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1、Women of achievement1. achievement n. 成绩, 成就 They were proud of their childrens achievements. Even a small success gives you a sense of achievement.achieve vt. 完成(事情),成就No one can achieve anything without effort. I have achieved all I hoped to do today.我已做完我今天想做的事。 (2) 达成(目的等);赢得(名声等 )achieve ones s

2、uccess 获得成功achieve ones ambition 实现抱负achieve ones goal 达到目标He _ after several years hard work. (获得成功 )(achieve ) Lucy _ all of the goals she set for herself in high school and is ready for new challenges at university. (成功实现了 ) (succeed, achieve )achieved his successhas succeeded in achieving2. Conn

3、ection n. 联系, 关系a commection between A and B A 与B 之间的关系、联系have a direct/close/strong connection with sth 与某事有直接的 、密切的、牢固的联系There is a strong connection between smoking and heart disease. Is there any connection between the two organizations? The company has close commections with a number of America

4、n firms.(there is any connection(2) in connection with 关于,有关 The police are qestioning the two men in connection with the bank robbery. He asked me many questions in connection with life in Britiain. Do you think _ between the two cases of murder?(有关系)connect vt. 连接,把联系起来; 给接通电话 The two cities are c

5、onnected by a railway. The case cant be connected with the accident.3. behave Vi. 行为,举止,行为表现 They behaved very badly towards their guests. He behaved in a very strange way. You behaved like a complete fool. she behaved as if she were a child.(2) 行为检点,守规矩 I want you to behave yourselves while Im away

6、. 我不在家时你们要乖。 (3) behaviour n. 态度;举止 Their behaviour towards me shows that they do not like me. She was ashamed of her childrens bad behaviour.If you dont know_ yourself at table in foreigh country, you should copy the host.(如何守规 矩) 答案: how to behave Generally speaking , those _ at school are usually

7、 popular with their parents at home. (表现好)答案:who behave themselves well4.worthwhile adj. 值得的 ,值得做的His success makes all our efforts worthwhile. Youd better spend your time in reading some worthwhile books. 句型:Its worthwhile to do/ doing值得做某事Sensitive people dont think _ things which are not needed e

8、ven at a low price. (值得买) (worthwhile) 答案:it (is) worthwhile to buy / buying比较: be (well) worth doing The book is well worth reading. (2) worthy adj.be worthy of sth.of being doneto be doneThe place is worthy of a visit.of being visited.to be visited.5.observe vt. 观察到, 看到,注意到 observe+ sb doing sth 观

9、察到某人做某事sb do sth 观察到某人做了某事 sth 观察某事物that 观察到The teacher observed a boy cheating in the examination and scolded him. I observed him stop at the gate. Tom was obseved to steal from the shop. The police have been observing his movements. He has observed the stars for twenty years. We observed that it h

10、ad turned cloudy.(2)遵守,庆祝 We should observe the rules and regulations. Do you observe Christmas in your country? Tom was obsered _ (偷了一条 领带)from the shop the other day. 答案:to steal a tie6.inspire vt. 鼓舞,激发Success has been inspiring us to make still greater efforts. His speech inspired us to try agai

11、n. I was inspired to work harder than ever before. His encouraging remarks inspired me with confidence.(2) 感动,启示,给予灵 The beauty of the West Lake inspired a lot of poets to write their great poetry. He was greatly inspired by his teachers inspiring words. Inspired by his inspiring speech,all of us ar

12、e determined to study harder.7.Work out (1) 理解,说出, 判断 I cant work out the meaning of the poem. The map is wrong. I cant work out where we are now. (2) (情况等)发展,进行 Things have worked out badly情况不妙。(3) 算出,解除 Can you work out how much money it will need? (4) 制定,拟定 Youd better work out a plan ahead of ti

13、me. So carelessly did he write_ (我辨认不出) his handwriting.(work) 答案:that I couldnt work out.8.Crowd in (1)(想法,问题等) 涌上心头 She sat in silence, and memories crowded in on her. 她静静地坐着,往事一齐涌上心头。 (2)大量涌入(狭小的空间) Students managed to crowd into the bus.学生们设法挤上了公交车。 The football fans crowded into the field.9. 以o

14、nly+状语(介词短语,副词,状 语从句等)开头的句子要部分倒装, 即:把谓语的一部分(如情态动词, 助动词等)放在主句前。 Only with effort can we finish the project. Only when I reached the top of the mountain did I feel a great sense of achievement. Only after he left school did he begin to do chimp research. Only then did I realize that I was wrong. Only

15、in this way can you work out the problem. 注意:倒装结构只用于主句,从句不倒 装,only修饰名词,代词时,句子不倒 装。 Only you can find out the truth. Only women doctors were allowed to work in that hospital.10.make=being or becoming sth. 有条件成为 She will make a good dancer when she grows up.她长大了会成为一名很好的舞蹈演员。 Cold tea makes an excellent drink in summer.在夏天,凉茶是一种很好的饮料。 I often dream of making a doctor.11. Warn vt.警告,告诫,提醒 Warn sb +of/about 警告某人 She warned me about the dangerous road, so I crossed it carefully. He has been warned of the danger of driving the car in that way. (2) Warn sb ag


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