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1、 Expressions同比环比持平负增长增长/上升减少/下降3*商务英语中常见增长/下降表达方法增加与增长、提高 关于04年中央和地方预算执行情况及05年中央和地方预 算草案的报告 2005年预算的主要指标安排如下:中央财政总收入16662.08亿 元,比2004年增加1580.54亿元,增长10.5%。 The targets are as follows. Total revenue in the central budget should be 1.666208 trillion yuan, an increase of 158.054 billion yuan or 10.5 per

2、cent over 2004. 中央财政总支出19662.08亿元,比2004年增加1387.69亿元, 增长7.6%。 Expenditures in the central budget should total 1.966208 trillion yuan, a year-on-year rise of 138.769 billion yuan or 7.6 percent.4*中华人民共和国2004年国民经济和社会发展统计公报 第一产业增加值20744亿元,增长6.3%。 The added value of the primary industry was 2,074.4 billi

3、on yuan, up by 6.3 percent(up 6.3 percent).中国7月份CPI和PPI双双同比下降-金融时报-2009-08-11 今年7月,中国固定资产投资同比增长32.9%。工业增加值同比增 长10.8%,为9个月以来的最高增速。 Fixed asset investment rose 32.9 per cent from a year earlier in July while industrial output expanded by 10.8 per cent, the fastest rate in nine months.中国5月工业增加值及零售大幅增长-

4、金融时报-2009- 06-12 今年5月,中国工业增加值同比增长8.9%,高于4月份7.3%的增速 。 Industrial production rose 8.9 per cent in May from a year earlier, higher than Aprils 7.3 per cent growth.5*中国6月份汽车销量劲升48%-金融时报-2009-07-10 昨日公布的数据显示,中国6月份乘用车销售较去年同期增长了48% 。 Chinas passenger car sales rose 48 per cent in June on the same month las

5、t year, according to data released yesterday. 今年上半年,中国汽车总销售量同比增长18% total vehicles sales rose 18 per cent for the first half year to 6.1m from the same period last year中国第二季度GDP增长7.9%-金融时报-2009-07-16 李晓超表示,固定资产投资快速增长,今年上半年同比增长了33.5% 。 Mr Li said that fixed asset investment rose strongly, up 33.5 per

6、 cent in the first half of the year compared to the same period in 2008.6*韩国经济实现五年半来最快增长-金融时报-2009-07- 24 韩国央行周五表示,制造业环比增长8.2%,其中,电子和化工行 业发挥了重要作用。 The central bank on Friday said the manufacturing sector grew 8.2 per cent quarter-on-quarter, with electronics and chemicals playing a major role.日企业破产数

7、量一年来首次下降-金融时报-2009-06- 09 但4月份工业产值环比增长5.2%,创下50多年来最快增幅。But industrial production in April rose 5.2 per cent from the previous month, the fastest rise in more than half a century.7*英国2月失业率大幅上升导致英镑大跌-金融时报-2009-03-19“对于实际消费者支出增幅将在2011年前恢复正值,我们表示怀疑,因为英国整 体经济今、明两年都将出现负增长,” ”We doubt that real consumer sp

8、ending growth will return to positive territory until 2011 with the UK economy as a whole recording negative growth for both this year and next,”分析:中国高官称看到经济复苏迹象-金融时报-2009-03-09 他补充称,广东省政府希望避免全年出口负增长。“在出口可能与去年基本持平的 情况下,广东仍然有望实现8.5%的增长目标,” He added the provincial government hoped to avoid negative ex

9、port growth for the full year. “With zero per cent growth in exports, we can still achieve our growth target of 8.5 per cent。 数据显示:欧元区也许走出衰退最糟糕阶段-金融时报-2009-04-24 本周早些时候,国际货币基金组织(IMF)曾预测,今年欧元区经济衰退将比美国 更为严重,2010年仍将维持负增长。 Earlier this week, the International Monetary Fund forecast the eurozone recessio

10、n would be deeper this year than in the US, with growth still contracting in 2010.练习The Chinese economy expanded 11.1 per cent in the first half compared to the same period last year, pointing to a considerable slowdown in the second quarter of the year.中国经济上半年同比增长11.1%,表明第二季 度经济增长明显减速。中国6月份工业产出同比涨幅

11、出现骤降,从5月 份的16.5%降至13.7%,进一步加深了经济增长 显著减速的印象。 The impression of a significant slowdown was reinforced by a sharp drop in the year-on-year growth of industrial production in June, falling to 13.7 per cent from 16.5 per cent in May.练习上个月,中国轿车销量同比上升15.4%,增幅超过6月 的10.9%,但远远低于5月的25%。环比来看,7月销 量比6月下降3.4%,连续第四

12、个月呈现跌势。7月出口同比增长38.1%,增速其实已经较6月的 43.9%有所放缓。但进口增长放缓更多,从6月的 34.1%减速到22.7%Last month, sales of passenger cars in China rose 15.4 per cent from a year earlier, a pick-up from Junes 10.9 per cent growth but a steep fall from Mays 25 per cent rise. On a month-on-month basis, sales dropped 3.4 per cent from

13、 June, their fourth consecutive decline.The pace of increase in exports actually fell last month to 38.1 per cent, year-on-year, down from 43.9 per cent in June. However, import growth slowed even more, moving up 22.7 per cent against 34.1 per cent in June.In the second quarter of this year, Baidu s

14、aid revenue had totalled $282.3m, a 48 per cent rise from the previous three months and a 74.4 per cent jump from the same period a year ago. nNet income was $123.5m, rising 74.3 per cent from the first quarter and 118.5 per cent from the same period in 2009. For the third quarter, Baidu said it exp

15、ected revenue of $324.4m-$333.3m. 今年第二季度,百度宣布实现总收入 2.823亿美元,环比增长48%,同比激增 74.4%。净利润为1.235亿美元,环比增长74.3% ,同比激增118.5%。百度表示,预计第 三季营收将达3.244亿至3.333亿美元。11*减少与下降、收缩、萎缩中华人民共和国2004年国民经济和社会发展 统计公报 糖料产量9528万吨,减产1.2%。 The output of sugar crops was 95.28 million tons, a decrease of 1.2 percent. 全年实际建设占用耕地14.5万公顷,

16、比上年减少 37.0%。 The whole year saw 145,000 hectares of farmland actually used for construction, down by 37 percent from previous year.12*日企业破产数量一年来首次下降-金融时报- 2009-06-09 5月份企业破产数量同比下降6.7%,至1203例,为一年 来最低水平。 The number of company failures in May declined 6.7 per cent year-on-year to 1,203, the lowest level in a year中国进出口下降但投资飙升-金融时报-2009- 06-12 出口同比下降26.4%,比4月份22.6%的降幅更大


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