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1、被动语态的翻译语态是表明句子中谓语与主语之间关系的 一种语法手段。相比汉语,英语中被动语态使 用范围大、频率高。因此,在翻译时,我们可 以根据两种语言的习惯,从句式和辅助词语两 个方面进行语态转换。 1被动语态的翻译11.1 译成被动句英语被动句是由“助动词be+过去分词”构成,在译成汉语时,除了用 “被”表示外,还可以运用其他词语,如 “受”、“遭”、“让”、“给”、“由”、“把”、 “让”、“为所”、“加以”、“予以”等。例如:一、 英译汉中被动语态的翻译被动语态的翻译21) The optimists believe defeat is not their fault: circumst

2、ances, bad luck, or other people brought it about. Such people are not bothered by defeat. 乐观主义者相信失败并不是他们的错,环境、运气不佳 或其他人都可能造成自己的失败。这些人从不为失败所 困扰。美国人牛肉吃得很多,因为美国有大量的土地可用来 养牛,而且牛肉可以由铁路以低廉的价格进行长途运 输。2) Americans eat a lot of beef because there is plenty of land for raising cattle and their meat can be sh

3、ipped cheaply for long distance by railroad. 被动语态的翻译31.2 译成主动句英译汉时,不少英语被动句被译成汉语主动句,使句子更符合汉语习惯。Dont be alarmed if your newborn fails to be startled by loud noises or fails to turn toward sound.如果你的新生儿听到响声并不吃惊,或者没有把头转 向发出声音的方向,不必慌张。被动语态的翻译4When the meal is finished, the guests put their napkins on the

4、 table and rise. 吃完饭后,客人们把餐巾放在桌上并起身。被动语态的翻译5有些英语被动句并不突出强调被动动作,而着重对事物的状态、 过程和性质等加以描写,其作用与系表结构类似, 因此,此类句式 可翻译成中文的判断句。例如: 世界上最早的炸药是在中国制造和使用的。The first explosive in the world was made and used in China.被动语态的翻译6The monkeys were given sweet potatoes by scientists who wanted to attract them to the shore of

5、 an island. 科学家们给猴子白薯,想把它 们引到海岛的岸边。被动语态的翻译主语宾语交换,译成主动句。例如: 7A. 不加主语It is hoped that. 希望It is reported that 据报道It is said that. 据说It is supposed that 据推测It may be said without fear of exaggeration that 可以 毫不夸张地说It must be admitted that. 必须承认It must be pointed out that. 必须指出It will be seen from this t

6、hat 由此可见1.3 “It+ be+ past participle + that引导的从句”句型的翻译被动语态的翻译8B. 增加主语It is asserted that. 有人主张It is believed that. 有人相信(认为)It is generally considered that. 大家认为 It is well known that. 大家知道(众所周知)It will be said that 有人会说It was told that. 有人曾经说被动语态的翻译9Late in November, street lights and store windows

7、are decorated with the traditional Christmas colors of red and green. When optimists run for office, they are more apt to be elected than pessimists are.当乐观主义者参加竞选时,他们比悲观主义者更容易 当选。11月下旬,街灯和商店的橱窗都用红和绿这两种传统的 圣诞节颜色加以装饰。被动语态的翻译102.1 带有如 “被”、“受”、“遭”、“给”、“挨”等被动标记词的汉语 句子应该译成英语被动句。二、 汉译英中被动语态的翻译1) 被采访的孩子们的反

8、应是不同的。2) 他们认为他们受到了关爱与信任,这种感觉激励了他们的信心。3) 我发现昨天英语考试中我作弊的事当天晚上就让我父母知道了。Latchkey children who were interviewed reported diverse reactions.They felt loved and trusted, and this feeling encouraged them to be self-confident.I found that my cheating in yesterdays English test was known by my parents that ve

9、ry evening.被动语态的翻译112.2 含有被动意义的汉语句子应当译成英语的被动句这类句子在形式上没有被动标记:有主语有动词,但主语 不是谓语动词动作的执行者,有时主语缺席,但都有被动含义 ,英译时应该译成被动语态。例如:当他了解到需要什么以后就决定申请入会。基本建设速度加快,投资环境不断完善。The capital construction has been accelerated and the environment for investment has been continuously improved.When he learned what was required, h

10、e decided to apply for membership.被动语态的翻译122.3 无主句汉语中有些句子没有主语,翻译时可以用被动语态,可以 让原句里的动词宾语充当英语句子里的主语,而动词变为被动 形式的谓语,构成英语被动句。例如:1) 对这些评论应予以充分的讨论。2) 到目前为止还未得出结论。3) 该问题没得到注意。4) 表格要签名。These remarks should be discussed fully.So far, no conclusion has been reached.No attention was paid to the problem.The form h

11、as to be signed.被动语态的翻译132.4 泛指主语句汉语中有些句子用表示泛指的 “人们”、“有人”或 “大家” 等作主语,英译时通常都用被动语态。例如:1) 大家估计罢工明天会开始。2) 人们认为他现在住纽约。3) 人们推测他们总有一天会结婚的。4) 有人看见老教授深夜还在做试验。5) 大家认为,他对做这项工作很满足。It is expected that the strike will begin tomorrow.It is believed that he is living in New York.It is assumed that they will get married one day.The old professor was seen making an experiment late at night.He was considered quite satisfied with the job.被动语态的翻译14


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