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1、- English Course IIInternational Trade Dept. Ruizhou Technology 2011.11.21Contents 目录 初次会面日常用语 请求/提出帮助 餐桌用语 数字、货币、单位介绍 英文谚语初次会面日常用语 人称介绍 人称主谓搭配 见面问候语 答复问候语 介绍用语 告别用语 练习I / my / me 我 / 我的 / 我(宾语) You / your / you 你 / 你的 / 你(宾语) He / his / him 他 / 他的 / 他(宾语)初次会面日常用语人称介绍She / hers / her 她 / 她的 / 她(宾语)

2、We / ours / us 我们 / 我们的 / 我们(宾语) They / their / them 他(她/它)们 / 他(她/它)们的 / 他(她/它)们(宾语) I + am 缩写为 Im 如 I am Luna (我叫Luna) You + are 缩写为 Youre如 Youre from England. (你来自英国) He / She + is 缩写为 Hes / Shes 如 Hes out./ Shes busy. (他出去了。/ 她在忙。) We + are 缩写为Were如 Were manufacturer. (我们是生产商。) They + are 缩写为 Th

3、eyre如 Theyre our agents. (他们是我们的代理商。)初次会面日常用语人称主谓谓搭配 Hello / Hi 你好 Good morning. / Good afternoon. / Good evening. 早上好。/ 午安。/ 晚上好。 Nice to meet you. / Nice to see you. 很高兴见到您。/幸会。 Nice seeing you here. 在这认识你真好。 Good to see you here. 很高兴在这见到你。初次会面日常用语见见面问问候语语(1) Its a pleasure to meet/see you. 很高兴见到您

4、/幸会 How are you? / How do you do? 你好吗? Hows everything going with you? 一切都好吗?/ 最近过得如何? Hows your mother / your daughter / your son? 你妈妈/老婆/丈夫/女儿/儿子好吗?初次会面日常用语见见面问问候语语(2) Hello / Hi 你好 Good morning. / Good afternoon. / Good evening. 早上好。/ 午安。/ 晚上好。 Nice to meet you, too. / Nice to see you, too.我也很高兴见

5、到您。/幸会。 Thank you. Its good to see you too. 谢谢。能在这碰到你,我也很高兴。 How do you do? 你好吗?初次会面日常用语答复问问候语语(1) Fine, thank you, and you? 很好,谢谢,你呢? Not bad 还不错 / 还不赖 So far, so good. 过得去 Pretty well 相当好 / 挺不错的 Im OK, what about you? 我挺好的,你呢? Cant be better! 不能再好了 / 非常好! Shes fine. / Hes very well. / They are goo

6、d. 她 / 他 / 他们挺好的。 初次会面日常用语答复问问候语语(2) Let me introduce myself. 请允许我作自我介绍。 Allow me to introduce myself. 请允许我作自我介绍 Im Luna. 我叫Luna My name is Luna. 我的名字叫Luna This is Luna. 我是Luna(电话自我介绍用语)初次会面日常用语介绍绍用语语 1)自我介绍 Let me introduce my colleague /our manager /my boss to you. 让我给你介绍我的同事/经理/老板 Allow me to int

7、roduce 请允许我向你介绍 Hes / Shes Tony. 他叫Tony。 His name is Tony. 他的名字叫Tony. This is Tony. 这是Tony。 That is Tony. 那是Tony。初次会面日常用语介绍绍用语语 2)介绍绍他人 Whats your name, please? 请问您叫什么名字呢? May I have your name, please? 能告诉我您叫什么名字吗? Are you Miss Liu? 您是刘小姐吗? Is this Miss Liu? 这是刘小姐吗? Is he Mr. Guo? 这是郭先生吗? Is she Mis

8、s Chen? 这是陈小姐吗?初次会面日常用语介绍绍用语语 3)询问询问 他人名字(1) How do you spell it? 应该怎么拼呢? Can you spell it, please? 能不能麻烦您拼一下呢?初次会面日常用语介绍绍用语语 3)询问询问 他人名字 (2)4)回答 Yes, I am. 是的,我是。 Yes, he is. / Yes, she is. 是的,就是他/她。 Yes, youre right. 是的,你猜对了。 Goodbye. / Bye. / Byebye. 再见 See you. 再见 See you later. 待会见 See you tomo

9、rrow. 明天见 Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到您。/幸会。 Nice to see you. 很高兴认识您。 I have to go. / I have to leave. 我必须走了。初次会面日常用语告别别用语语(1 ) Enjoy your stay here. 过得愉快。 Enjoy your time. 过得愉快。 Have fun. 玩的开心。 Wish you a good day. 希望您有个美好的一天。 Have a nice day. 祝您今天愉快。 Good day. 再见初次会面日常用语告别别用语语(2)初次会面日常用语练习练习1. 每三人一组,自由

10、练习自我介绍、介绍他 人; 2. Jack,Lucy和Tom三人在一个活动上认识, 以下是他们初次见面的简单对话 ,请把以下 句子整理成一段简单的对话。 初次会面日常用语A. Lucy, this is Tom, our sales manger. Tom, shes Lucy. B. Good, thanks. C. Hello, my name is Jack. D. Thats very kind of you. Byebye. E. Nice to meet you too, Jack. F. Hi, I am Lucy. G. Nice to meet you, Lucy. H. I

11、m sorry. I have to go now. Enjoy your stay here. I. Lucy, let me introduce our manager to you. J. Good to see you Lucy. K. Its good to see you too Tom. L. Thank you. Wish you a good day, too. M. Bye.初次会面日常用语C. Hello, my name is Jack. F. Hi, I am Lucy. G. Nice to meet you, Lucy. E. Nice to meet you t

12、oo, Jack. I. Lucy, let me introduce our manager to you. B. Good, thanks. A. Lucy, this is Tom, our sales manger. Tom, shes Lucy. J. Good to see you Lucy. K. Its good to see you too Tom. H. Im sorry. I have to go now. Enjoy your stay here. L. Thank you. Wish you a good day, too. D. Thats very kind of

13、 you. Byebye. M. Bye.参 考 答 案 请求/提出帮助 请请求帮助 提出帮助 回复 对话练习 对话练习-补充信息 请求复述 Could you help me? 你能不能帮我一个忙? Can you help me? 你能帮我吗? Please help me. 请帮帮我。 Give me a hand, please. 请帮我一下。请求/提出帮助请请求帮助 May I help you? 要我帮忙吗? Is there anything I can help? / Anything I can help?Anything I can do for you? 有什么我可以帮忙

14、的呢?/ 我能为您做什么? Would you like my help? 需要我帮忙吗? Would you like me to give you a hand? 需不需要我帮一下呢? Want a help? 要帮忙吗?(口语化)提出帮助请求/提出帮助 Yes, please. 好的,请帮我一下。 No, thanks. No, thank you. No, thank you all the same. 不用,谢谢。回复 请求/提出帮助 Thanks / Thank you. / Thanks a lot. / Thank you very much. 谢谢!表达感谢谢 请求/提出帮助

15、 Youre welcome. / Not at all. / Dont mention it. /Its my pleasure. / My pleasure. 不客气!别客气!对对感谢谢的回答 A: Hello, my name is Kate. Whats your name, please? 您好,我的名字叫Kate。请问怎么称呼您呢? B: Hello, Im Tom. 您好,我叫Tom。 A: Oh, hi Tom. Nice to meet you. Is there anything I can help? Tom您好,很高兴见到您,请问有什么可以帮到您的呢? B: Yes, please! Id like to know the price of your machine. 有的!我想了解一下你们公司及其的价格。 A: OK, let me introduce the responsible person to you.



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