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1、festival.swf被动语态专项复习高县落润中学 刘元福n课前热身:巧记主动语态变被动语态顺口溜n主动变被动,划分句子成分主、谓、宾首先用,接着判断时态巧布控,主 动谓语变被动,be+过分来使用。n宾语变主语,主语by宾语,谓语be+过分随时态记。n情态动词主动变被动,情态动词+be+过分一起用。n双宾物作主,指人宾语前要带for或to.n使役、感官动词后,宾补动词别忘加to 用。n其余部分不变化,抄下完整句子好说话。n一般现在时,谓语is/am/are+过分来使用;n一般过去时,谓语was/were+过分来使用;n一般将来时,谓语will/shall+be+过分来使用;n现在进行时,谓语

2、is/am/are+being+过分来使用;n过去进行时,谓语was/were+being+过分来使用;n现在完成时,谓语have/has+been+过分来使用;n情态动词被动语态,谓语 can/could/must/should/would/may+be+过分来使用。步骤一:典型题例 一. Read the words about choresclean my bedroomwash clothescook meals 做饭water flowerstake out the trashdo the dishesmake ones bed二. read and answer1.- Who cl

3、eans your bedroom at your home? - My bedroom is cleaned by my mother/ myself.2.- Who washes your clothes?- My clothes are washed by my mother/ myself/washing machine.洗衣机二. read and answer3.- Who cooks meals at your home?- The meals are cooked by my mother/ me.4.- Who waters flowers at your home? -Th

4、e flowers are watered by my father二. read and answer5.- Who takes out the trash at your home?- The trash is taken out by my mother/ myself.6.- Who does the dishes at your home? -The dishes are done by my father7.- Who makes your bed at your home? -My bed is made by myself.三. Report(报告)In my family,

5、my bedroom is cleaned by myself, The trash is taken out by me and my bed is made by myself ,But other chores are done by my parents. 四. Oral practice(口语操练)1.The house is cleaned by my mother.2.The house is built by the workers.3.The flowers are watered by myfather.4.The flowers are planted by me.五.

6、Have a try(试一试)nThe clothes are washed bynThe dishes were washed bynThe door is opened bynThe computer is used bynThe book is read bynThe English is spoken by步骤二:考点精解 1.被动语态基本用法:当句子的主语是动作的执行者 时,谓语的形式是主动语态。当句 子的主语是动作的承受者时,谓语 要用被动语态。被动语态由助动词 be+过去分词构成,时态通过be表 现出来。2.规则动词的过去分词: 1)一般情况在动词原形后加-edwatch-wat

7、ched2)以不发音e结尾的加-dpractice-practiced3)以辅音加y结尾的,去y变i加-edstudy-studied4)以重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母, 先双写该辅音字母,再加-edstop-stopped3.不规则动词的过去分词: am is arebeenhavehashaddodone writewritten gogone主动语态:His brother washes bowls every day 主(执行者 )谓宾(承受者)Bowls are washed byhis brother every day.4. 主动语态被动语态添 加5.主动变被动的方法:

8、People speak English in the world. 主 谓 宾English is spoken by people in the world. 总结: 主动语态被动语态 宾语 谓语 主语 其他 抄下来主语be+ P.P(过去分词)by +宾语1.They make shoes in that factory.主语+及物动词+宾语Shoes are made (by them) in that factory.6.一般现在时的被动语态:S(主语)+am/is /are +过去分词n 步骤三:Exercises(针对练习,变被动语态)nThey play football on

9、 Sunday.nLucy does the homework in the evening.nThey often use computers in class.nWe make these machines in Beijing.Football is played (by them) on Sunday.The homework is done (by Lucy )in the evening.Computers are often used (by them) in class.These machines are made (by us)in Beijing.He looked af

10、ter the little baby yesterday. 主谓(动介)宾(承受者)The little baby was looked afterbyhim yesterday .主动语态 :被动语态 :2. They bought ten computers last term Ten computers were bought (by them) last term.7.一般过去时的被动语态: S+ was/were +过去分词步骤三:Exercises(针对练习,变被动语态) 1)They built the tall building last year.2)He took goo

11、d care of his little brother yesterday.3)We cleaned our classroom just now.4)They used this room for resting.The tall building was built by them last year.His little brother was taken good care of by him yesterday.Our classroom was cleaned by us just now.This room was used for resting by them.注:动词短语

12、作谓语,变被动语态时,不能 省掉短语中的介词或副词,如例2).Tom will clean the room tomorrow.主谓宾(承受者)The room will be cleaned byTom tomorrow.They will finish the work in ten days.The work will be finished (by them)in ten days.8.一般将来时的被动语态:S+ will+be+过去分词Amy can take good care of Gina Gina can be taken good care of by Amy.9.情态动词

13、的被动语态:S+ can/may/must/should + be+过去分词1.He can take care of the baby.2.Lucy may draw the pictures.3.You must turn off the lights.4.They should learn English well. The baby can be taken care of by him.The picture may be drawn by Lucy.The lights must be turned off by you.English should be learned well

14、 by them.步骤三:步骤三:ExercisesExercises(针对练习,变被动语态)(针对练习,变被动语态)Some workers are painting the rooms nowThe rooms are being painted by some workers now.10. 现在进行时的被动语态:S+ am/is/are + being +过去分词We have made twenty more keysTwenty more keys have been made by us.11. 现在完成时的被动语态:S+ have/has + been+过去分词一般现在时:一般

15、过去时:一般将来时:情态动词:现在进行时:现在完成时:S+ am/is /are + done(过去分词)S+can/may/must/should+be+done(过去分词)S+ will + be + done (过去分词)S+ is/am/are + being+ done(过去分词 )S+ have/has + been+ done(过去分词)S+ was/were + done(过去分词)12.各种时态的被动语态构成13. 被动语态的用法 Football is played all over the world My bike was stolen我的自行车被盗了 。 一、行为主体不明确,不必说出或者无法说 出动作的执行者时。例如:一、行为主体不明确,不必说出或者无法说出动作 的执行者时。例如:二、不易找到或根本就不可能找到动作的执行者时 。例如:三、汉语中含有“据说”、“据悉”、“据报道”、“大家说”等时。例如: It is said that one day he climbed to the top of a house .It was reported that her mother died of SARS( 非典).众所周知 It is well kn


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