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1、1UnitUnit 2 2 PoemsPoems话题素材诗歌话题词汇1.description n. 描述;描写2.romantic adj. 浪漫的3.poetry n. 诗(总称)4.rhyme n. 韵;押韵5.realistic adj. 现实主义的;现实的6.express feelings/emotions 表达感情7.translate into 翻译成8.convey information 传达信息9.in a free form 以自由体的形式10.be_popular_with 受欢迎pare . to . 把比作12.give sb. a deep impression

2、 给某人留下深刻的印象13.be of great importance 非常重要14.seek after 寻求;追求15.think highly/well of 对高度评价经典佳句1.I hold_the_view_that if we students want to know as many great works of literature as we can, we had better read the original work.我认为我们学生如果想尽可能多地了解伟大的文学作品,最好还是读原著。2.We are_always_finding new beauty in Sha

3、kespeares poetry.我们不断地在莎士比亚的诗歌中发现美妙之处。3.I benefit a great deal from reading.阅读使我受益匪浅。2精美语篇Dear Wendy,Im so glad to receive your letter. And itit isis reallyreally a a coincidencecoincidence thatthat you asked me about the Tang poems, and I just have learnt something about them.The Tang poems are var

4、ious in forms and subjects. GenerallyGenerally speaking,speaking, they can bebe divideddivided intointo two groupsclassical poems and modern poems. NotNot onlyonly the length of a line butbut alsoalso the length of a poem is limited to a certain number of words. There are often four or eight or twel

5、ve lines with five or seven words in each line. Poets wrote poems for different purposes, for example, exposingexposing thethe darknessdarkness ofof thethe societysociety and describing the beautiful scenes.There were many famous poets during the Tang Dynasty, such as Li Bai, Du Fu and Bai Juyi. If

6、you want to read more, the book 300 Tang Poems is a a goodgood choice,choice, whichwhich includes poems of many wellknown poets. AfterAfter readingreading them, you will havehave a a betterbetter understandingunderstanding ofof the Tang poems.Yours sincerely,Zhang Wei 高频单词1.poetry (n.) 诗(总称);诗意poet

7、(n.) 诗人poem (n.) 诗;韵文2.convey (vt.) 传达;运送conveyor (n.) 传送者;传输装置3.concrete (adj.) 具体的abstract (反义词) (adj.) 抽象的4.contradictory (adj.) 引起矛盾的;好反驳的contradict (v.) 反驳;与发生矛盾contradiction (n.) 抵触;矛盾;矛盾的说法5.flexible (adj.) 灵活的;可弯曲的;柔顺的flexibly (adv.) 灵活地6.tease (vt. she takes everything far too seriously.不要和

8、琳达开玩笑,她对待每件事都过于认真。Some of us always take_it_for_granted that our parents or grandparents should take care of us.我们中的有些人理所当然地认为父母或者祖父母应该照顾我们。runrun outout ofof 用完;用尽(主语是人);从跑出去教材原句We would have won . if we hadnt runrun outout ofof energy.(P10)我们本来会夺冠,如果我们没有筋疲力竭。(1)run out (某物)耗尽run away 逃跑;跑开run acro

9、ss 偶然碰见run after 追赶;追逐run into 遭遇;碰到;遇上(2)in the long/short run 从长远/短期来看(run 为名词)I am_running_out_of petrol. I must find a gas station before it runs_out.9我的汽油快用完了,我得趁它还没用完前找到加油站。Look! The boy is running_after a duck.看!这个男孩正在追赶一只鸭子。易混辨析run out of及物动词短语,主语一般为人,表示主动意义run out不及物动词短语,主语一般是物(时间、金钱、食物等),相

10、当于 give outgive out不及物动词短语,也可以表示人的力气用完或者人筋疲力尽use up及物动词短语,相当于 run out ofThe paint has been used_up and I have to go and buy some.油漆用完了,我得去买些回来。He didnt wait there long before his patience gave_out.他在那里没等多久,就没有了耐心。letlet outout 发出(声音);放走;释放;放宽(衣服)教材原句Slowly the blackbird letslets outout a cry. (P16)那

11、只乌鸫慢慢地发出一声叫声。let alone 更不用说let sb./sth. do sth. 任由发生let down 放下;放低;(使人)失望let go 放开;松手let in 允许进入We didnt know at that time there even was an environment, let_alone that there was a problem with it.在那个时候我们根本不知道环境,更不用说知道环境有问题。Im counting on you to support medont let_me_down!我指望你支持我呢别让我失望!When someone

12、has deeply hurt you, it can be extremely difficult to let_go of your hate.当某个人深深地伤害了你,想忘掉心中的恨是很难的。The glass doors have taken the place of the wooden ones at the entrance, letting_in the natural light during the day.入口处的玻璃门已取代了木门,在白天好让自然光照进来。.选词填空be made up of; run out of; make sense; hold on; stay u

13、p101I used to _ late with my mom and watch movies.答案:stay up2. They _ money and had to abandon the project.答案:ran out of3Society _ a variety of people; some are good, others bad, and still others inbetween.答案:is made up of4How long do you think we can_?答案:hold on5This passage just didnt _ to me, no

14、matter how I read it.答案:make sense.完成句子1Just _ and tell us what happened.别紧张,告诉我们发生了什么事。答案:take it easy2It is ridiculous of you to think that our resources _.你认为我们的资源取之不尽真是太荒谬了。答案:cant run out3_ in this cold weather.在这种寒冷的天气,不要把狗放出去。答案:Dont let the dog out4The whole meal was good but the wine _ was

15、excellent. 整顿饭都很好,尤其是葡萄酒更好。答案:in particular 5The idea sounds fine, but we need to _.这个主意听起来不错,但我们要在实践中验证一下。答案:try it out in practiceS So om me e r rh hy ym me e l li ik ke e B B w wh hi il le e o ot th he er rs s d do o n no ot t l li ik ke e C C. .P10 有些诗押韵如B,而有些诗不押韵如C。句中 while 用作并列连词,表示前后分句的对比,相当于 whereas,译作“然而;可是” 。此外,while 还有其他含义。(1)引导时间状语从句,意为“当时” 。(2)引导让步状语从句,常放在句首,意为“尽管;虽然” ,比 although 或 though 语气要轻。(3)引导条件状语从句,相当于 as long as,意为“只要” 。11(4)while 用作名词,意为“一会儿;一段时间” 。While we were eating, Kurt asked me, “John, what


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