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1、 大学英语教研室(一) 叶亚萍1.授课内容: Man and Nature (Book 3- Unit 1-Text A )2. 授课对象: 非英语专业大二学生3. 教学目标: 1). 读准本课生词 2). 熟悉课文内容 3). 就课文主题展开基本的口头表达4. 教学材料: 课本, 补充练习 5.教学步骤: 1). Warm-up (5-10 minutes) 2). Read the words (5-10 minutes) 3). Answer Questions (10 minutes) 4). Summarize the main ideas. (5-10 minutes) 5). G

2、et familiar with each paragraphs and difficult sentences. (30 minutes) 6). Short Review (5-10 minutes)Man and NatureWarm-Up With merits, yet poetically, man dwells on the earth. - Friedrich Holderlin Before Reading Global Reading Detailed Reading Before ReadingRead and ThinkWatch and ThinkThink and

3、Speak Several hundred years ago, German poet Holderlin wrote this sentence, which has been often quoted, and is now still quoted by people. Living in the 19 Century, Holderlin witnessed the first industrial revolution and the miracles it had created, while still being able to enjoy the beauty of the

4、 natural scenery and live a poetic and peaceful life. Before Reading Global Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Several hundred years ago, German poet Holderlin wrote this sentence, which has been often quoted, and is now still quoted by people. However, if we look at what around us, can we ask

5、ourselves, “Are we still dwelling on the earth poetically?“ Look at what around us outside - skyscrapers, crowded shopping malls, busy streets, smoking stacks.Can we call them poetic?Before Reading Global Reading Detailed Reading Before ReadingWarm-Up With merits, yet poetically, man dwells on the e

6、arth. - Friedrich Holderlin Before ReadingGlobal Reading Detailed Reading Before ReadingUseful ExpressionsOptional ActivitiesPicture TalkingProverbs1. 大自然的王国the realm of nature2. 为社会利益服务serve the interests of society3. 气候环境climatic conditions4. 在对的恐惧之中in fear of5. 日常必需品daily necessities6. 打着“文明”的旗号i

7、n the name of civilization7. 关注be concerned with8. 不可替代的自然资源irreplaceable natural resources9. 动态平衡dynamic balance10. 不祥之兆ominous signUseful ExpressionsOptional ActivitiesPicture TalkingProverbs13. 人工合成材料synthetic goods14. 从头到脚from head to foot15.自然循环16. 在于lie in17. 直到目前as yet18. 回到我们的主题上return to our theme19.自然规律laws of nature20. 结果是turn out11. 崩溃break down12. 工业废物industrial wastethe cycle of natural processes


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