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1、1UnitUnit 5 5 MeetingMeeting youryour ancestorsancestors话题素材古代文化话题词汇1historian n. 历史学家2primitive adj. 原始的3ancient adj. 古代的4civilized adj. 文明的5hardship n. 苦难6cultural gap 文化差距7originate from 起源于8come into being 形成;产生;出现9historic relics 历史遗产10date back to/date from 追溯到11in memory of 为了纪念12pass down 传递

2、;使流传13look back at history 回顾历史14settle in 定居;安顿下来15ancient society 古代社会经典佳句1In the course of history, every event will exert its influence on the_past and the_present.在历史的发展进程中,每一事件都会对当时和过去产生影响。2Life consists_of_not_only sunshine but_also hard times.生活充满的不仅仅是阳光,还有艰苦岁月。23This is the_site_of Upper Ca

3、ve man, where our ancestors once lived.这就是山顶洞人的遗址,我们祖先在远古生活的地方。精美语篇ToTo thethe southwestsouthwest ofof Beijing lies Zhoukoudian, wherewhere Peking Man areare believedbelieved toto havehave livedlived. They lived in the caves, regardlessregardless ofof the cold. They didnt have mats, blankets or quil

4、ts. But they mademade firesfires toto cook the food, scarescare wild beasts awayaway and keepkeep warmwarm.Peking Man didnt grow their own crops but picked fruit when it ripened and hunted animals with a spear. They usedused the sharpened stone tools toto cutcut upup animals and remove their skin, o

5、ntoonto whichwhich they rubbed an ample amount of salt to makemake itit softsoft. They used a needle, whichwhich was atat mostmost three centimeters long, to make clothes whose materials are the skins of the animals. They even wore a primitive necklace, whichwhich waswas mademade ofof seashells.Peki

6、ng Man sufferedsuffered fromfrom cold, starvation and diseases. However,However, the discovery of the cave isis ofof greatgreat significancesignificance toto the study of human history. 高频单词1alternative (n.) 可能的选择 (adj.) 供选择的;其他的2starvation (n.) 挨饿;饿死starve (vi.) 挨饿;饿死3accuracy (n.) 精确;准确accurate (a

7、dj.) 准确的;精确的4interrupt (vt. of4They couldnt have mats, blankets or quilts like we do. It must _ (be) very uncomfortable.答案:have been5They might have kept the fire _ (burn) all winter.答案:burning6We havent found any doors but we think they might have hung animal skins at the cave mouth to keep _ the c

8、old during the freezing winter.答案:out7We know that they moved around, _ (follow) the herds of animals.答案:following8Thats _ they are called hunters and gatherers.答案:why9He had a large, square face, _ strongly pronounced eyebrows and cheekbones.答案:with10Lala smiled and handed some stone scrapers over

9、to Dahu, _ smiled and went outside the cave to begin his task.答案:who1 alternativealternative adj.adj.供选择的;其他的n n可能的选择;选择对象教材原句Can you think of the alternativesalternatives we would use today?(P37)你能想到我们今天可供利用的办法吗?(1)have no alternative but to do sth. 别无选择只好做某事have the alternative of doing sth. 有做某事的

10、选择theres no alternative . 别无选择an alternative to . 的替代品(2)alternatively adv.可供选择地5Im afraid I have_no_alternative_but_to_report you to the police.恐怕除了向警方告发你以外,我别无选择了。If you dont like the school lunch, you have_the_alternative_of_bringing your own.要是你不喜欢学校的午餐,你可以选择自己带饭。联想 “别无选择只好做某事”的其他表达形式ahave no ch

11、oice but to do sth.bcannot but do sth.ccan do nothing but do sth.dcannot help/choose but do sth.2 interruptinterrupt vt. at most; have no alternative but to do; arrest . for; with relief1I _ turn to my parents for help.答案:have no alternative but to2There is only ten meters from here _.答案:at most3Hes

12、 trying to _ at what might happen and be ready to handle it.答案:look ahead4She _ drugrelated offences.答案:was arrested for5He watched _ as the girl nodded.答案:with relief.完成句子1_, we have to follow his decisions.无论他是对还是错,我们得服从他的决定。答案:Regardless of whether he is right or wrong2The modern history of Italy

13、 _ 1860.意大利的现代史可以追溯到 1860 年。答案:dates back to/dates from3Tony, why are your eyes red?I _ peppers for the last five minutes.托尼,你的眼睛为什么是红的?那是因为近 5 分钟以来我一直在切辣椒。答案:have been cutting up4_ the housework all the time, she has hired a cleaner.厌倦了一直做家务,她请了一名清洁工。答案:Fed up with doing105Please _ the room. Its to

14、o dirty and noisy.请别让狗进屋,它太脏太吵了。答案:keep the dog out ofI If f o on nl ly y i it t c co ou ul ld d b be e j ju us st t l li ik ke e l la as st t y ye ea ar r! P43 要是能跟去年那样该多好啊!if only “但愿;要是就好了” ,常引导虚拟语气的条件句或感叹句。(1)“if only . could/would/mightdo .”表示对将来事情的愿望。(2)“if only . did .”表示对与现在事实相反的愿望。(3)“if on

15、ly . had done .”表示对与过去事实相反的愿望。If_only the whole family could_be united during the Spring Festival!今年春节全家能团圆就好了!If only I_had enough money to buy an iPhone!如果我有足够的钱买一部 iPhone,那该多好啊!If only I_had_remembered to lock the door!要是我没忘记锁门就好了!易混辨析if only用来表达愿望,意为“但愿;要是就好了” ,句中谓语动词要用虚拟语气only if由副词 only 和从属连词 if 组合而成,only 仅起强调作用,意为“只要” ;“onlyif 状语”位于句首时,引起主句部分倒装用 if only, only if 的适当形式填空aIf_only I could speak several foreign languages.bOnly



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