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1、1ModuleModule 5 5 NewspapersNewspapers andand MagazinesMagazines阅读理解组块专练练速度 (限时:35 分钟) .阅读理解 A A (2018湖南长沙高三年级统一模拟考试) In between running one of the worlds largest charitable agencies and acting as Microsofts technology advisor, Bill Gates manages to find time to read books, both long and short. Now

2、Gates who has been labeled a “greedy” reader has released a list of his favorite books. All of the books are standout reads, according to the billionaire, most of which are focused on business and economy. Here are Bills top four picks (with parts of his full review of each book) BusinessBusiness Ad

3、ventures,Adventures, byby JohnJohn BrooksBrooks Brooks collection was published in 1969 and remains one of Gates favorites. He reread it again this year, labeling it the best business book he has ever read. “Shortly after we met, Warren Buffett lent me this collection of business articles from The N

4、ew Yorker from the 1950s and 1960s. I loved them as much as he did. Brooks insights (洞察力) into business have aged beautifully, and they are as true today as ever.” CapitalCapital inin thethe TwentyFirstTwentyFirst Century,Century, byby ThomasThomas PikettyPiketty Pikettys novel hit the shelves in Au

5、gust 2013 and sparked much discussion concerning income inequality throughout this year. Gates also got to sit down with Piketty himself after reading the nonfiction work to discuss the topic. “As I told him, although I have concerns about some of his secondary points and policy prescriptions, I agr

6、ee with his most important conclusions: inequality is a growing problem and governments should play a role in reducing it.” HowHow AsiaAsia Works,Works, byby JoeJoe StudwellStudwell Studwells work, which was published in May 2014, addresses how countries such as Japan, South Korea and China have con

7、tinued to achieve high growth, and why other countries have failed to do the same. “The agriculture section of the book was particularly insightful. It provided ample food for thought for me as well as the whole Agriculture team at our foundation. And it left us thinking about whether parts of the A

8、sian model can apply in Africa.” MakingMaking thethe ModernModern World:World: MaterialsMaterials andand Dematerialization,Dematerialization, byby VaclavVaclav SmilSmil Smils books are a constant favorite of the Microsofts founder one of his books makes Gates list almost every year. “Making the Mode

9、rn World” came out late in 2013 and explores the global use of materials, from silicon to wood and plastic. “If anyone tries to tell you were using fewer materials, send him this book. With his usual skepticism and his love of data, Smil shows how our ability to make things with fewer materials say,

10、 soda cans that need less aluminum makes them cheaper, which actually encourages more production.” 【语篇解读】 本文介绍了比尔盖茨喜欢阅读的四本关于商业和经济的书。 【难句分析】 All of the books are standout reads, according to the 2billionaire, most of which are focused on business and economy. 分析:该句为主从复合句,句中 most of which are focused

11、on business and economy 为非限制性定语从句。 译文:根据这位亿万富翁所言,所有的这些书都是优秀读物,其中大部分书专注于商 业和经济。 1The books mentioned in the text are all about _. Acharity in the world Bbusiness and economy Cpoverty in the world DBill Gates life experience 答案与解析:B 细节理解题。根据第一段的最后一句“All of the books are standout reads, according to th

12、e billionaire, most of which are focused on business and economy”可知,比尔盖茨喜欢的这些书都是优秀读物,其中大部分书专 注于商业和经济,故 B 项正确。 【干扰项分析】 A 项意为“世界慈善” ,C 项意为“世界贫困” ,D 项意为“比尔盖 茨的人生经历” ,都与第一段的文意不符。 2Of the books, _ is best praised by Bill Gates. AHow Asia Works BCapital in the TwentyFirst Century CBusiness Adventures DMak

13、ing the Modern World: Materials and Dematerialization 答案与解析:C 细节理解题。根据第三段的第二句“He reread it again this year, labeling it the best business book he has ever read”可知,Business Adventures这本书是最受比尔盖茨称赞的,故 C 项正确。3.Gates once had a personal discussion with the author of _. ACapital in the TwentyFirst Century

14、 BBusiness Adventures CHow Asia Works DMaking the Modern World: Materials and Dematerialization 答案与解析:A 细节理解题。根据第五段的第二句“Gates also got to sit down with Piketty himself after reading the nonfiction work to discuss the topic” 可知,比尔盖茨和Capital in the TwentyFirst Century这本书的作者坐下来交谈过, 故 A 项正确。 4In How Asi

15、a Works, the author analyses _. Awhy African agriculture cannot develop fast Bhow they can apply Asian economic model in African countries Cwhy Asia is slow in agricultural development Dhow some Asian countries have rapidly grown in economy 答案与解析:D 细节理解题。根据第七段的“addresses how countries such as Japan,

16、 South Korea and China have continued to achieve high growth”可知,How Asia Works主要介绍了一些亚洲国家如日本、韩国和中国是如何快速发展经济的,故 D 项 正确。 B B (2018东北三省四市教研联合体模拟二) In the tiny village of Angelica, New York, the post office is more than a place to get mail or send packages. There youll find the heart of this lovely community. Its where villagers meet and


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