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1、新思维综合英语(2) 课程辅unit10(63-68)巴州电大 冯晓梅Unit10 (63-68)Learning ObjectivesvHow toTalk about problems and give advice谈论问题和提出劝告Show concern表示关心Talk about moods and feelings谈论情绪和感觉Give warnings and advice and say thank you提出警告和劝告以及表示感谢 Lesson 63 vFocus questions1.When and where does the conversation take pla

2、ce?2.Why does Howard yell at Fred and Jennifer?3.Whats wrong with Howard?4.What advice does Sara give Howard?Answers to the Focus Questionsv1. When and where does the conversation take place?In the office during the rest time in the morning of a workday.2.Why does Howard yell at Fred and Jennifer?He

3、 is not himself recently and thinks they are being lazy.3.Whats wrong with Howard?He is under too much pressure.4.What advice does Sara give Howard?She advises him to take some time off, and cut down on the coffee. Language points in the dialoguevA: “What do you think this is, a social hour? ?A soci

4、al hour= a time of a party-like atmosphere, usually not found at work place: “社交 时间”。英国每天有喝早茶的习惯,可喝/ 吃点东西 ,聊天,休息。 vB: Dont take it personally. 别在意,别往心里去。 vMr. Thompson hasnt been himself lately. not be oneself:“反常”,“情绪不对头”。 Thats for sure.确实如此。for sure:“确切地,肯 定,毫无疑问”。可做表语(如此对话里的用法,veg She will come,

5、 thats for sure. 她会来的,那是 毫无疑问的。) 也可做状语。veg We will win for sure. 我们肯定会获胜。No one knows for sure what happened to him. 没人确切知 道他出了什么事。 vHes been in a bad mood for weeks. In a bad/ good mood: “情绪坏/好”。veg. He was in such a good mood that he would agree to whatever I said.vC: vHoward, maybe its none of my

6、 business, but well, you havent been yourself lately. None of ones business :“跟某人没关系”,v类似用法:mind ones own business: “处理/ 管好自己的事 情”。该短语如果用在第二人称you的句子里,有“狗拿耗子, 多管闲事”的意思。veg-Hey, Jack. What have you been talking about with Jane yesterday at the school gate?-Its none of your business. / Mind our own bus

7、iness.vI mean, youve been losing your temper over nothing.Lose ones temper over sth: “因为某事发脾气”。vI shouldnt have blown up like that. blow up:“大发脾气” , shouldnt have done sth:“本不应该做某事”。vI dont know what came over me. come over=happen to, “发生”。I dont know what came over me.= I dont know what happened to

8、 me./ what was wrong with me.我不知道自己怎么了。 vIve been getting into arguments with Linda and yelling at the kids.这里get into arguments with sb. = quarrel with sb.:“与某人争吵”。 Yell at sb.:“冲着某人嚷嚷”。 vYoud better not push yourself too hard. push oneself too hard:“过于疲劳/拼命干活” 。 vIm under so much pressure, Sara. U

9、nder pressure: “处于压力之下”。Under:“在之 中;在期间”。 veg The plan is under discussion. 这个计划 正在讨论之中。vThere is a new music hall near here under construction.附近正在建造一座新的音乐大厅 。Your proposal is under consideration.你的 提议正在考虑中。 vSometimes I just feel like quitting. Feel like (doing) sth.:“想要,想干什么”。veg I feel like (dri

10、nking) beer tonight. 我今天晚上想 喝点啤酒。 If I were you, Id take some time off and get away for a while. If I were you, Id do sth. “如果我 是你的话,我就”。注意: 虚拟条件句里的系动 词不是was,而是were。主句Id是 I would的缩写。 eg If I were you, I would make good use of the time and try again.如果我是你的话,我就抓紧时间 再努力努力。vYou cant go on at this space.

11、 At the speed: “以 这个速度”,at the pace:“以这个进度”。Pace:“ 步速;速度;节奏”。veg increase ones pace:加快步伐。hike at a rapid pace: 快步远行。slow down the pace of new-product development: 放慢开发新产品的速 度。the pace of life in Washington:华盛顿的生活 节奏。文章中,是指工作生活节奏,因此要用pace 这个词。speed:“速度”。 the speed of light:光速 。veg He drove at a speed

12、 of forty miles per hour.他 以每小时40英里的速度驾车行驶。Reading speed :阅读速度。 vAnd Id cut down on the coffee too. = If I were you, Id cut down on the coffee too. cut down on sth:“删减,削减,减少(某物)”。Lesson 66vFocus questions1. Why doesnt Lou seem his usual relaxed self?2. What bothers Lou? vAnswers to focus questions1.

13、Why doesnt Lou seem his usual relaxed self?Because he has a lot on his mind. (There have been some pretty strange things going on which he cant understand.)2. What bothers Lou?A valuable mask was taken from the Riveras home Thursday afternoon when Kate was alone in the apartment, and she didnt come

14、to work yesterday.Language points in the dialogue vDont you think youve been pushing yourself too hard, Lou? You dont seem your usual relaxed self. seem ones usual relaxed self=not look as relaxed as usual.看起 来不像平常那么轻松。 I have a lot on my mind.= A lot of things are bothering me. 我有烦心事儿。 vThereve bee

15、n some pretty strange things going on, and Ive been closing my eyes to them up to now. 有些 事情很奇怪,一直以来,我总是努力不去想。 vhave sth. on m mind:有心事。vclose ones eyes toignore, pay no attention to:“视而不 见”。vup to now = until/ till now.vBut lately, its been getting harder and harder not to put two and two together.

16、可最近却越来越 难避开一种想法。vget harder and harder: = become more and more difficult. vput two and two together: = come to some conclusions, / relate one thing to another.将事情联 系起来得出一个结论。 It has to do with Kate.肯定跟Kate有关。vhas sth. to do with sb/ sth:“与有关”,veg It has nothing to do with you.这与你无关。 vId be surprised if I ever saw her again.由于Lou 怀疑Kate不会再回来了,所以这里用了虚拟语气。 LISTEN IN: vFocus ques


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