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1、八年级下册 Modules 4、51. borrow(v. ) _ (反义词义词 )借出2. record (v. ) _ (n. )录录音机 3. two (num. ) _ (adv. )两次 _ (n. )第二;秒4. appear(v. ) _ (反义词义词 )消失 _ (n. )出现现lendrecordertwiceseconddisappearappearance5. right (adj. ) _ (反义词义词 )错误错误 的;失常的6. medicine (n. ) _ (adj. )医学的;医疗疗的7. suggest (v. ) _ (n. )建议议8. agree (v

2、. ) _ (n. )同意;赞赞成 _ (反义词义词 )拒绝绝;谢绝谢绝wrongmedicalsuggestionagreementrefuse9. final(adj. ) _ (adv. )最后;最终终10. punish(v. ) _ (n. )惩罚惩罚 ;处罚处罚11. true(adj. ) _ (n. )事实实;真理 _ (adv. )真实实地;诚挚诚挚 地 12. honest (adj. ) _ (反义词义词 )不诚实诚实 的 finallypunishmenttruthtrulydishonest【品词词自测测】根据句意用所给词给词 的适当形式填空He is a _ (ho

3、nest) boy so we seldom believe what he says. My son was very unhappy to fail his _ (finally) exam. The _ (two)Sunday in May is Mothers Day. 答案:dishonest final second1. 打开/关闭闭 turn _ / _2. 开动动/赶快/加油come _3. 把和连连起来connect. . . _ . . . 4. 挽救某人的生命_ ones life5. 捡捡起/拾起pick _6. 能,会 be _ to7. 因感到自豪;以为为荣be p

4、roud _onoffontosaveupableof8. 撵撵走,开除send _9. 出毛病;出故障go _10. 确保;保证证make _11. 生某人的气be angry _12. 毕毕竟_ all13. tell the truth_14. at least_15. warn sb. about sth. _16. take off_awaywrongsurewithafter说实话说实话 ;讲讲真相至少警告某人某事卸掉;拿走1. 如果你想打开录录音机,请请按蓝蓝色键键。_ you _ to turn on the recorder, _ the blue button. 2. 你行

5、, 我可不行!_ you _ me! 3. 如果我弹弹奏得好,我将在明星大搜索演唱会期间间表演独奏。And _ I _ well, _ _ the solo during the Starsearch concert. IfwantpressRatherthanifplayIll play4. 我认为认为 并非任何人都能那样样做。_ _ _ anyone _ _ able to do that. 5. 上周,我在图书馆图书馆 做家庭作业业,而不是整理书书架。Last week, I was doing my homework at the library _ _ tidying up the

6、shelves. 6. 听说说(那件事)我很难过难过 (同情)。_ _ _ _ _. I dont thinkwill beinstead ofIm sorry to hear that if从句【见见P168】1. lend v. (lent, lent) 借出Chen Huan wants a recording for his programme, and he lent me his CD recorder. 陈欢陈欢 想为为他的节节目录录音, 就把他的CD录录音机借给给了我。He _ his umbrella to me yesterday, so I didnt get wet.

7、A. borrowed B. kept C. lent D. boughtHow long may I _ the library book? For two weeks. A. get B. borrow C. lend D. keepI lent Sally some money yesterday. (改为为同义义句)I _ some money _ Sally yesterday. =Sally _ some money _ me yesterday. lendborrow【自主归纳】借 出借 入lend sb. sth. =lend sth. _(介词词) sb. 借给给某人某物bo

8、rrow onessth. =borrow sth. _ (介词词) sb. 向 某人借某物fromlend sth. to sb. = lend sb. sth. 借给给borrow sth. from sb. =borrow ones sth. 向某人借某物to【温馨提示】表示某物借用了多长时间时长时间时 ,用keep代替borrow。答案: C D lent; to; borrowed; from2. such adj. 如此,这样这样 But thats such a pity! 但是那样样真是可惜!(2012贵贵阳中考)Teresa is _ nervous _ she cant t

9、alk in front of the class. A. such; that B. too; to C. so; thatI have _ many words to tell you. A. so B. such C. very D. muchWe had so exciting a moment on the beach last weekend. (改为为同义义句 )We had _ _ _ _ on the beach last weekend. _+ adj. + 复数名词词 + adj. + 不可数名词词 _+adj. /adv.+many/few+复数名词词+much/lit

10、tle+不可数名词词_ +a/an+adj. +单单数名词词 = _ +adj. +a/an+单单数名词词【自主归纳】 such/so用法辨析答案:C A such an exciting momentsuchsosuchso【判断抢抢答】判断下面句子的正误误I have never seen so beautiful flowers. ( )Workers cant go abroad in such difficult condition. ( )There are so many trees on the bank of the river. ( )【动脑动脑 想一想】so. . . t

11、hat与such. . . that的异同:都是“如此以至于”之意,但so修饰饰形容词词和副词词,such修饰饰名词词。3. turn on 打开If you want to turn on the recorder, press the blue button. 如果你想打开录录音机, 请请按蓝蓝色键键。请请先打开窗户户再打开电视电视 吧。Please _ the window first and then _ the TV. Its time for bed, Jenny. Please _ the computer and wash your face. A. put on B. put

12、 off C. turn off D. turn onI cant hear clearly. Please _ the radio a little. A. turn on B. turn offC. turn up D. turn to【自主归纳归纳 】turn on用法小结结on/ _ 打开/关闭闭(1) turn _ /down调调大/调调小(2)turn on/off与open/close_ 指“打开/关闭闭(电视电视 、电电灯、水龙头龙头 等)”_ 指“打开/关上(门门窗、箱子、书书本等)”offupturn on/offopen/close(3)有关turn的其他短语语turn

13、_把变变成,译译成turn _翻身,翻转转turn _转转身答案: open;turn on C Cintooveraround4. instead of代替Last week, I was doing my homework at the library instead of tidying up the shelves. 上周,我在图书馆图书馆 做家庭作业业,而不是整理书书架。Miss Lee didnt eat rice. She ate noodles instead. (改为为同义义句)Miss Lee ate noodles _ _ rice. When the young man returned to his hometown, he found many high modern building _ sold ones. A. because of B. instead ofC. together with D. out of_副词词,意为为“代替”“替代”,通常位于句尾;



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