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1、1一积词汇见多识广 课内单词回扣(一)阅读词汇写其义1suppose vt.认为,猜想 2.switch vt.转换,转变3midnight n._午夜,半夜 4.expert n._专家5sickness n._疾病 6.advertisement n广告7classic adj._古典的_ 8.solve vt.解决;解答(二)表达词汇写其形1complain vi.抱怨;投诉 2.reduce vt.减少;降低3stand vt.忍耐,忍受 4.otherwise adv.否则;另外5matter vi.要紧,有重大关系 6.design n after that well taketa

2、ke upup a new lesson.继续After he retired from office, my father tooktook upup painting for a while, but soon lost interest.开始从事take in 吸收;收留;欺骗;领会take on 雇用;承担(工作、责任);呈现take over 接管take . for granted 认为理所当然Technology is here to help us, but we should not allow it to take_over our lives.技术是用来帮助我们的,但我们

3、不应让它来接管我们的生活。The chameleon can take_on the colours of its background.变色龙可以变成周围环境的颜色。3atat thethe momentmoment 此刻,目前;那时教材原句 AtAt thethe momentmoment Im studying medicine at a university.现在我正在一所大学学习医学。at any moment 随时,马上for the moment 目前,暂时for a moment 一会儿in a moment 马上,过一会儿(常用于将来时)the moment (that) 一

4、就This house is big enough for_the_moment,_but well have to move if we have children.这房子现在还够大,但是如果有了孩子,我们还得搬家。They would just drop in on us for a chat at_any_moment.他们随时都会来我们这儿聊天。I found myself in an entirely new world the_moment I arrived in Beijing.我一到北京就感到耳目一新。4Usually,Usually, itsits soso crowded

5、crowded thatthat I I cantcant findfind anywhereanywhere toto sit.sit.通常地铁很拥挤,以至于我找不到坐的地方。(1)句中包含了 soso .that.that .固定结构,意为“如此以至于” ,so 后跟形容词或副词,在句中引导结果状语从句。其结构如下:14soadj./adv.that . soadj.an单数可数名词that . somany/few复数名词that . somuch/little 少不可数名词that .We did so_well_that we were invited to share our id

6、ea and experience with all the students of our school.(2016北京高考书面表达)我们做得如此好,以至于我们被邀请与我们学校的所有学生分享我们的想法和经验。There is so_much_work_to_do_that I wont be able to take off this year.有如此多的工作要做,以至于我今年没有时间休假。(2)such . that .“如此以至于” 。suchanadj.单数可数名词that . suchadj.复数名词/不可数名词that .He has made such_great_progres

7、s_that the teachers are pleased with him.他进步很快,老师们对他感到很满意。名师点津 (1)little 既有“少”的意思,又有“小”的意思。当“少”讲时后接不可数名词,用 so 修饰;当“小”讲时后接可数名词,用 such 修饰。(2)在上述结构中,当 so 或 such 位于句首时,主句用倒装结构。So fast_does_he_run that nobody in our class can catch up with him.他跑得非常快,以至于我们班没人能追上他。5WeWe dontdont havehave thethe_ _samesame

8、 workwork hourshours thatthat officeoffice workersworkers inin thethe citycity have.have.我们和城市里在办公室工作的人的上班时间不同。本句使用了 thethe samesame . thatthat 句型,先行词之前有 the same 作定语时,引导定语从句的关系词只能用 that 或 as。(1)the same ( .) that 意为“和一样” ,定语从句中 that 所指代的人或物与先行词是同一个。(2)the same ( .) as .意为“和一样,和相似” ,定语从句中 as 所指代的人或物

9、与先行词是同一类。This is the same iPhone 8 that I bought the other day.这是我前几天买的那部苹果 8 手机。(同一个)She has the same fair hair and blue eyes as her mother has.她和母亲一样有着金黄色的头发和蓝色的眼睛。(同一类)短语、句式过关练.用 gogo 短语填空(go over/go against/go off/go through)1If you go_against nature, it will punish you.2Go_over your homework be

10、fore you hand it in.3The lawyers went_through the evidence given by the witness.154We havent a fridge and the milk goes_off within a day in the hot weather.用 taketake 的相关短语完成下面语段(take on/take over/take in/take up/take off)昨天,我偶然遇到了一位老朋友。他原来在一所中学担任兼职教学工作。他告诉我,两年前,他决定从商,他的妻子接替了他的工作。现在,他的事业开始腾飞。过了几分钟我才

11、理解他所说的。Yesterday I came across an old friend of mine. He had 1.taken_on a parttime teaching job in a middle school. He told me that two years ago, his wife 2.took_over his work after he decided to 3.take_up business, and now, his career started 4.taking_off. It was several minutes before I could 5.t

12、ake_in what he was saying.句型转换/补全句子1He spoke so loudly that even people in the next room could hear him.So loudly did he speak that even people in the next room could hear him.2She is such a lovely girl that we all like her.She is so lovely a girl that we all like her.3我们不能以为父母给孩子钱是理所当然的。We shouldnt

13、_take_it_for_granted_that parents should give their children money.4快点!他随时都会回来。Hurry up! Hell be back at_any_moment.5我得说此刻我感到非常愉快。I must say I am really enjoying myself at_the_moment.6我摔了那么多跤以至于浑身青一块紫一块的。I have_had_so_many_falls_that Im black and blue all over.7这是我前几天丢的那辆自行车。This is the_same_bike_th

14、at I lost the other day.8这辆自行车和我前几天丢的那辆属于同一款自行车。This is the_same_bike_as I lost the other day.课堂双线提能 课堂一刻钟演练,实现教材与高考的对接提能一 用课文词汇写高分作文at the moment, take up, be filled with, be designed for, remote, suffer from, prefer to do sth. rather than do sth., go off, switch on161补全要点句(“黑体”部分选用上面方框中的单词或短语)汤姆目前

15、工作努力,工作占据了他大部分时间。Tom is working hard at_the_moment,_and work takes_up most of his time.生活中充满了挑战,机遇是为那些勤奋的人而设计的。 Life is_filled_with challenges and chances are_designed_for those hardworking people.每年他都要去很远的地方工作。He goes to_a_remote_place for work every year.他宁愿忍受远离家乡的痛苦,也不愿做一个终日懒散在家的人。He prefers_to_suffer_from being far away from his home rather_than_become a couch potato.每天闹钟一响他就起床,开始忙碌的一天。Every day, when his alarm clock goes_off,_he gets up and starts a busy day.他很繁忙,下班后也没有时间打开电视看电视连续剧。He is very busy, so he has no time to switch_on_the_TV to watch the TV series



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