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1、 TEST YOURSELF(Module 4, Unit 7)Listening Test Part (25分) I. 听句子,选出你听到的句子。每题听 两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分) 1. A. He shows his idea in the poem.B. He shows his feeling in the poem.C. He expresses his feeling in the letter. 2. A. The man got out of the crowd.B. The man rushed out of the crowd.C. The man rushed in

2、the crowd.第二和三版3. A. Mr White often talked about his daughter.B. Mr White is often angry with hisdaughter.C. Mr White is often worried about hisdaughter. 4. A. The seller is kind and he often laughs.B. The seller is polite and he often smiles.C. The seller is kind and he likes to laugh. 5. A. The he

3、ight of the tower is 150 metres.B. The height of the building is 100 metres.C. The height of the tower is 50 metres.II. 听句子,选出与你听到的句子意思最相近的句子。每题听两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分 6. A. Im not sure why you will come to myparty.B. I want to know why you didnt cometo my party.C. I dont know why you didnt come tomy party.

4、7. A. Tom is tired after studying for a long time.B. Tom is so tired that he cantcontinue to study.C. Tom feels tired and he doesnt want to study. 8. A. There are no people at the train station.B. I know the people at the train station.C. There are a large group of people atthe train station.9. A. G

5、etting up early is good forpeople.B. People must get up early.C. Most people like to get up early. 10. A. This is an uninteresting poem.B. I dont know the meaning of thepoem.C. How interesting the poem is!III. 听对话及对话后的问题,选择正确答案。对话听两遍。 共5小题,每小题1分 11. Where are they talking?A. On a bus. B. On a train.

6、C. On a plane. 12. What are they talking about?A. The speech competition.B. Their English study.C. Their classmates.13. What can we see in the boys poems?A. His favourite hobby.B. His love for his grandma.C. His dream job. 14. What is important in a poem in theboys opinion?A. Complete sentences.B. T

7、he rhyme. C. The meaning. 15. What does Steven White do?A. A teacher. B. A poet.C. A singer.IV. 听短文,选择正确答案。短文听两遍。(每小题1分,共5分) 16. How old was Zang Kejia when he died?A. 95. B. 99. C. 105. 17. Where was Zang Kejia from?A. Shandong. B. Beijing.C. Shanghai. 18. Why was Zang Kejia called “Farmerpoet”?A.

8、He was a farmer.B. He liked farmers.C. His poems were about farmers.19. When did Zang Kejia begin to publish his works?A. In 1923. B. In 1925. C. In 1920. 20. What happened in 1929?A. His first poem was published on anewspaper.B. The poem Old Horse was published.C. He began to learn to write poems.P

9、oetThe name of the bookThe timeThe contentXu Zhimo21. _Between 1922 and 1924Feelings and 22. _Guo MoruoGoddessBetween 23. _ _Wars and revolutions24. _QilixiangLove for 25. _ _V. 听短文,做笔记。每空所填词数不 限。短文听两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)life andkidsZhimos Poembeautiful sights1919 and 1921Xi MurongWritten Test Part (75分) VI

10、. 选择填空 (20分) i. 从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选 项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项 。(每小题1分,共5小题) 26. As we disagreed with each other, we had to discuss it later. A. didnt know B. didnt help C. didnt agree D. didnt like_27. Every morning, a crowd of people waitfor the underground.A. not any B. someC. many D. not many28. Do you hav

11、e the complete works of GuoJingming?A. part of the B. all theC. the successful D. the right_29. When the bell rang, all the students rushed out of the classroom.A. went out B. ran out quicklyC. walked out D. came out slowly30. Please speak aloud so that everyone canhear you.A. in a slow voice B. in

12、a good voiceC. in a clear voice D. in a loud voice_ii. 从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(每小题1分,共15小题) 31. What _ you _? Im afraid I will fail the exam.A. are; worry about B. do; worry withC. are; worried aboutD. are; worried with32. _ nice present you gave me!Thank you. Im glad you like it.A. How B

13、. WhatC. How a D. What a 33. I _ all the way but I am stilllate. Im so sorry. It doesnt matter this time. But please _ here on time next time.A. hurried; come B. walked; will comeC. arrived; to come D. ran; coming34. The bag is _ heavy for the little boy _. Shall we go and help him?A. to; to carry B

14、. too; to carryC. so; carry D. very; to carry 35. Steven. _ silly! You cant finish the work. But my brother wants me _a try. A. Not be; to have B. Not to be; having C. Not being; having D. Dont be; to have36. Look at the sign. “_ swimming!” So it _ be dangerous to swimhere.A. Dont; must B. Not; mayC

15、. Not be; can D. No; must 37. What will the weather be like thisSunday? It will be fine. _ climb themountain.A. Lets B. LetsC. Lets to D. Let us to38. How did the fans _ whentheir team shot the first goal? They got very excited and shouted_ for more than one minute.A. feeling; aloud B. feel; aloudC. feeling; again D. feel; again 39. Lets go and see the monkeys. OK. Look! _ cute they arewhen they ask for food!A. How B. WhatC. What a D. Ho


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