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1、地质二中英语组短文改错解题指导短文改错解题指导短文改错的特点短文改错的特点1、在语篇中考查学生对词汇 、语法、修辞等要素的掌握情 况;2、从词汇、句子和篇章结构 等层次上考查学生对语言的观 察、理解、评判、运用和反思 的能力。1.名词a.(2000) She said that she and my schoolmate all wished me success.b.(91) We stopped to rest for a while and drink some waters. _ c.(98) We practise three times every week and often w

2、atch football match on TV . _ d.He collected some informations about computers. _schoolmateswatermatchesinformation单句改错的几个方面 名词的单复数 、所属格1.名词2.代词a.(96) The Smiths did his best to make me feel at home. _theirb. Ill spend all the whole weekend reading . _allc. He is sitting between you and I. _med. Tom

3、 and Bob all needed some new clothes. _both单句改错的几个方面 代词的种类(人称 、物主、反身、指示、 相互、不定、疑问、连接、关系)、呼应 、数域。1.名词2.代词 3.冠词 a. (98) Each player must obey captain, who is the leader of the team. _ the b. (96) Today I visited the Smiths-my first visit to a American family. _c. (91) I decided to climb the tree to se

4、e where we were, but it was no use . _anad. What a great progress he has made . _a单句改错的几个方面 冠词的种类、 习惯用法、泛 指、类指和特 指。1.名词2.代词 3.冠词 4.介词a.(91) Bill insisted in staying near the car. _on b. (96) In fact, they are planning to visit China in next year. _inc. (98) We must keep in mind that we play for the

5、team instead ourselves. _ofd. She married with a man with a lot of money. _withe. (92) When I have free time I go a long walk. _for单句改错的几个方面 介词的习惯用 法、介宾的形 式。1.名词2.代词 3.冠词 4.介词 5.动词a.(97) Hello, I learn about you from my English teacher, Miss Fang. _learntc.(2000) I remembered her words and calm down

6、. I did a good job and won the first prize. _calmedb. When I got home , I found that my house had broken into. _ beend. In front of my house stand a tall tree._stands e. She smiled and nodding her head. _ nodded单句改错的几个方面 动词的时态、语 态、语气、主谓 一致、习惯用法 。1.名词2.代词 3.冠词 4.介词 5.动词 6.形容词/ 副词a. Who works the most

7、 careful inyour class? _carefullyb. This book isnt as cheaper as that one . _cheapc.The bad meat smells terribly. _ terribled.The hard you work, the greater progress youll make . _harder e. The Huanghe River is the second longer river in China . _longest单句改错的几个方面 形容词的习惯用 法、比较等级、 句子成分。1.名词2.代词 3.冠词 4

8、.介词 5.动词 6.形容词/ 副词 7.连词a. (2000) She is smiling at me but nodding at me . _andb. Though he works hard , but he didnt pass the exam. _butc. I liked the coat, and it was more than I would like to pay. _单句改错的几个方面 but连词的种类(并 列连词、从属连 词)、用法、行 文逻辑。1.名词2.代词 3.冠词 4.介词 5.动词 6.形容词/ 副词 7.连词a. (95)I had always w

9、anted return to the village after moving away. _toc. The boss makes them to work twelve hours a day. _to8.非谓语 动词b.I want to thank you again for have me in your home for the summer holiday. _havingd. (98) Play football not only makes us grow up tall and strong but also gives us a sense of fair play a

10、nd team spirit. _Playing单句改错的几个方面 动名词、分词、 不定式的句法功 能、位置等。1.名词2.代词 3.冠词 4.介词 5.动词 6.形容词/ 副词 7.连词 8.非谓 语动词 9.句子结构a. In the last five years that they have visted churches. _ that b.(93) Most people can quickly get help from a doctor or go to a hospital since they are ill. _ifc.(93) There are still some

11、countries there people have shorter lives. _whered. I live in Beijing , where is the capital of China. _which单句改错的几个方面 按句法结构分: 简单句、并列句、 复合句; 按交际功能分: 陈述句、疑问句、 祈使句、感叹句年份 形式20012002200320042005正确11111多词词22212缺词词12111错词错词65676修改的形式内容 年份名词词冠词词代词词连词连词介 词词形容词词 /副词词动词动词20012111112200211121122003112110320041

12、00133120051011213错误的设置in 2003NMET2003NMET When I first learned to write in English, I ran into many difficulties. The main problem 76._ was in that I always thought in Chinese and 77. _ tried to translate anything into English. My78. _ teacher advised me to keep my diary. I fol-79. _ lowed her advice and should put down 10080. _ words or so each day. Soon I began to enjoy talk to myself on paper as I was learning to81. _ express me in simple English. One day I82. _ wrote a little story and showed to my teacher.83. _ She liked it very much and reads



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