?(beat, beaten)beat a drumDad beat me.3) vi. (指心脏)跳动 我的心跳得很快 My heart is beating fast. n. 敲击(声); 有规律敲打(声) 敲鼓的声音 心跳声the beat of a drum a heartbeat6. currently adv. 现在地;当下地眼下他正在

7、创作他的第一部小说。 He is currently working on his first novel. current a. 1) 现在的; 现行的; 当前发生的 时事 现任领导人 目前的议题 杂志最新的一期current affairs current leaders current issuesthe current issue of the magazine2)通用的; 通行的; 被普遍接受的 current opinions words that are no longer current 已不通用的词 current coinscurrent fashions普遍的看法流通的货

8、币 流行时尚current n. 水流; 气流; 电流 The swimmer was swept away by the current. Turn on the current水流电流7. equipment 装备,设备 一套装备 equip vt. 配备; 装备 equip sb/sth with sth 给配备 请准备一枝尖的铅笔和一块橡皮参加考试。 Please equip yourself with a sharp pencil and a rubber for the exam. 士兵们装备好了武器。 The soldiers were well equipped with we

9、apons.Un. a piece of equipmentbe equipped with装备有8. before long: 不久以后很快我们会见面的。 We will meet before long. It wont be long before we meet. before long=soon afterwards不加从句 long before+名词/状语从句, “很久以前” I had known him _ I actually saw him. We hope to finish our experiment _.long beforebefore longThe pare

10、nts had prepared everything for the baby _ his birth. They began the test yesterday, but we had made experiment _.但是我们很久以前就做实验了。 当上下文明确时,long before后的名词或 从句还可以省略。long beforelong before9. electronic adj. 电子的electric adj. 用电的/由电产生的/用于导电的 electrical adj. 电的; 与电有关的 电子杂志 _ magazine 电流 _ current 电机工程 _ en

11、gineer 电源插头 _ plug 电炉/电灯 _ cooker/light 电器用品 _ appliances electricity n. 电流;电electricelectronicelectrical electric electric electrical10. direction n.1) 管理;指导;指点;指示;指令 under ones direction 由某人指挥 他在我的指导下开展工作。 He did the work under my direction. 2) 方向 in this/ that direction 朝这个/那个方向 你准备往哪个方向走? In whi

12、ch direction are you going?朝四面八方 in all directions 3)C usu pl 指南; 指示; 说明书; 操作说明 follow the directions11. removevt. 1) 将某物某人移到别处; 移开remove sth/sb from从移开,移除他将手从她的肩膀上拿开。 He removed his hand from her shoulder. That officer must be removed from his position. 那位军官必须免职 。remove problems/difficulties/objections解决问题/克服困难/消除反对意见 2) 脱下(衣服等) remove the coat/hat/glasses/glovesremoval n.


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